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Bastard Bryza gets smacked!

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  • #11
    Vladimir Kazimirov: You Cannot Be Half-pregnant

    AZG Armenian Daily #122, 01/07/2006

    Co-Chairs Tired of Waiting

    "It’s hard for me to make judgments on this as I am not in the negotiations and know many things not from the first hand but other sources. That’s why my speculation can have only a relative value," Vladimir Kazimirov, former Russian co-chair to the OSCE Minsk Group told daily Azg commenting on the Minsk Group co-chairs’ Vienna statement on June 22 in. "From all I know, I agree with the co-chairs on the measures they suggest but not the sequence of their implementation. If you have noticed the part about two-sided and international guarantees comes after the presidents’ proposals. I think everything that has to do with nonviolence and guarantees against using force should be placed not in the first phase but in the zero phase. I don’t think it’s good to put the part about guarantees at the end of the statement. It should be strongly emphasized that no matter how many phases there are, they should follow an internationally validated obligation to refrain from using force for settling disputable issues of this conflict. This has to be on the first place as a zero phase."

    As to the stage-by-stage content of the co-chairs’ statement and the vague wording about Nagorno Karabakh status, Vladimir Kazimirov said: "Yes indeed, the issue of referendum is put in a vague sentence. Nothing is said about concrete date. The statement says that the issue of status will be an object of separate negotiations but neither dates nor conditions are mentioned. The Azeri side was quick to respond saying that no referendum is possible as the country’s constitution allows plebiscites only on all-Azerbaijani level. But there is a question: is that not clear why Azerbaijani constitution has such a clause? It was added as an amendment well taking into account the Karabakh conflict in order not to allow Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh voice their opinion. It is over doubt. But where in the international practice we can see an example when the whole nation votes? For instance in Quebec only local residents voted but not Canada as a whole.

    "Statements that Azerbaijani constitution does not foresee such referendums are not convincing. Today’s Azerbaijani constitution was written having in mind the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. In the meantime, no matter how the dispute is resolved definitely Azerbaijani constitution will be needed to undergo changes even if Karabakh gets the widest autonomy within Azerbaijan as Azeris dream.

    "There were exaggerated expectations that the conflict will get resolved in 2006. But that was an illusion. Half of the year has passed and no progress was achieved. Even if we consider the sides’ statements that Armenia and Azerbaijan have never before been so close to a solution, there are still discords between them.

    "In such conditions one can understand the annoyance of the co-chairs. I am familiar with such situation. The co-chairs are disappointed that the two presidents find no ways to meet each other half way."

    Asked whether it is right and timely to make public parts of a document that is still being discussed and elaborated, Kazimirov said: "As the saying goes, one cannot be half-pregnant. Either the whole content of the documents should be revealed or they should be kept under wraps. The current situation is incomplete. Firstly, Matthew Bryza’s interview then the MG co-chairs’ statement. Both are only part of the document presented by the Armenian and Azerbaijan presidents. Should they go on with publicizing or stop? It’s up to the o-chairs and the sides to decide. But Serge Sargsian, for one, spoke lately for making the documents public.

    I was not delighted when back in 1997-98 Heydar Aliyev revealed all three documents of that time and Yerevan did the same in 2-3 days. At any rate, the societies got some understanding on how the talks are going. But do not forget that in 1997-98 all proposals – package, stage-by-stage or the state’s – used to be presented to the three sides of the conflict. But today co-chairs present their proposals to Armenia and Azerbaijan but not to all the sides."

    By Aghavni Harutyunian
    "All truth passes through three stages:
    First, it is ridiculed;
    Second, it is violently opposed; and
    Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


    • #12
      Originally posted by Gavur

      29.06.2006 15:45

      NKR Defense Minister, Lieutenant-General Seyran Ohanyan declared
      today in Yerevan that the latest meetings between the Presidents of
      Armenia and Azerbaijan "cannot be considered negotiations process."

      Seyran Ohanyan said that Azerbaijan continues to oppose the involvement
      of NKR authorities in the talks, "which evidences that the Azeri side
      does not want to resume the full negotiations process."

      Commenting on the Azeri statements on resolving the question in a
      military way, Seyran Ohanyan declared, "We are not afraid of war and
      in case of necessity we are confident of our ability to resolving
      military problems."

      ...If there is a next time, we will go all the way to Baku, and there will be NO negotiation, the land will (again) become ours and the conflict will be resolved. With any luck, I'll be there in person...


      • #13
        Do you no the sad part Azeri's have more in common with us (because of their persian roots) then the Turks have with them ! The pan-Turanian "Turks" with the support of petrol interests of the great powers turned them against us by fabricating history.

