Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle
Indeed! It's pretty ridiculous
They really need to re-think their negotiations strategy.
In other news, it seems J3ws are promoting so-called "conspiracy theories" of J3ws having connections
. If anyone else accused them of "having connections" with "decision makers", they'd all be labeled "anti-semite conspiracy theorists"
Israel's UN ambassador tells U.S. xxxs: Prepare for September vote on Palestinian state
Ron Prosor urges leaders at closed session of the Conference of Presidents of major xxxish American Organizations to use connections to stop upcoming UN vote.
By Shlomo Shamir
Israel's new ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor urged xxxish American leaders on Monday to form a clear and operational plan ahead of the United Nations vote in September regarding unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state.
During a closed meeting of the Conference of Presidents of major xxxish American Organizations in New York, Prosor said that talk was not enough at such a crucial time, and that the U.S. xxxish community must prepare a clear operational plan.
In an unconventional appeal for unity, the new ambassador, who started serving as Israel's UN envoy less than a week ago, urged the xxxish leaders to work together despite their differences ahead of the September vote.
Prosor stressed before the xxxish leaders that they must take advantage of the xxxish community's connections with decision makers in order to get results.
Prosor also said that regardless of the outcome of the UN vote, a Palestinian state will not be created and added that the UN is not authorized to dictate borders between countries. He stressed that a unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state will bring about another cycle of violence that will only lead to a dead end.
Least week Prosor said that the September vote was at the center of the Israeli delegation's life.
"The mission regarding the unilateral declaration is one heck of a challenge, but I believe the chances of the declaration to succeed are actually very small. It will only bring things back and take nothing forward; I say that as the director general of the Foreign Ministry during the disengagement from Gaza. Unilateral moves are not constructive," Prosor said after his first day on the job, emphasizing that there was still time to act before the vote.
Originally posted by Mos
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In other news, it seems J3ws are promoting so-called "conspiracy theories" of J3ws having connections

Israel's UN ambassador tells U.S. xxxs: Prepare for September vote on Palestinian state
Ron Prosor urges leaders at closed session of the Conference of Presidents of major xxxish American Organizations to use connections to stop upcoming UN vote.
By Shlomo Shamir
Israel's new ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor urged xxxish American leaders on Monday to form a clear and operational plan ahead of the United Nations vote in September regarding unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state.
During a closed meeting of the Conference of Presidents of major xxxish American Organizations in New York, Prosor said that talk was not enough at such a crucial time, and that the U.S. xxxish community must prepare a clear operational plan.
In an unconventional appeal for unity, the new ambassador, who started serving as Israel's UN envoy less than a week ago, urged the xxxish leaders to work together despite their differences ahead of the September vote.
Prosor stressed before the xxxish leaders that they must take advantage of the xxxish community's connections with decision makers in order to get results.
Prosor also said that regardless of the outcome of the UN vote, a Palestinian state will not be created and added that the UN is not authorized to dictate borders between countries. He stressed that a unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state will bring about another cycle of violence that will only lead to a dead end.
Least week Prosor said that the September vote was at the center of the Israeli delegation's life.
"The mission regarding the unilateral declaration is one heck of a challenge, but I believe the chances of the declaration to succeed are actually very small. It will only bring things back and take nothing forward; I say that as the director general of the Foreign Ministry during the disengagement from Gaza. Unilateral moves are not constructive," Prosor said after his first day on the job, emphasizing that there was still time to act before the vote.