oh wow, what can i say about a band thats helped me through so much crap in my life. Theyve been there for me when ive been depressed, when ive been happy, when ive been iffy, grouchy, silly...
its a beautiful combination of deep dark melodic soulful music mixed with dance beats and haunting vocals. Its has a lot of style, style that is very unique and interesting. There songs are really depressing, really dark but at the same time they are uplifting and have dance beats to them...its amazing. They are a great new wave band. They are totally different from anything else ive heard, and if you think it sounds like some other band, then they probibly copied depechemode. Because they were the first to experiment with this type of music, sounds, vocals. They are really artistic and creative.
the song 'enjoy the silence' is a good example of what im saying
they often called his group depressedmode hehe.
a bunch of depressed nerds in the 80s who made cool music that remains timeless and haunting. Also there lyrics are amazing and very beautiful. They make you think, and its very poetic as well.
i really realllllyyyyy recommend that you guys download some of depechemodes music. You wont regret it.

oh wow, what can i say about a band thats helped me through so much crap in my life. Theyve been there for me when ive been depressed, when ive been happy, when ive been iffy, grouchy, silly...
its a beautiful combination of deep dark melodic soulful music mixed with dance beats and haunting vocals. Its has a lot of style, style that is very unique and interesting. There songs are really depressing, really dark but at the same time they are uplifting and have dance beats to them...its amazing. They are a great new wave band. They are totally different from anything else ive heard, and if you think it sounds like some other band, then they probibly copied depechemode. Because they were the first to experiment with this type of music, sounds, vocals. They are really artistic and creative.
the song 'enjoy the silence' is a good example of what im saying
they often called his group depressedmode hehe.
a bunch of depressed nerds in the 80s who made cool music that remains timeless and haunting. Also there lyrics are amazing and very beautiful. They make you think, and its very poetic as well.
i really realllllyyyyy recommend that you guys download some of depechemodes music. You wont regret it.