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Ergenekon run websites

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  • #11
    Re: Ergenekon run websites

    Original source is:
    Today's Zaman, Feb 5th 2009.
    Probe reveals Ergenekon's information warfare sites
    Plenipotentiary meow!


    • #12
      Re: Ergenekon run websites


      Armenian Genocide new resolution to be introduced to U.S. Congress
      07.02.2009 14:29 GMT+04:00

      /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Pro-Armenian lawmakers in the U.S. House of
      Representatives, the lower chamber of Congress, are preparing to
      introduce later this month a fresh resolution calling on the United
      States to formally recognize the 1915 incidents in the Ottoman Empire
      as Genocide, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) told

      The bill will be introduced by four senior members of the Armenian
      Caucus in the House of Representatives, Adam Schiff, a democrat from
      California, Frank Pallone, a democrat from New Jersey, George
      Radanovich, a republican from California, and Mark Kirk, a republican
      from Illinois, the sources said.

      The pro-Armenian lobby is presently working to garner the support of a
      large number of lawmakers as cosponsors for the resolution.
      Hayastan or Bust.


      • #13
        Re: Ergenekon run websites

        the newspaper - Today's Zaman is islamic press .


        • #14
          Re: Ergenekon run websites

          At least they don't completely print nonsense!


          • #15
            Re: Ergenekon run websites

            Originally posted by psikokemal View Post
            the newspaper - Today's Zaman is islamic press .
            "Today's Zaman" isn't the same as "Zaman". It's English-language and recently took over the Turkish Daily News, a wimpishly-written publication that would, from article to article and issue to issue, range from being moderately left-wing to Turkish nationalist right-wing. I haven't seen any printed copies to compare it to the old TDN but it's target audience wouldn't stand for an overtly Islamic message so I doubt if it will have any overtly Islamic content in it.
            Plenipotentiary meow!


            • #16
              Re: Ergenekon run websites

              Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
              "Today's Zaman" isn't the same as "Zaman". It's English-language and recently took over the Turkish Daily News, a wimpishly-written publication that would, from article to article and issue to issue, range from being moderately left-wing to Turkish nationalist right-wing. I haven't seen any printed copies to compare it to the old TDN but it's target audience wouldn't stand for an overtly Islamic message so I doubt if it will have any overtly Islamic content in it.

              Are you sure about that?I think it was Hurriyet that took over TDN.


              • #17
                Re: Ergenekon run websites

                I hate conspiracy theories, so I really doubt that this whole "ergenekon" thing has any truth in it.
                As you might know, the alleged "number one" person of the "ergenekon organisation", Veli Küçük was released from prison, due to the lack of evidence.
                I'm sure the same will apply to the others who are currently held in prison.


                • #18
                  Re: Ergenekon run websites

                  Originally posted by Alexandros View Post

                  Are you sure about that?I think it was Hurriyet that took over TDN.
                  TDN still operates its discussion board but you are right Alexandro, Hurriyet has taken over.

                  Bells, where is your reference?

                  Konachan, I don’t like conspiracy theories as well but I hate to break it to you; Ergenekons do exist and as you see they are getting away with it, but it is OK, there was a trial so don’t worry about it.
                  B0zkurt Hunter


                  • #19
                    Re: Ergenekon run websites

                    We should keep posting hard, that genocide denier is just two listings below us on google.

                    Search that on google: "Armenian Genocide Forum"

                    Three sites down: "Discuss the alleged Armenian Genocide with your fellow human beings in a logical and debatable manner, without hurting each others feelings or using petty ...
                    ^genocide denial site I mentioned a while ago


                    • #20
                      Re: Ergenekon run websites

                      Veli Küçük is not being mentioned as number 1 in Ergenekon. And he s still in prison..

                      Ergenekon do exist since late 1960's in Turkey. I recommend the book written by Can Dündar in 1996 after an extensive investigation made about the issue. It is the gladio (deep state) of Turkey and been tried to get cleared by the prosecutor Dogan Oz in 1978 who is killed after a report released by him. The books is called Ergenekon and I don t know if it s been translated in English or not.

                      The support for this trial has decreased seriously after the last wave of the custodies. The society is seriously against to the way that the people is being arrested and jailed without the certain accuracy of them being guilty. Everybody accepts that anyone can be involved into this enquiry if the prosecutors have some evidences about them. But these people can have their trials and should still be free until they found guilty by the judges. One of the arrested people in the last custodies is Prof.Dr. Mehmet Haberal and he s a well known professional in the international area of organ transplantation. So letting him to keep his profession would not take the country into a military coup or exploding bombs around even if he really had some guilty behaviour in the past or not.

                      So the way that the prosecutors handle this case seems a bit clumsy at the moment. This is seriously dangerous since it creates the thoughts in peoples minds that there never existed a crime organisation called Ergenekon. This powers up the hand of the people who believed in this case as a scam since from the beginning. And those people are seriously effecting the way that how the community thinks. But, I find these facts quite eventual. The main idea of this trial is to clear away the anti democratic tumors within the state of Turkey. But since democracy is not a thing that is seriously understood and digested by the majority of the indivuduals in Turkey, those clumsinesses are also could be applied by the prosecutors who are in charge of the Ergenekon trial. When they hear about something and find out some evidences, they just focus on their own tasks and take a guy away from his beautiful life. They are neither do not aware what "human" rights are. They are just focusing on their tasks and want to succeed in the trial without caring and respecting about "others" (we like this term don t we) lives. But it s the goddess of justice that they re dancing with...

                      You can not be the same state that we want to demolish with this trial.

                      (is this like the ring that they put on in the Lord of the rings? Would it be possible for us to throw the ring away to the deep cliffs of Mordor? Would take time I guess...We don t have Frodo's, Gandalf's, or any other fellows at the moment)

                      But you are. And that s why you are failed my dear... I don t believe in the sincerity of this trial anymore. It s the war between the two rulerships and other rulership is just trying to take the power from the other. The democratic manners and ethics are not the driving force of this trial. The state may change if they can clear away the gangs and the think tanks of Ergenekon. Yes. They will do that. But as I said before, it s not the democracy winning over fascism here. It s more like fascism-x, winning fascism-y.

                      My only hope is that in Turkey we would soon be having a completely renewed constitution and a completely renewed justice system with all its laws which are protecting all the components of the society against the xyz fascisms. By then we can have people being protected by the laws but not by the state or mafia or else. By then we can have a complete belief on our justice system, judges and prosecutors. By then we can convince people that AKP government is not trying to bring sheria to the country by jaling the Kemalists with the help/by taking the advantage of the Ergenekon trial. By then we can completely relax that Fethullah Gulen is not having any effect on this trial.

                      I still support the trial (have to) but lost my belief in it. And this surely does not mean that I lost my belief in the existence of the "criminal" Ergenekon organisation.


                      ps: I know it s not related to the topic but I could not keep the muse awaited while I was searching for the exact place of this topic in this forum. Sorry guys..
                      Last edited by berkopath; 04-26-2009, 01:57 PM.

