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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    Crusader1492, exactly, you prove my point, he never insulted YOU. And, rather than criticizing his writing with specific, factual examples of how he is incorrect in his opinion, you and the other detractors, for the most part, insult him.

    I'm assuming you have no examples rebutting his positions or proving that he insulted you.
    Between childhood, boyhood,
    & manhood (maturity) there
    should be sharp lines drawn w/
    Tests, deaths, feats, rites
    stories, songs & judgements

    - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      Yes he has insulted me, but that is not even the point.

      The point is he insulted my mother - