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Modern Armenian Pop Music (not rabiz! not harout! not nune!)

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  • Modern Armenian Pop Music (not rabiz! not harout! not nune!)

    Hey everyone - I'm new here. I've actually been reading the posts here on and off for a few weeks. But I finally decided to post because I figured you'd all want me to anyway.

    I never really enjoyed Armenian music growing up. But a couple of years ago, I started to become very interested in my Armenian culture/heritage, and especially interested in the preservation of our language (read: assimilation issues), and today I'm quite the hayrenaser.

    Being obsessed with language and the culture naturally led me to listen to Armenian music.

    But I don't listen to rabiz, or the typical barahantes/wedding singers, or Nune, etc. I listen to Armenian pop. Typical pop music, often with Armenian instrumentation, sometimes completely European-sounding. And sometimes they'll have songs that are re-workings of old/traditional/joghovrtayin songs, which I love. (Especially when they are kavaragan Arevmdahaygagan songs - my heart melts hearing those reproduced.)

    Anyway, I've come here to see if anyone else listens to this kind of music. (I'm quite desperate it I'll post a list of my favorites -- they're all female singers, go figure.

    Armine Nahapetyan
    Hasmik Karapetyan
    Karine Movsisyan
    Maya Margaryan
    Lilit Karapetyan
    Aida Sargsyan
    Anna Armenakian

    So - if you listen to any of these artists, I'd appreciate if you'd post! I actually have a question or two on some of their songs and where I can buy them!

    Finally - I promise I'll contribute to this board in a more signifcant manner in the future.

    Oh, and as for my non-Armenian music taste - I listen to house, electroclash, and europop. So if you like any of that, you can post here, too.

    Last edited by Che_Ka; 12-18-2004, 10:07 PM.

  • #2
    I am sorry, Pop is not my thing.

    Heard of Armenian rock? Good stuff.

    Nice of you to post on this forum, check your messages!!!


    • #3

      LOL @ Hasmik sounding like she's having sex!!! haha I suppose it's the fact that there's no zurna, or duduk in her songs!

      I know - when I first started getting into this stuff, I played it for my mom. And she's like "hima asi haygagan yerk eh?" Jeeeez. Strict standards. The way I see it - if I was living in Yerevan right now, and if I liked pop music, this is the stuff I'd listen to. Do people there listen only to their traditional music? No... (But anyway, I do like my fair share of zurna and duduk.)

      My favorite from those traditional songs I was talking about is "Yellek Yertank" by Aida Sargsyan. It's written in an old Western dialect (probably Sasoon), and Aida sings in that dialect. You can hear the distinct dialect grammar - which is part of the charm of the song. I'll type out the lyrics. I love it. It's clearly a song about a journey the villagers take (an ookhd) to a church in the local mountains, and then they complain about their hurting feet. The song is fast, and the production is quite traditional. (I played it for my mom and she recognized the "hye dodig" part.)

      "Yellek yertank mur sareroon
      Dzaghguneroon desootyan
      Momer varenk
      Soorp Marootoon muzi hasni oknootyan

      [chorus] Yellek yertank....[something..] hye dodig, dodig, dodig...

      Yellank katsink menk Maratoo
      Ookhd oo bayman gabeloo
      Momer varenk, menk irar hed
      Jrakalouys Maratoo"

      Then there's a part towards the end...

      "Sasno dgha, shad khorod es,
      Maratoon ______??
      Ov vor g'ooze, ov vor chooze
      Buhdi khaghank mayrokeh.....

      ....Ookhdavor em, ookhdatsi,
      hye dodig, dodig, dodig..."

      Aida also re-did "Shirkhani," which I'm sure everyone knows.

      And I did watch the Telethon (partly to see if any of my favorites would be on!! lol), and I don't think I saw the trio you're talking about. Although it might be Zulal - they are an East Coast Amerigahay group doing traditional Armenian music. They have a website, so you can check that out.

      Speaking of the Telethon - did you see Nune's performance?? I know I said I don't listen to her, but I LOVED the song she did. It was another joghovrtayin song, about Spuirkahays and "yerp bidi vertarnak mayr hayastan" and "Sasun, Marash, hay hogh e na." It was really good, and perfect for the occasion. Any leads on what song that is?


      • #4
        Hayq - gu neres, rock music-uh aganchners gu tsavtsneh.


        • #5
          Have you heard Olga Ayvazyan?

          She's not bad either, a bit la la ish, but not bad.

          and Gaucho, have you seen Hasmik Karapetyan?

          She flaps her lashes at the camera 50 times per minute. But she has a beautiful voice.


          • #6
            spiral - yeah, but I've only heard one song of hers, "chga chga." It's not bad - but i think it's a cover.


            • #7
              she has better ones, though that's catchy as well.


              • #8
                i like catchy. do tell.


                • #9
                  Gaucho, the "good" Lilit, as I like to call her is Pipoyan. Definitely not pop.

                  As for your list, I've heard maybe one or two songs from each of them..

                  Sirusho has potential, and she is so cute..
                  Maya Margaryan has some original stuff out there. Hay Zinvor was definitely kick a$$ when it came out.
                  Aida Sargsian is amaaaaaaaaazing KEF. But this is only true for Shirkhani and Lorke. Her other songs, I found pretty blah.

                  I don't think I'm qualified enough to post about the other singers.

                  Welcome to the board by the way!


                  • #10
                    And ah yes...cute nickname.

                    Eh ha kaaaaaaaa.

