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Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

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  • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

    Federate, you were right, Zugdidi has now fallen to the Russians too.


    • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

      Originally posted by RSNATION View Post
      Federate, you were right, Zugdidi has now fallen to the Russians too.

      We should sue the Russians, instead of just bombing the Georgians, they are taking over large swathes of territory as a security zone. They stole their strategy from Artsakh


      • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

        Now Gori too!


        • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

          Yeah as of today Gori, Zugdidi, Senaki and Kurga are under Russian control.

          Georgian president is claiming that the majority of Georgian territory is under Russian control.

          Georgia is pulling all its troops back to defend the capital. Capitulation coming up!!!
          Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


          • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

            This is a historic moment. Russia must once and for all paralyze the georgian state, that they will be unable to fuction for hundreds of years. Additionally, who knows when such an opportunity will ever arise to settle the Javaxq issue. It comes down to Russia's green light. De Arach, slaughter those two faced Georgian Back stabbers left and right.

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            • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

              Russian defense minister says they are starting to pull out from Senaki after "eliminating all threats to South Ossetia from that location".
              Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


              • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

                FYI, the town of Gori is very strategic. On top of being the biggest city close to South Ossetia, it also has a major East-West highway that links the country's western Black Sea portion with the eastern portion. Russia capturing Gori means the country will be cut into two.
                Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

                  What aggravates me, is not this "war", which in my personal opinion is justified, if you can even call it a war, more like Georgia getting what they deserve for trying to burn the candle at both ends. Its the never ending hypocritical policies of the United States and western powers. I have been a United States citizen my whole life, often blinded by the shameless patriotic backwash and almost facist rheotoric of this country. How can America invade two nations with no justification, then call the russians out on using "disappropriate" tactics against a country that openly showed aggressive actions and challenged russian terratorial integrity? How can hypocritical american politicians and unqualified self proclaimed authorities on diplomacy like Condeleenza Rice challenge someone with as much military, diplomatic and politcal experience as Putin? I am sick and tired of this new American and Western led "Humanistic" approach to war. I though war was war, thats is why we as civilized peoples try to avoid it. It is not this "khagh" the modern world is misled to believe. War by definition, is cold, barren, cruel and always ends in loss and death. I dont know how the world was dillusioned into believing that war can be carried out "proporianately or justly" but I can assure you, believing either in any circumstance, will lead to a rather rude awakening. Sorry to banter, but it just bothers me. Armenians never instigate, we get picked on, georgians play ass-buddy to muslim azeris, turks, NATO, armenia, US and not too long ago russia, and everyone kisses their ass. F Georgia. They had this comming for a long time.


                  • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

                    Ok, Americans here do not be so gullible to American media. It is Georgia's and America's fault that their country is going down the drain. It is America's and the western world's fault that innocent people are dying because they recognized Kosovo. A very stupid decision made by stupid people. Whatever happened to respecting Serbia's territorial integrity? Bush has no right to say "respect Georgia territorial integrity" when he nor any western nation respected Serbia's territorial integrity. Bush also says Russia uses "disproportionate force" against Georgia. Well Mr. Bush, America and NATO bombed innocent Serbs in Serbia, America is killing innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan and ruining the lives of thousands of people. It is shameful and disgraceful for those words to come out of an American. America should just shut up about this and look the other way they have no right to make such comments. This is what America and the Pro-Western world gets for making stupid decisions (recognizing Kosovo). These dumb people should have been aware what consequences it might have brought. Now South Ossetia, Abkazia, Nagorno-Karabkah all have the right to independence like Kosovo got. There is no Russian aggression, it is their response to GEORGIA'S initial attack and massacring of innocent civilians. Georgia should be punished and Saakashvili killed. They broke a decade long peace and they are the real criminals here in addition to their western supporters. I hope the Georgian government pays for there stupid actions. Who is at fault here? Western World (EU, US, etc.) & and piece of sh*t Saakashvili.
                    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                    • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

                      Originally posted by Mos View Post
                      Ok, Americans here do not be so gullible to American media. It is Georgia's and America's fault that their country is going down the drain. It is America's and the western world's fault that innocent people are dying because they recognized Kosovo. A very stupid decision made by stupid people. Whatever happened to respecting Serbia's territorial integrity? Bush has no right to say "respect Georgia territorial integrity" when he nor any western nation respected Serbia's territorial integrity. Bush also says Russia uses "disproportionate force" against Georgia. Well Mr. Bush, America and NATO bombed innocent Serbs in Serbia, America is killing innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan and ruining the lives of thousands of people. It is shameful and disgraceful for those words to come out of an American. America should just shut up about this and look the other way they have no right to make such comments. This is what America and the Pro-Western world gets for making stupid decisions (recognizing Kosovo). These dumb people should have been aware what consequences it might have brought. Now South Ossetia, Abkazia, Nagorno-Karabkah all have the right to independence like Kosovo got. There is no Russian aggression, it is their response to GEORGIA'S initial attack and massacring of innocent civilians. Georgia should be punished and Saakashvili killed. They broke a decade long peace and they are the real criminals here in addition to their western supporters. I hope the Georgian government pays for there stupid actions. Who is at fault here? Western World (EU, US, etc.) & and piece of sh*t Saakashvili.
                      I've been following the US new sources very closely for the last few days regarding the war and I must say, despite the obvious media slant, it seems many Americans feel Russia was in the right and that our leaders are hypocrites. Every time, there is an open forum on CNN, blogs, newspaper editorials, etc, I've seen a lot of American say:

                      1. The US position if hypocritical especially after Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, etc.
                      2. Saakashvilli was a fool for initiating the war
                      3. It is not in the US interest to confront Russia.

                      Only the hardcore Republicans and Neocons are defending Georgia.
                      Last edited by RSNATION; 08-11-2008, 01:43 PM.

