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Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

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  • londontsi
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey


    Where was the Russian veto/threats etc etc.

    Looks like a game of nerves rather than anything conclusive.


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  • Haykakan
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    A U.S. official has confirmed Israeli aircraft carried out a strike near the Syrian coastal city of Latakia. The unnamed official told the BBC Israel targeted Russian-made missiles it believed were bound for the militant group Hezbollah. It is believed to be the sixth Israeli attack on Syria this year.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey


    October 29, 2013 - 16:52 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Islamists set fire to Surp Khach Armenian church
    in Tel Abyad town in northeast Syria.

    According to Beirut-based Aztag daily, the arson was committed by
    members of al Qaeda-linked Islamic State in Iraq and Levant group,
    who took the cross off the church and torched it.

    Armenians have been living in Tel Abyad since 1915. The church was
    built in 1932 and reconstructed in 1996. Before the war, it also
    hosted a Sunday school.

    10,000 Armenians fled to Armenia while 5,000 found shelter in
    neighboring Lebanon.

    More than 115,000 people have been killed in Syria war, including
    tens of thousands of soldiers, rebels and civilians.


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  • Haykakan
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey


    FARS News Agency, Iran
    October 8, 2013 Tuesday

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called
    on the senior political and security members of his cabinet to keep
    secret any news about Ankara's relations and cooperation with Tel
    Aviv on different issues, including Syria, sources said.

    "Erdogan had a very important meeting with his cabinet members,
    including Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Interior Minister
    Muammar Guler, National Defense Minister Ismat Yilmaz, Security
    Chief Hakan Fydan, Head of the IHH (Turkish Islamic charity known
    as the Freedom Flotilla) Fahmy Bulent Ildirim and a number of his
    advisors on September 21," one of the aides present at the meeting
    told FNA on Tuesday. The source who asked to remain anonymous due
    to the sensitivity of his information added that during the meeting,
    "Erdogan voiced extreme displeasure with the leak of information about
    different aspects of Turkey's relations with Israel, and called on all
    the relevant governmental bodies to keep such news secret and punish
    those who disobey the order even if they are close people to Erdogan".

    Other officials attending the meeting also raised the issues which
    are being pursued by the Turkish and Israeli officials, to be
    further discussed, the source said, adding that the issues included
    "cooperation between Israel and Turkey on the outlawed Kurdish Workers'
    Party (PKK), the Syrian issue, peace talks between the Palestinians
    and Israel and foiling Armenian lobby's attempts in the US against
    Turkey as well as consultations between Tel Aviv and Ankara to
    persuade Washington to wage military attack on Syria". Syria has
    been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by
    well-armed gangs and foreign-backed terrorist groups against not just
    the Syrian police, border guard and army troops, but also people being
    reported across the country. Tens of thousands of people, including
    members of the security forces, have been killed since some protest
    rallies turned into armed clashes. The government blames outlaws,
    saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups for the deaths, stressing that
    the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad. In October 2011, calm
    was almost restored in the Arab state after President Assad started a
    reform initiative in the country, but Israel, the US, its Arab allies
    and Turkey sought hard to bring the country into chaos through any
    possible means. Tel Aviv, Washington, Ankara and some Arab capitals
    have been staging various plots to topple President Bashar al-Assad,
    who is well known in the world for his anti-Israeli stances.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    The Washington Post
    October 5, 2013 Saturday
    Regional Edition

    Christians in Syria face growing hostility

    by Loveday Morris

    When radical Islamists tore down a cross and hoisted a black flag
    above a church in the northern Syrian city of Raqqah last week, their
    action underscored the increasingly hostile environment for the
    country's Christians.

    Although Syria is majority Sunni Muslim, it is one of the most
    religiously and ethnically diverse countries in the Middle East, home
    to Christians, Druze, and Shiite-offshoot Alawites and Ismailis. But
    the country's conflict, now in its third year, is threatening that

    While the primary front in the war has pitted Sunni against Shiite,
    Christians are increasingly caught in the line of fire. The perception
    that they support the government - which is in many cases true - has
    long made them a target of rebel groups. Now, Christians say radical
    Islamist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), an
    affiliate of al-Qaeda, are determined to drive them from their homes.

