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What would Lemkin do?

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  • What would Lemkin do?

    What would Lemkin do?

    By Khatchig Mouradian

    The following op-ed originally appeared in the Jewish Advocate’s Sept. 28 issue.

    When dealing with ethnic cleansing and genocide, it would be useful to ask: What would Lemkin do? Had world leaders and human rights organizations asked that question and acted based on the answer over the past 50 years, several mass murders and genocides could have been prevented or stopped in Europe, Africa and Asia.

    Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jew, coined the term “genocide” in 1944 based on the planned extermination of the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks in 1915 and the Jews during WWII. He worked tirelessly to have the UN pass a law on the prevention and punishment of that crime. Finally, on Dec. 9, 1948, the UN General Assembly ratified the Genocide Convention. Remembering that moment, Lemkin, who lost 49 relatives during the Holocaust, wrote: “Somebody requested a roll call. The first to vote was India. After her ‘yes’ there was an endless number of ‘yeses.’ A storm of applause followed. I felt on my face the flashlight of cameras. … The world was smiling and approving and I had only one word in answer to all that, ‘thanks.’”

    Lemkin referred to the Armenian genocide on numerous occasions. In an article in the Hairenik Weekly on Jan. 1, 1959, he wrote that the suffering of the Armenians had paved the way to the ratification of the Genocide Convention: “The sufferings of the Armenian men, women, and children thrown into the Euphrates River or massacred on the way to [the Syrian desert of] Der-el-Zor have prepared the way for the adoption for the Genocide Convention by the United Nations. … This is the reason why the Armenians of the entire world were specifically interested in the Genocide Convention. They filled the galleries of the drafting committee at the third General Assembly of the United Nations in Paris when the Genocide Convention was discussed.”

    At the end of the article, Lemkin asserted, “One million Armenians died, but a law against the murder of peoples was written with the ink of their blood and the spirit of their sufferings.”

    Fast forward to 2007. The Anti-Defamation league (ADL), an organization that has tirelessly spoken out and acted against Holocaust denial as well as more recent acts of genocide from Eastern Europe to Darfur, continues to speak with ambiguities about the Armenian genocide and oppose Congressional legislation affirming the historical record, considering it “counterproductive.”

    Days after the ADL’s national director, Abraham Foxman, was confronted on the issue, he wrote a letter to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan “to express our sorrow over what we have caused for the leadership and people of Turkey in the past few days.”

    Countless Jewish organizations, scholars, journalists, bloggers and activists have come out fiercely to criticize the ADL’s hypocrisy. They have all asked the right question—What would Lemkin do?—and have come up with the right answer, thus honoring Lemkin’s legacy.

    Perhaps rather than rushing to appease the Turkish government, the ADL would do well to ask the right question, too.

  • #2
    “Raphael Lemkin’s Dossier on the Armenian Genocide” published
    28.05.2008 16:32 GMT+04:00
    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ “Raphael Lemkin’s Dossier on the Armenian Genocide,” a stunningly graphic book published by CAR., the Center for Armenian Remembrance, constitutes an important contribution for scholars, human rights activists and others seeking to know what the originator of the term genocide and the “father” of the Genocide Convention had to say about the Armenian Genocide, the CAR told PanARMENIAN.Net.

    This timely book, which was published through the efforts of Attorney Vartkes Yeghiayan, is the perfect antidote to the denialist campaign that has lately intensified by the banning of a book in Toronto and its replacement by books by denialist historians Bernard Lewis and Guenther Levy.

    It is impossible not to be touched by the eyewitness reports that Lemkin has meticulously compiled in this dossier. The reader will quickly be convinced that the brutal campaign against the Armenians is the very definition of Genocide. This book has the power to inflame the reader with indignation, sorrow and righteous anger.

    “Raphael Lemkin’s Dossier on the Armenian Genocide” also contains a lucid foreword by eminent professor Michael J. Bazyler, and a meticulous, complete bibliography on Lemkin by Eddie Yeghiayan.

    “Raphael Lemkin’s Dossier on the Armenian Genocide” is the fifth book in the “The Armenian Genocide and the Armenian Case” series put out by CAR Publishing.

    Raphael Lemkin was one of the greatest and most influential lawyers and human rights activists in the last century. Not only did he coin the word “genocide,” but was also the prime mover for the enactment of the United Nations Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (the “Genocide Convention”), the international law document that in 1948 made genocide an international “crime of crimes.”

    Distressed by the cyclical slaughter of Armenians by Turks in 1894, 1909, and 1915, Lemkin compiled a dossier and searched for legal remedies to punish perpetrators of mass murder and to deter and prevent future genocides.
    General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”

