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April 24

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  • Mher
    Re: April 24

    Not be the negative one, but can someone clear up where the money for these Aurora Prize activities are coming from? If they're coming from non-Armenian source, great. But if they're coming from Vardanyan or someone like that I would be greatly disappointed. We have a lot more important needs to fund at the moment than this.

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  • Shant03
    Re: April 24

    No gata for Clooney

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  • Haykakan
    Re: April 24

    George Clooney has just arrived in Armenia. Among those welcoming famous couple was businessman Ruben Vardanyan.

    George Clooney will participate in the first awarding ceremony of the Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity organized by Armenian entrepreneurs Ruben Vardanyan, Noubar Afeyan.

    On behalf of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and in gratitude to their saviors, the Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity will be granted annually to an individual whose actions have had an exceptional impact on preserving human life and advancing humanitarian causes. The Aurora Prize Laureate will be honored with a US $100,000 grant. In addition, that individual will have the unique opportunity to continue the cycle of giving by nominating organizations that inspired their work to receive a US $1,000,000 award.

    The ceremony will take place in Yerevan on April 24. George Clooney will hand over the award.

    Inline images 1Inline images 2

    George Clooney will participate in the first awarding ceremony of the Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity...

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  • Haykakan
    Re: April 24

    Behold the power of our mighty Armenian lobby yet again!

    Reckless Retreat: Obama Not to Recognize Genocide in Final Term


    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan taps President Obama’s face

    ANCA’s Hamparian: “This, sadly, is President Obama’s legacy – silence
    on the Armenian Genocide, complicity in Turkey’s denials, and
    encouragement of Azerbaijani aggression.”

    WASHINGTON – White House National Security Council officials informed
    the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Thursday afternoon
    that President Obama will refrain from properly commemorating the
    Armenian Genocide, as he had promised to do as a candidate, in his
    eighth and final “Armenian Remembrance Day” statement, set to be
    released in the next few days.

    “It seems President Obama will end his tenure as he began it, caving
    in to pressure from Turkey and betraying his commitment to speak
    honestly about the Armenian Genocide,” said ANCA Executive Director
    Aram Hamparian, who met with the officials along with Government
    Affairs Director Kate Nahapetian.

    “President Obama’s unwillingness to reject Turkey’s gag-rule on the
    Armenian Genocide or otherwise confront the growing regional wave of
    anti-Armenian aggression – particularly at a time when both Ankara and
    Baku are placing targets on the backs of Armenians in Artsakh,
    Armenia, Turkey, the Middle East, and across our Diaspora – represents
    something far worse than simply a betrayal of his own promise. His
    reckless retreat from America’s anti-genocide commitments – under
    pressure from Turkey and Azerbaijan – in the face of their open
    incitement, outright aggression, and other classic genocide red flags
    – emboldens Erdogan and Aliyev to escalate their hostility, raising
    the very real risk of large-scale anti-Armenian atrocities. This,
    sadly, is President Obama’s legacy – silence on the Armenian Genocide,
    complicity in Turkey’s denials, and encouragement of Azerbaijani
    aggression,” continued Hamparian.

    Prior to his election to the oval office, President Obama was clear
    and unequivocal in promising to properly characterize Ottoman Turkey’s
    murder of over 1.5 million Armenian men, women and children between
    1915 and 1923 as genocide. In a January 19, 2008, statement he wrote:
    “The facts are undeniable. An official policy that calls on diplomats
    to distort the historical facts is an untenable policy. As a senator,
    I strongly support passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution
    (H.Res.106 and S.Res.106), and as President I will recognize the
    Armenian Genocide.”

    President Obama has broken that pledge in annual Armenian Remembrance
    Day statements issued on or near April 24th, the international day of
    commemoration of this crime.

    The U.S. first recognized the Armenian Genocide in 1951 through a
    filing which was included in the International Court of Justice (ICJ)
    Report titled: “Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and
    Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.” The specific reference to the
    Armenian Genocide appears on page 25 of the ICJ Report: “The Genocide
    Convention resulted from the inhuman and barbarous practices which
    prevailed in certain countries prior to and during World War II, when
    entire religious, racial and national minority groups were threatened
    with and subjected to deliberate extermination. The practice of
    genocide has occurred throughout human history. The Roman persecution
    of the Christians, the Turkish massacres of Armenians, the
    extermination of millions of Jews and Poles by the Nazis are
    outstanding examples of the crime of genocide.”

    President Ronald Reagan reaffirmed the Armenian Genocide in 1981. The
    U.S. House of Representatives adopted legislation on the Armenian
    Genocide in 1975, 1984 and 1996.

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  • Azad
    Re: April 24

    They lost it

    "New Yorkers are left baffled as skywriters paint 'How happy is the one who says I am a Turk' in TURKISH in the sky above Manhattan - but Armenians are not amused

    New Yorkers gazed into the blue sky with bemusement as a skywriting plane carefully scribbled the phrase 'How happy Is the one who says, I am a Turk' in Turkish over Manhattan.
    The phrase was coined by the founder of modern Turkey, Kemal Ataturk, in 1933 and was until recently an oath which every Turkish child was obliged to repeat twice a week at school.
    But the plane then went on to scrawl more controversial slogans in the sky, including several which denied the Armenian genocide in 1915."

    See the pictures

    Skywriters have written pro-Turkish slogans in the air above New York. They wrote 'How happy Is the one who says, I am a Turk' in Turkish and also slogans which denied the Armenian genocide.

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  • Shant03
    Re: April 24

    Turks have been dumping endless resources to campaign against this... I just hope none of our people do anything to them when they show up in Hollywood in a few days, that would really throw off our message.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: April 24

    Anti-Armenian Documentary Will Be Screened in Toronto

    April 21, 2016

    A Documentary fim written and directed by turkish director Serkan Koc
    will be screened in Toronto, on April 22. The film is titled "1915 in
    Armenian Documents".

    The documentary is full of anti-armenian statements and false
    allegations, and features ''testimonies'' from retired turkish
    ambassadors Nuzhet Kandemir and Sukru Elekdag. It also features one of
    the world's most vocal Armenian genocide deniers Professor Justin
    McCarthy, Dr. Mehmet Perincek and former Turkish Historical Society
    President Professor Yusuf Halacoglu.

    The documentary film was banned in Germany.

    The organizers of this event are The Federation of Canadian Turkish
    Associations (FCTA), Turkic Assembly of Canada (TAC), Turkish Culture
    and Folklore Society of Canada, Turkish Federation Community
    Foundation, and Ankara Library of Toronto.

    Friday, April 22, 2016 (8:00pm - 10:00pm)

    Federation Center

    1170 Sheppard Ave. W, Unit 15


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  • Haykakan
    Re: April 24

    A full page add in the wall street journal from a Turkish denialist group just in time for genocide commemoration. I suggest you guys cancel your subscriptions to this publication.
    The Wall Street Journal ran a full-page ad on Wednesday containing links to a Turkish project that denies the Armenian genocide – the 1915 massacre of 1.5 million people by Ottoman Turks. The newspaper says it accepts ads with “provocative viewpoints.”

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  • Haykakan
    Re: April 24

    Here we go again...i really hate this Karl Levin. He has taken our money for decades and done nothing yet here we are stupidly praising him yet again for being a crook. Yes this is the same guy who invented and forced through the NDAA and he is being hailed as a human rights guy by our idiotic lobby. The Armenian diaspora never fails to make an ass out of itself.

    June 10, 2014

    Contact: Taniel Koushakjian
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (202) 393-3434


    WASHINGTON, DC - Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Senator Carl
    Levin (D-MI) and Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) recently cosponsored S.Res.
    410, the Armenian Genocide resolution, reported the Armenian Assembly of
    America (Assembly). In addition to Levin and Bennet, S.Res. 410, which
    passed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on April 10th, has the
    support of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Senate Majority Whip
    xxxx Durbin (D-IL), Select Committee on Intelligence Chairwoman Diane
    Feinstein (D-CA), Select Committee on Ethics Chairwoman Barbara Boxer
    (D-CA), and Sens. Ed Markey (D-MA), Jack Reed (D-RI), and Sheldon
    Whitehouse (D-RI).

    `As a Michigander, I'm proud to know Senator Levin continues to fight for
    his Armenian American constituents,' stated Michigan State University
    student, Ani Stamboulian, who is participating in the Assembly's
    Terjenian-Thomas Summer Internship program in Washington, DC. `Thank you,
    Senator Levin, for lending your voice to the voiceless - the 1.5 million
    Armenians that were murdered by the Ottoman Turks,' Stamboulian said.

    S.Res. 410 was introduced on April 3rd by Senate Foreign Relations
    Committee Chairman Robert Menendez (D-NJ), a long-time champion of Armenian
    issues and powerful voice for justice, along with Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL),
    who previously served as Co-Chair of the Armenian Caucus during his tenure
    in the House of Representatives.

    Chairman Levin and Senator Bennet have strong records in support of
    Armenian American issues, particularly US reaffirmation of the Armenian
    Genocide. Levin, who is retiring this fall, has cosponsored successive
    Armenian Genocide resolutions throughout his 36-year tenure. Senator Bennet
    has also cosponsored previous Armenian Genocide resolutions since his
    arrival to the Senate in 2009.

