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Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

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  • HermanGerman
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    LA gangbangers fighting in Syria homie - Truthloader

    Armenian - "LA gangbangers fighting in Syria homie"

    What do you think, Truthloader or just xxxxloader?

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  • Artashes
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    I thought Assad's answers to be exceptional.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    Asad interview

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  • HermanGerman
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    SYRIA - Retired US Army MG Paul E.Vallely visiting rebels

    Vallely is a supporter of the Jerusalem Summit organization and an advocate of the organization's proposal to "relocate"/"resettle" Palestine and the Palestinian people to surrounding Arab countries as a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to bring about the organization's belief "that one of the objectives of Israel's divinely inspired rebirth is to make it the center of the new unity of the nations, which will lead to an era of peace and prosperity, foretold by the Prophets"

    And once again, our kosher General Vallely

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    Any idea what these aholes are saying?

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  • HermanGerman
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    18+ GRAPHIC CONTENT- Execution of 4 civilians in cold blood in Iraq after being raided by terrorists

    The incident took place probably on the 15th of December in the northern part of Baghdad, Iraq.
    The executors are from the "Islamic State in Iraq and Levante (ISIL)", an alQaeda affiliate committing brutal crimes in Syria and Iraq.
    The original uploader says, that one of the executed men is "Sheikh Sehua". Couldn't find anything about his person.

    Note: The original full length ISIS video runs for approximately 20 minutes. The video above is just about the last 4 minutes of the original video.
    Original video -
    Last edited by HermanGerman; 12-17-2013, 12:29 PM.

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  • HermanGerman
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    A third video ragarding the takeover of Thameco in East-Ghouta has been published. This video itself is a combination of an interview with the suicide-bomber and video footage showing the preparation of the initial suicide-attack. The video is a proof that the attack has not been conducted by the FSA but wahhabi radical extremists, members of the alQaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra.

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  • HermanGerman
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    Video footage showing the planning, preparation and attack on the Thameco pharmaceutical factory in East-Ghouta.
    According to information provided by the opposition, rebel battalions are since then in full control of the factory.
    Governmental forces attempted to regain control over the factory area, after it fell completely under opposition control early October 2013, but failed.

    Excerpt from the full length video mentioned above. The full length video can be watched on LiveLeak (see link below)

    The full length video:

    Same event, other perspective. Video footage of a rebel group called "Lions of Sham" showing decapitated corpses.
    This one has been recorded right after the takeover of the factory.

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  • HermanGerman
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    Al-Qaeda in Syrian School: 'Infidels Must Be Slaughtered!' [English Subs]

    A foreign jihadist in the ranks of al-Qaeda's "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL), who is perhaps Egyptian, is seen speaking to a crowd of children at a schoolyard in Syria's northwestern Idlib province about how "Islam" (Wahhabism in this case) unites people from all over the world, regardless of race and nationality. Later, he makes it clear to them that it is their duty to slaughter any infidel, a term ISIL uses in reference to any person whose belief system slightly deviates from Saudi Arabia's bigoted and intolerant version of Sunni Islam known as Wahhabism, founded in the 18th century by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab.

    Syria -Young soldiers tortured and supposedly killed

    Graphic Content! An image I found on Twitter. Posted by a jihadist. Looks like one of the soldiers, shape of his nose, lips and the hair cut..
    Last edited by HermanGerman; 12-08-2013, 07:47 AM.

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  • HermanGerman
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    It finally occured - On November 30, 2013 a new propaganda video of the alQaeda affiliate ISIL (Islamic State Iraq and Levant) has been uploaded on YouTube. It shows a native German convert who is fighting "Jihad" in Syria.
    He mainly speaks in German and his message is for the German people. He calls moderate German Muslims but also native Germans to become real Muslims and join the jihad in Syria.


    English translation of "Abu Osama's" speech
    “I am Abu-Sama. I am from Germany. I became a Muslim four years ago. And I’ve always wondered: to die, be born, eat, drink — that cannot be all there is. We’re not animals. Allah gave us reason. That’s why we’ve got to think about the purpose of life. And think about who brought us here, who created this world. Allah is the creator of all things, free of errors. And he created man. Think about how complicated your DNA is and your brain and your body. You wouldn’t believe that a watch was created by chance. But a human? …
    About the next point, I wanna say: I have emigrated to Syria to render the word of my Creator [mumbles] … Because man-made laws are unjust. And we can see it on Earth. Most of hte world’s natural resources are in Africa – but why of all people are the African people the poorest? You gotta ask yourself the question: Politicians in their suits are devils, making their own
    laws and they don’t want to please God because they don’t believe in God. They are doing their own thing. …
    I am not only addressing the infidels, but Muslims, too: Are you satisfied? You live in Germany, got a girlfriend, are going to the disco — but what is it to you. Marry! Allah has permitted you to marry. You needn’t move around. Marry a woman. You are even allowed to marry up to four women. And that is why, Brother, Sister, you must carry jihad into the world. Jihad has become the duty of every Muslim. Partake in the jihad! Support the Muslims! Donate! Spread the word! We are not the terrorists. Who are the terrorists? The Americans are the terrorists. …
    I love Osama-bin-Laden. Why? He’s punched the heads of injustice, he’s punched the heads of injustice. By terrorizing them as they are terrorizing us. As long as you don’t stop, we won’t stop. We were flying into the World Trade Center – why? Because you were doing the same to us. That’s why pay attention to what you are doing: Allah is almighty.You can never beat us. You will never beat us for over 50 nations have invaded Afghanistan 12 years ago. And now they are retreating. Why? They got no chance. Allah is going to help us. If Allah helps you, He will ground your feet. Have no worries. Allah is saying in (source in Arabic) in psalm 99, the gist of it in German: If you emigrate along Allah’s path, you will find wealth and an abode that will please you. And I can testify to it, I swear: In Syria … we got everything, food and drink, everything, better than in Germany, even though we had thought: When we come here, we will be sleeping on the floor. And we would be ready. But Allah has made it easy for us: He won’t demand what you cannot bear. That is why, Brothers, Sisters, make your way here. It’s not like you imagine: pure warfare all the time. There are border areas where you can live well with your families. Soon there will be schools for children. You can live well here. You can practice Islam freely. Sister, you can
    walk [unclear] … Brother, you can walk without evil glances."
    Note: This version is censored. In the uncensored original video his speech is followed by footage of a suicide attack. The speech has been supposedly recorded in Syria, but according to different jihadi sources the sucide-attack was in Iraq. This link will redirect you to the uncensored full length video -
    Last edited by HermanGerman; 12-02-2013, 09:09 AM.

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