        "All truth passes through three stages:
        First, it is ridiculed;
        Second, it is violently opposed; and
        Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

        Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


        • #14
          The deal:It is honed and you have to decide whether you want it or not


          Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
          June 29 2006

          "I was not surprised my first interview in the post of co-chair caused
          a stir.

          Because we knew -- the co-chairs knew -- and my predecessor Steven
          Mann, the co-chair before I assumed responsibility on the very day of
          that interview, knew that what they had just announced at the OSCE
          was significant and would make people think twice, and would spark,
          as we like to put it, a robust debate in the region. I was simply
          in the unenviable position of having been on this newest assignment
          for an hour and I was the guy that got to explain the decision that
          others had made before me," Matthew Bryza, the new U.S. co-chair of
          the Minsk Group stated in an interview with the RFE/Radio Liberty.

          The RFE/RL told the APA that Matthew Bryza said he was not surprised
          that a robust debate was sparked.

          "What did surprise me though was that people spoke so quickly in
          reacting to the interview without reading the publicly available
          document that the co-chairs issued at the OSCE in Austria, which
          laid out in much greater detail everything. My interview is small
          generalization of this document," the US co-chair said.

          Mr. Bryza said the core principles that were over the course of two
          years by the co-chairs and [Armenian President Robert] Kocharian and
          [Azerbaijani President Ilham] Aliyev and their foreign ministers,
          ultimately weren't agreed to by the two presidents.

          According to the co-chair, talk about recapturing Karabakh by force
          or any use of force by any party is simply not helpful, "It is not
          necessary because there is a viable framework on the table that just
          requires a little bit more political courage on both sides to forge
          a compromise.

          The co-chairs have exerted all of the creativity and all the
          negotiating energy that they could and they have gotten this framework
          of core principles as honed as possible in their judgment, such that
          the presidents, in their mind, need a little time to think things over
          and decide whether or not they can accept or adjust this framework. But
          what we are saying in the statement is that there is no more room
          for diplomatic creativity to make this piece of metal shine a little
          bit more brightly. It is honed and you have to decide whether you
          want it or not, or the trade-offs that would have to be made are so
          significant politically that it requires the head of state to make
          the trade-off," Bryza said.

          The American co-chair thinks pulling of Armenian troops back from
          the occupied territories will reduce tension.

          "Would an Armenian troop pull-out reduce tension? Well, sure as hell
          it would. That is why it is a core element of our core principles.

          But the Armenians are not just going to pull back the troops because
          we say, "Golly, gee, that would help reduce tension." They will do
          it if they get something for it and that is precisely what these core
          principles are all about. Therefore, the heads of state need to make
          tough decisions.

          Matthew Bryza also said the latest statement touched on what steps
          to be taken for demilitarization.

          "I would just point you to the statement.... It is very clear, and lays
          out in a lot of detail what exactly the overall set of trade-offs would
          be. Demilitarization is the phrase used for troop pull-back, and that,
          as the framework indicates, should be, or could be, accompanied by some
          sort of process that would lead to a population vote, or a referendum
          vote on the future status of Karabakh. I think that is, in the Armenian
          mindset, extremely important, so that is what the Azerbaijani side
          would have to offer the Armenians, along with the other things within
          this statement to which I refer you. On the Azerbaijani side, I think
          that they are willing to consider the possibility of some type of a
          vote on the status of Karabakh if many other elements of this overall
          package are present. What gets difficult is how you correlate the
          withdrawal, or the redeployment, of Armenian troops with the timing
          of a vote on the future status of Karabakh," Matthew Bryza said.
          "All truth passes through three stages:
          First, it is ridiculed;
          Second, it is violently opposed; and
          Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

          Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


          • #15
            We dont have to do amything Briggite Bryza!
            the problam is who's ? certainly not ours.

            Its nout muy jubb mister!
            "All truth passes through three stages:
            First, it is ridiculed;
            Second, it is violently opposed; and
            Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

            Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


            • #16
              Papadopoulos Refuses to Meet with Rice’s Deputy

              12 July 2006 | 13:05 | FOCUS News Agency

              Nicosia. Cyprus Greeks leader Tassos Papadopoulos refused to meet with Condoleezza Rice’s deputy, Cypriot newspaper Politis reads today.
              US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Matthew Bryza is expected to arrive to the island at the end of the week. According to the information Matthew Bryza will talk with Cyprus Turks leader Mehmet Ali Talat in the presidency building of the recognized only by Ankara Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
              Republic of Cyprus government officials stated that if that meeting takes place President Papadopoulos will not receive Matthew Bryza.
              "All truth passes through three stages:
              First, it is ridiculed;
              Second, it is violently opposed; and
              Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

              Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


              • #17
                Mathew Bryza Lifts Veil Of Secrecy From Coordinated Principles On Karabakh.

                Լրահոս edit post Պուտինը պատասխանել է Մակրոնին և հիշել Նապոլեոնին 06/03/2025 edit post Ուկրաինայում եվրոպական զորախմբի հայտնվելը կարող է սրել իրավիճակը տարածաշրջանում. ՀԱՊԿ-ի գլխավոր քարտուղար 06/03/2025 edit post Առաջարկում եմ թաքուն հանդիպումների թեման չշահարկել, հանկարծ ինքներդ ձեզ վրա դուրս չգաք․ Բագրատ Միկոյան 06/03/2025 edit post Եղիշե Կիրակոսյանը բացատրել է՝ ինչու է ազատման դիմում գրել 06/03/2025 […]

                This article is mistitled, the title should have been: Mathew Bryza and the rest of the mediators "successfully or lucratively" coerce/convince Armenia to surrender/capitulate. This is the same Bryza, the Co-Chair of the Minsk Group who earlier this year as per Azerbaijani "Azertag" agency Mediamax report said: "We aspire to develop programs which connect all countries along the East-west corridor… and he concluded by saying "If Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey want to build a railway, (that bypasses Armenia*) naturally we cannot mind." I don’t exactly understand what "naturally" connotes. My interpretation is we Americans will pretend to be blind, deaf and dumb and allow Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia make Armenia economically non-viable and eventually cease to exist," as long as we, USA don’t provide the funds."

                If Bryza and his gang are such skilled mediators, let them first persuade Turkey to make reparations for committing the Armenian Genocide, misappropriating 9/10 of the territory of historic Armenia, causing colossal number of deaths and destruction that continue to date, for not allowing to renovate the small number of functioning Armenian and non-Armenian churches, for remaining unpunished for 92 years, and for 92 years profiting from the blood drenched Armenian soil, property and wealth.

                In addition Let Bryza make the current US administration officially recognize the Armenian Genocide instead of every year going through the contortions to find close but not accurate words to describe the Armenian genocide.

                On May 30, 2007, in an interview by Russian REGNUM News Agency titled Armenia cannot constantly "bluff" in the regional geopolitical game: Armen Ayvazyan Doctor of Political Sciences, Director of the "Ararat" Center for Strategic Research ( among other things has said:

                "Hence, the liberated territory is a guarantee of geopolitical weight and international authority of modern Armenia. It is a precondition for its military, water, food, energy, psychological, and, in the near future, demographic security. It is a part of the Armenian homeland in terms of history, cultural heritage and physical geography. The liberated territory is the means for restoring the historically traumatized psyche of the Armenians. It is a medium for the true meaning of Armenia. Finally, the liberated territory is a just, though minimal, compensation for the Armenian territorial, cultural, material and human losses and sufferings caused by the Turkish and Azerbaijani genocides, a compensation which has been attained by Armenian blood."

                The first thing that Aliev and Azerbaijan should do is return illegally acquired territory of Nakhichevan to Armenia, the rightful owners, before they ask Armenians to make any territorial concessions on the liberated lands. The Azerbaijanis should make reparations to Armenians for starting the Artsakh (misnamed Karabakh,) war and causing tens of thousands of deaths and massive destruction. The Azerbaijanis should make reparations for the hundreds and thousands of properties that they confiscated from Azerbaijani Armenians that "ran away with their lives and left everything behind." Azerbaijanis should forget that we will allow refugees return to Artsakh and the strategically important surrounding territories, and let Azerbaijanis forget about another referendum. Because in case Azerbaijan and/or the negotiators have forgotten or are unaware, on September 2, 1991 the people of the autonomous Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) region while under the yoke of Azerbaijan, officially declared that they were going to have a referendum and on December 10, 1991 the official Referendum took place and the people of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) chose to be independent. Therefore the OFFICIAL referendum took place, the people spoke loud and clear that they want to be free. IT IS DONE and OVER.

                Eight years ago the murder of 48 ethnic Albanians in Kosovo became the turning point to bring the US-led NATO to the rescue of Kosovo’s Albanians. As per June 5, 2007 LA Times article "Kosovo likely future cuts two ways and I quote: "There is a certain inevitability to the cause of Kosovo’s independence. Backed unabashedly by the U.S. and much of Europe, the breakaway Kosovo region dominated mostly by ethnic Albanian Muslims will almost certainly be allowed to secede from Serbia in the coming weeks."

