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Rice, Gates (Not Bill,) oppose proposed resolution

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  • Rice, Gates (Not Bill,) oppose proposed resolution

    Associated Press

    Thursday, March 15, 2007 (Washington):

    The US secretaries of state and defence contend that the security of the United States is at risk from a proposed legislation that would declare up to 1.5 million Armenians victims of genocide on Turkish soil almost a century ago.

    In joint identical letters, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defence Secretary Robert Gates said the resolution also could inflict significant damage on US efforts to reconcile the long-standing dispute between the West Asian neighbours.

    The appeals went to Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi; Rep John Boehner, leader of the House's Republican minority; and Rep Tom Lantos, the Democrat who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

    A Foreign Affairs subcommittee is holding a hearing on Thursday on US-Turkish relations.
    "All truth passes through three stages:
    First, it is ridiculed;
    Second, it is violently opposed; and
    Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

  • #2
    Originally posted by Gavur View Post

    Associated Press

    Thursday, March 15, 2007 (Washington):

    The US secretaries of state and defence contend that the security of the United States is at risk from a proposed legislation that would declare up to 1.5 million Armenians victims of genocide on Turkish soil almost a century ago.

    In joint identical letters, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defence Secretary Robert Gates said the resolution also could inflict significant damage on US efforts to reconcile the long-standing dispute between the West Asian neighbours.

    The appeals went to Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi; Rep John Boehner, leader of the House's Republican minority; and Rep Tom Lantos, the Democrat who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

    A Foreign Affairs subcommittee is holding a hearing on Thursday on US-Turkish relations.
    Kind of like that time when they protested Dole bananas because of Bob Dole's support of an Armenian bill.

    Everyone with the last name Gates must be related, right?
    General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


    • #3
      Daniel Fried calls the Genocide of Armenians "ethnic cleansing"
      16.03.2007 12:50

      US Assistant Secretary of State on Europe and Eurasia Daniel Fried has
      declared that `the US Administration has never denied, has not
      questioned or undermined the mass killing of Armenians and the
      historic fact of that ethnic cleansing,' Mediamax reports.

      Daniel Fried said this, speaking in the Foreign Relations Committee of
      the House of Representatives during the hearings on `American-Turkish
      relations and future challenges.'

      `Possibly, the congress will pass the resolution characterizing the
      mass killing of 1.5 million Armenians during the last years of
      existence of the Ottoman Empire as genocide. US Administration has
      never denied, questioned or undermined the historic facts of the mass
      killing and ethnic cleansing. Every year on April 24 the Us Presidents
      comes forward with a statement,' Daniel Fried declared.

      The Assistant Secretary of State said, `Our goal is to promote the
      fair investigation of these terrible events by the Turkish society to
      help Turkey reconcile with its own past and with Armenia.'

      `It's not easy: for the United States it was also hard to accept the
      black pages of its history. However, after long silence Turkey
      demonstrates progress in this direction. This year more than 100
      thousand of Turkish citizens attended Hrant Dink's funeral,' Daniel
      Fried said. He mentioned that the Turkish President, Prime Minister
      and Head of the General Staff have condemned this murder.

      `We also see calls, including from the Turkish Prime Minister and
      Foreign Minister, to amend Article 301 of the Penal Code. We welcome
      the suggestions of Turkish leaders to amend or expel Article 301,' the
      State Department representative said.

      `We think that adoption of Res.106 in the US House of Representatives
      will silence the voices which call to fairly investigate the past for
      reconciliation with the history and Armenia. Members of the Armenian
      community of Turkey counting 60-70 thousand tell us that such
      resolutions will pressure the dialogue and can escalate a wave of
      national tensions which will threaten their security. Our aim is to
      open the soul and heart of Turkey although via painful
      self-recognition,' said Daniel Fried.
      "All truth passes through three stages:
      First, it is ridiculed;
      Second, it is violently opposed; and
      Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

      Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


      • #4
        U.s. Soldiers In Iraq Told To Lobby Against Genocide Resolution

        Լրահոս edit post Ես որոշել եմ հացադուլը դադարեցնել մի շարք պատճառներով և խնդրում եմ բոլոր նրանց, ովքեր միացել էին ինձ, նույնը անել. Ռուբեն Վարդանյան 13/03/2025 edit post Տեսանյութ. ԱԳ նախարարի կարգավիճակ ունեցողը, ձեռքը գրպանը դրած, ինքնագոհ, կիսասպառնալից, մունաթով ու հեգնանքով խոսում է լրագրողների հետ 13/03/2025 edit post ՀՀ-ը և Ադրբեջանը ճանաչում են միմյանց տարածքային ամբողջականությունը, […]

        WASHINGTON (A.W.)-Emboldened by the support of the Bush Administration, Turkey's campaign against the recognition of the Armenian Genocide continues to expand and has even reached Iraq.

        As pressure by the Turkish government, U.S. State Department and Department of Defense mounts against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congress, U.S.soldiers in Iraq are now being recruited to advance the policy of genocide denial.

        In the past weeks, some U.S. soldiers in Iraq have been told to call their Congressmen and demand that they cease sponsoring the Armenian Genocide resolution, citing the problems they might face in Iraq as a consequence if the resolution is passed.

        Congressman Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) addressed this issue during an interview I conducted with him in his Washington office on March 23. Elaborating on the pressures applied by Turkey and the Bush Administration, Pallone said, "Every time Congressmen go to Ankara or Istanbul, they are lectured for hours about how the genocide didn't occur, and they receive threats about how the soldiers in Iraq are not going to be safe [if the Genocide resolution is passed]," Pallone said. "They are doing the same thing here. They go around to the members [of Congress] and lobby them. In some cases, they have even had soldiers in Iraq call members of Congress and say 'I'm afraid the Turks are going to punish us in some way if you pass the Genocide resolution' ...and the administration goes along with it and does the same things," he added.

        Using U.S. soldiers risking their lives abroad to advance the interests of a foreign country, while insulting the memory of Armenian-American Genocide survivors and their descendents is, well .

        Let me know when you find a word for it.

        By Khatchig Mouradian, AWOL (Armenian Weekly On-Line), Volume 73, Number 11-12, March 17-24, 2007
        "All truth passes through three stages:
        First, it is ridiculed;
        Second, it is violently opposed; and
        Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

        Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