    "The Christian community in Syria is stuck between two fires," said
    Nadim Nassar, a Syrian from Latakia who is director of the Awareness
    Foundation, an interfaith charity based in Britain. "One fire is a
    corrupt regime, and everybody agrees there needs to be a change. And
    on the other hand, there's a fragmented and diverse opposition on the
    ground who can't control jihadist forces coming from outside the

    Syria is not the only place in the wider region where Christians are
    being targeted. Coptic churches in Egypt have been attacked, and
    Pakistan last week experienced the deadliest church bombing in the
    country's history. The militants who attacked a mall in Nairobi last
    month singled out non-Muslims.

    The rash of assaults has led some to question the future of
    Christianity in Syria, where adherents make up about 10 percent of the
    population, and in the wider Middle East.

    Syria's ruling Assad family, which belongs to the Alawite sect, has
    long painted itself as the protector of Syria's minorities. Though
    leaders of Syria's opposition have pledged to provide minorities with
    equality in a new Syria, they are unable to control the growing number
    of hard-line Islamist forces on the ground.

    The Western-backed Syrian Opposition Coalition denounced the
    desecration of the churches in Raqqah, calling it an act that showed
    "complete disregard to holy sites and religious and cultural

    But the rejection of the opposition coalition by 13 rebel factions
    that announced an Islamic alliance last week highlighted the group's
    lack of influence.

    In Syria's war, bishops have been kidnapped and priests have been
    killed. When the fighting last month reached the ancient town of
    Maaloula - where residents still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus
    - it struck at the heart of Syria's Christian community.

    Most residents have fled since rebels swept through the picturesque
    town, which clings to the mountains northwest of the capital,

    "Maaloula is like Jerusalem to Syrian Christians," said Ibrahim
    Doushi, a Syrian Christian shop owner who moved to neighboring
    Lebanon. "When the war reached there, it was heartbreaking for all the
    Christians in the Middle East."

    The fighting in Maaloula was followed by the images from Raqqah, where
    the ISIS desecrated the Greek Catholic and Armenian Catholic churches,
    according to activist groups. The radical Islamist group also has
    attacked Shiite shrines and mosques.

    For Doushi, who fled to Lebanon last year from the town of Ras al-Ayn,
    near the Turkish border, the footage of the ISIS's black flag flying
    above the Armenian church was confirmation that he and his family have
    no future in his home country.

    "Christians are being torn from our roots," he said. The ISIS
    militants "are proud of it. They are targeting the Christians and they
    are publicizing it. The regime cannot protect us."

    Doushi said he was forced to leave Ras al-Ayn after Islamist fighters
    entered the town late last year and targeted the homes and businesses
    of Christians. The 61-year-old's new, temporary residence, housing
    seven members of his extended family, is St. Gabriel's monastery in
    the mountain village of Ajaltoun, 12 miles north of Beirut.

    Many at the monastery say they are pinning their hopes on obtaining
    European visas, citing doubts that there will ever be a day that Syria
    can offer security to its minorities, at least in rebel-held areas.

    "The Christians are never going back," said Johnny Chamoun, 42, also
    from Ras al-Ayn, who works at the monastery coordinating assistance
    for Syrian Christian refugees.

    Nassar, the interfaith foundation director, said it is the first time
    in centuries that Christians in Syria have been targeted for their

    "We are not imported there. Christ was not born under Big Ben or in
    Paris," he said. "This is the cradle of Christianity that we are being
    pushed from."

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    Interfax, Russia
    Oct 4 2013

    Insurgents from Syria could start infiltrating Caucasus soon - Russian
    drug control chief


    Viktor Ivanov, the chief of the Russian Federal Drug Control Service,
    warns that insurgents from Syria could start infiltrating the Caucasus

    "Aside from the obvious process of rapid destabilization of the entire
    region, it is necessary to carefully analyze the vector of expected
    redeployment of foreign mercenaries from Syria overhanging the
    Caucasus, which is only 600 kilometers away," Ivanov said at a
    ceremony of closing Operation Channel Caucasus under the Common
    Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) auspices in Yerevan on Friday.

    "Our experts are predicting that foreign mercenaries in Syria, who
    have been structured into paramilitary groups competing with each
    other, will be out of the running in the near future and will swarm
    toward the Caucasus," Ivanov said.

    Once in the Caucasus, the Syrian fighters will be trying "to harness
    the gold-bearing transit of Afghan drugs, which would bring them
    radically larger profits than they have now," he said.

    "The number of extremist international mercenaries concentrated in
    Syria is extremely large. And our task is to plan systemic measures to
    undermine the drug transit infrastructure in the Caucasus so as to
    prevent the building of financial, organizational, and logistical
    basis for this scum in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea region," Ivanov

    "The greater Caucasus is under strong pressure of huge masses of
    Afghan heroin and hashish," he said.

    Over 12 tonnes of drugs, including 10.5 tonnes of Afghan opiates,
    among it over 600 kilos of heroin, was seized during Operation Channel
    Caucasus, in which 50,000 security officers from Armenia, Belarus,
    Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan took part, Ivanov said.

    Ivanov said earlier that up to 100,000 people die in Russia yearly
    from drugs. He said also that 8.5 million people in Russia take drugs
    regularly or sporadically, and 18.5 million Russians have tried drugs
    at least once in their life.


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  • Haykakan
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey


    October 2, 2013 - 19:01 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The Turkish parliament is likely to extend by a year
    a mandate authorizing the sending of troops into Syria if needed after
    the government said the possible use of chemical weapons by President
    Bashar al-Assad posed a threat to Turkey, according to Reuters.

    The government motion, due to be voted on by parliament on Thursday,
    Oct 3, paints a bleak picture of the conflict in its southern neighbor
    and says Turkey would be the country the most affected by escalating
    violence there.

    "Developments show that the Syrian regime has reached a point where
    it is ready to use any methods or weapons against international law,"
    the motion said.

    Ankara and Western nations have blamed Syrian government forces a nerve
    gas attack on a Damascus suburb on August 21 that killed hundreds. The
    Syrian government, backed by Russia, blames the Sunni rebels.

    "Turkey is the country which will be most affected by any attacks by
    the regime and the uncertainty and chaos in Syria," the government
    motion said.

    Through its rights drawn from international law, Turkey is obliged to
    take necessary measures against any kind of action from Syria which
    presents an "open and near threat," it said.

    Turkey, one of Assad's fiercest critics, has advocated military
    intervention in Syria and has grown frustrated over what it sees as
    Western indecisiveness.

    While it has the second-largest military land force in NATO, it is
    unlikely to act alone in any military operation, with public opinion
    largely against intervention.

    A current parliament mandate allowing Turkey to send troops into Syria
    expires on Friday. The ruling AK Party has a strong parliamentary
    majority and the extension is expected to pass despite opposition,
    especially from the main pro-Kurdish party.

    Turkey, which shares a 900 km border with Syria, has seen the conflict
    frequently spill across its frontier and has responded in kind when
    mortars and shells fired from Syria have hit its soil, in some cases
    killing Turkish civilians.

    Turkish warplanes shot down a Syrian helicopter last month after it
    crossed into Turkish air space, one of the most serious cross-border
    incidents of the two-and-a-half year conflict, drawing a rebuke
    from Damascus.

    Turkey is also sheltering a quarter of the 2 million people who have
    fled the Syrian conflict.

    It has bolstered its defenses and deployed additional troops on its
    border with Syria in recent weeks, with convoys of military vehicles
    ferrying equipment and personnel and additional short-range air
    defenses set up.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    Looks like Turkey is providing aircover for the rebels.

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  • HermanGerman
    Re: Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    [17.09.13] Car bomb explosion at rebel checkpoint at Turkish-Syrian border

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  • HermanGerman
    started a topic Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    Recent events regarding Syria and Turkey

    [16.09.13] Turkish warplanes shoot down Syrian helicopter