                On June 10, 2007, President Bush during his visit to Albania has called for quick action to turn Kosovo into an independent nation. He has also said that diplomats’ efforts did not succeed in changing the status of Kosovo which is overwhelmingly ethnic Muslim Albanian, "sooner rather than later, you’ve got to say enough is enough, Kosovo is independent. There just cannot be continued drift"

                Here one wonders why Bush does not show the same support to Artsakh’s which is populated by 100% ethnic Christian Armenians, who without US and NATO led forces liberated Artsakh. One also wonders if this was one of President Bush’s dyslexic moments and he confused ethic Armenians and Ethnic Albanians, (a difference of 3 letters) or he thought they were the same people.

                (To digress for a moment, one wonders how many more hundreds and thousands of people should die in Darfur before there is another US-led NATO or any other force to stop the genocide there.)

                Back to the Artsakh negotiations. The mediators are forcing us to "exchange empty promises with most if not all the liberated territories including the independent Republic of Artsakh. Allow the Azeri’s to return and most likely "also allow them to illegally bring tens of thousands of others," and in 10 years or as soon as the Azerbaijanis become the majority, they will allow another referendum, and guess what "suddenly" Artsakh will not want to secede, and United States and others will "approve." If our government/we allow this to happen, it will be the beginning of the end of Armenia, and another catastrophic situation that will be even worse than when the treaty of Sevres was replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne.

                In conclusion, the duty of our government is to protect Armenia and Armenians from enemies, pseudo-friends and counterfeit mediators. I have yet to see a country that is so eager to return an illegally occupied territory let alone a small part of its liberated territory. One wonders how come during negotiations and /or various opportune moments our government always acts dumb and refrains from asking the return of the territories of Nakhichevan, and/or 9/10th of the historic territory of Armenia illegally occupied by Azerbaijan and Turkey.

                The more we "give in the more they will ask and take," and they will only stop until there is no more Armenia, and thus fulfill their goal of Pan-Turkism.

                I never thought I would quote President Bush, but as he said in Kosovo, "sooner rather than later, you’ve (we’ve) got to say enough is enough, Karabak and most of the liberated territory around it is independent. There just cannot be continued drift." And if Bryza and his co-mediators are still eager to do a productive work, I suggest that they stop their unjust, one-sided Artsakh peace talks, and work on Turkey and make them pay for their ancestors unspeakable crimes and compel them to make territorial and financial reparations.

                Bedros H. Kojian, M.D.,Santa Ana, The Armenian Observer June 6, 2007
                "All truth passes through three stages:
                First, it is ridiculed;
                Second, it is violently opposed; and
                Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

                Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


                • #18
                  Baran And Bryza Getting Married

                  2007-06-26 15:20:00

                  OSCE Minsk group U. S. Co-Chair Matthew Bryza is getting married. He is going to marry ŕ Turk, Zeyno Baran – the Director of the Center for Eurasian Policy at the Hudson Institute. By the way, she had occupied the same position at the Nixon Institute before; however, she was fired because of too aggressive pro-Turkish activity. According to her boss, the Institute needs analytics, not propagandists.
                  Both Bryza and Baran graduated from Stanford University. They have common interests, specializing in Caucasus and energy policy. Baran and Bryza have been living in ‘’civil’’ marriage for many years.
                  As it is known, Bryza does not have the rank of Ambassador, however, he actually directs the works of the U. S. Embassies in Armenia, Georgia an Azerbaijan. It was Bryza (or Baran?) who insisted that the U. S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans be fired. Evans has got in Bryza’s (or Baran’s?) bad books for mentioning Armenian Genocide in Turkey.
                  IAA DE FACTO
                  Attached Files
                  "All truth passes through three stages:
                  First, it is ridiculed;
                  Second, it is violently opposed; and
                  Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

                  Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by Gavur View Post
                    2007-06-26 15:20:00

                    OSCE Minsk group U. S. Co-Chair Matthew Bryza is getting married. He is going to marry ŕ Turk, Zeyno Baran – the Director of the Center for Eurasian Policy at the Hudson Institute. By the way, she had occupied the same position at the Nixon Institute before; however, she was fired because of too aggressive pro-Turkish activity. According to her boss, the Institute needs analytics, not propagandists.
                    Both Bryza and Baran graduated from Stanford University. They have common interests, specializing in Caucasus and energy policy. Baran and Bryza have been living in ‘’civil’’ marriage for many years.
                    As it is known, Bryza does not have the rank of Ambassador, however, he actually directs the works of the U. S. Embassies in Armenia, Georgia an Azerbaijan. It was Bryza (or Baran?) who insisted that the U. S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans be fired. Evans has got in Bryza’s (or Baran’s?) bad books for mentioning Armenian Genocide in Turkey.
                    IAA DE FACTO
                    I was just about to post the same thing.

                    She is a virulent Turkish Nationalist and neo-con, he is State Department neophyte...they were meant for each other.
                    General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”

