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Gallipoli campaign and the Armenian Genocide

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  • #11
    Well it is true that he is a bastard (father unknown) ya noh?
    "All truth passes through three stages:
    First, it is ridiculed;
    Second, it is violently opposed; and
    Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


    • #12
      Originally posted by Joseph View Post
      The two events not only coincided in territory and in time, but there
      is quite a lot of evidence that the genocide was pushed on because of
      the Dardanelle campaign of the Anglo-French forces in which the
      Australians were involved.

      So despite the fact that the things happened at the same time and in
      the same place more or less, and they were even kind of connected
      with a causal link, I looked through book after book about Gallipoli,
      and there's no end of books that Australians have written about it,
      and virtually none of them mention it for more than a passing
      paragraphs or a couple of lines.

      MARK COLVIN: What is the causal link? Tell us more about that.

      ROBERT MANNE: Well, there are some contemporary historians, there's a
      wonderful Turkish historian, Tanner Akcham, who think that when the
      Gallipoli campaign began, or when the Dardanelles were first bombed
      by the Anglo-French in March 1915, that was the final moment of
      reckoning, and that the Turkish regime, which was run by two or three
      young Turks were the dominant figures, they set upon and decided on a
      systematic extermination of the Armenians, saying that at this moment
      of crisis, where Constantinople might fall, we can't afford to have a
      subversive minority within our country.
      And premise of the whole article is total garbage, btw. The Armenian genocide clearly did not occur because the Ottoman Empire's Armenian minority were subversive, or even because the Young Turk regime thought that they were subversive.
      Plenipotentiary meow!


      • #13
        That's very true ,but he is quoting Taner Akcam .

        There is some evidence that Turk's had plans to evacuate Istanbul by burning it down and they were pretty much convinced that it will fall!
        What happened after the the battle started by politicians I don't know but those politicians are responsible for the stalmate and the resulting huge loss of life from both sides are damnable in my humble opp.
        "All truth passes through three stages:
        First, it is ridiculed;
        Second, it is violently opposed; and
        Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

        Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


        • #14
          Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
          And what the f***k do you know?
          Perhaps more than you think.

          One thing about Winston is that not only was he a prodigious writer himself but is perhaps one of the most written about figures of recent times.

          His only interest in the Middle East,ever, was the security of India (Britain's Jewel in the Crown)...the campaign in the Dardanelles was a move to disrupt the Berlin-Baghdad railway.

          He would have also been involved in orchestrating the British intrigues in Baku, not just for oil but again, to keep the Russian Bear/Bolsheviks away from precious India.

          In 1919, as Lord of the Admiralty, he ordered main Home Fleet Battleships into the estuaries of the Cyde (Glasgow) and Mersey (Liverpool) and their main armaments were trained on the working class districts. The British government were petrified of a Socialist revolution similar to events in many European countries at the time.

          In 1926, during the General Strike, he ordered soldiers in police uniforms to break (literally) pickets lines and demonstrators and put British tanks and the streets of British cities.

          My opinion of Churchill is based on FACT and my own beliefs..........What the f**k do you know, and could I care ?


          • #15
            In truth therefore, it's possible to understand that if Britain had been aware of Ottoman plans for Armenians,(British Intelligence was supremely efficient at this time) they would not have let a small matter like the extermination of a race interfere with their global strategy, the British Government pursued their policies regardless of British casualties, let alone "Johnny Foreigner"


            • #16
              Watch your language you f*cking bastards...

              Just kidding.
              General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


              • #17
                "All truth passes through three stages:
                First, it is ridiculed;
                Second, it is violently opposed; and
                Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

                Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


                • #19
                  Originally posted by steph View Post
                  Perhaps more than you think.

                  One thing about Winston is that not only was he a prodigious writer himself but is perhaps one of the most written about figures of recent times.

                  His only interest in the Middle East,ever, was the security of India (Britain's Jewel in the Crown)...the campaign in the Dardanelles was a move to disrupt the Berlin-Baghdad railway.

                  He would have also been involved in orchestrating the British intrigues in Baku, not just for oil but again, to keep the Russian Bear/Bolsheviks away from precious India.

                  In 1919, as Lord of the Admiralty, he ordered main Home Fleet Battleships into the estuaries of the Cyde (Glasgow) and Mersey (Liverpool) and their main armaments were trained on the working class districts. The British government were petrified of a Socialist revolution similar to events in many European countries at the time.

                  In 1926, during the General Strike, he ordered soldiers in police uniforms to break (literally) pickets lines and demonstrators and put British tanks and the streets of British cities.

                  My opinion of Churchill is based on FACT and my own beliefs..........What the f**k do you know, and could I care ?
                  Spoken like a true fanatic - someone who doesn't ever let reality get in the way of his silly "own beliefs". And someone who squats in another person country - and seems to think he has the right to comment on things he knows nothing about. What are you, btw - I doubt even the most die-hard Communists would still dare say they wished what happened in Russia and eastern Europe in the 1920s would also have happened in Britain.

                  The Dardanelles landings were an attempt to knock Turkey out of the war by capturing Constantinople and driving out the Young Turk leadership. The landings themselves being a second option to the preferred plan which was to send warships up the Bosphorus (that plan was abandoned after too many of the ships were sunk by mines and shore batteries). If they had been sucessfull, a side effect would have been that there would probably have been no substantial genocide committed against the Ottoman empire's Christian populations.
                  Plenipotentiary meow!


                  • #20
                    Ahhh ... trust a socialist never to let truth, honesty, or justice get in the way of his or her right to be always right. Your scum leader Blair is a typical example of your breed.
                    Plenipotentiary meow!