    `We stand with the Armenian people in remembrance of the genocide that took
    place nearly a century ago in the waning days of the Ottoman Empire,'
    Senator Bennet told the Assembly. `The catastrophic loss of life,
    systematic killing, and displacement of innocent civilians was dreadful and
    unthinkable. We also reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that such a
    tragedy will never happen again,' Bennet said.

    Michigan and Colorado are two of 43 US states to have recognized the
    Armenian Genocide and both have substantial records affirming this
    historical truth. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper (D) signed a
    proclamation recognizing the Armenian Genocide in 2011, while the Colorado
    legislature passed SJR 14-032, a bill marking the `Colorado day of
    remembrance of the Armenian Genocide' on April 24, 2014. Former Michigan
    Governor James Blanchard proclaimed `Armenian Genocide Remembrance
    Day' in
    1990, while the state's legislature adopted a resolution in 2002 that
    annually marks April 24th as Michigan's `days of remembrance of the
    Armenian Genocide.'

    Having passed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, S.Res.410 now awaits
    a vote on the Senate floor. `We urge the Senate to act and adopt this
    important human rights legislation,' stated Assembly Executive Director
    Bryan Ardouny.

    Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
    Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and
    awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt
    membership organization.


    NR: # 2014-033
    Available online:

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  • Haykakan
    Re: April 24


    Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

    by Ara Khachatourian

    Charlie Rose interviews Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan last week

    On Sunday's edition of Charlie Rose, the veteran reporter asked Turkish
    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who on April 23 issued a statement
    offering condolences to the grandchildren of what he termed Armenians
    who suffered during the Ottoman Empire, whether the Turkish Prime
    Minister would use the word Genocide in describing the events of 1915.

    Erdogan's response: "If such a Genocide occurred would there have
    been any Armenians living in this country?"

    Throughout the portion of the interview dedicated to the Armenian
    issue, Erdogan reiterated the reality that there were Armenians
    living in Turkey, citing that as proof of his continued denial of
    the Armenian Genocide.

    He also went on to claim that Turkey "would never a turn a blind
    eye" to Genocide, as the Turkish people view that as a crime against

    After reiterating the long-standing Turkish position to establish a
    commission to study the Armenian Genocide, Erdogan also blamed the
    Armenian Diaspora for "exploiting the situation," saying that the
    Diaspora's efforts should be rejected.

    Interestingly, Rose followed up his questions about the Armenian
    Genocide with one that focused on an apology offered to Erdogan by
    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu and Turkey's belief that
    it deserves compensation from Israel for the Mavi Marmara incident.

    Erdogan said that Turkey should be compensated as a pre-condition to
    establishing normal diplomatic relations with Israel.

    Watch the entire interview and read below a transcription of the
    portion about the Armenian Genocide.

    Charlie Rose: This has been an important week for you because of the
    statement you made on Armenia.

    Recep Tayyip Erdogan: This has been something I have been saying for
    a long time. Every time I said this I said they were ottoman citizens.

    There were Armenians and people belonging to other ethnicities who
    died in many events. And, I always said that it is very natural for all
    ethnicities to remember their suffering and we have to respect that. We
    have in our territory many Armenian citizens, some who have passports
    and some don't. There are some who live here without passports and
    we do not send those people away. Those Armenian continue to live
    here. We also respect the belief and freedom of thoughts of Armenians
    and we will continue to protect those rights.

    C.R.: They would obviously like you to use the word Genocide. Is
    it possible for the prime minister of Turkey to characterize it
    as Genocide?

    R.T.E.: It would not be possible, because if such a Genocide occurred
    would there have been any Armenians living in this country?

    We have citizens here who have passports and also Armenians who have
    left Armenia. We don't exclude them. We don't send them back. They
    make a living in our country and they continue to live in our country.

    We are a people who see Genocide as a crime against humanity. We would
    never turn a blind eye to such action. And, we always say this is a
    responsibility for historians. Our archives are open and historians
    can come and look at our archives. We have military archives as well.

    If Armenia has archives they can open theirs and if third countries
    have documents, they too could make them available and we can establish
    a commission made up of historians and legal experts and political
    scientists who can them look at those documents and they can then
    come up with a report and we can all respect those reports.

    The [Armenian] Diaspora is exploiting that situation and I don't
    think we should accept that. There is no reason why we should have
    any doubt or suspicion. That should not be the case and no one has
    the right to say that.

    C.R.: But you are saying we have to recognize their suffering... and
    is there an apology there?

    R.T.E.: These are our ancestors. This is not something that happened
    during the Republic of Turkey. This was during the Ottoman Empire.

    These are events that happened during migration and documents are very
    interesting. If the documents show that our ancestors made a mistake...

    if the historians can show that then we would pay whatever the
    consequence of that is.

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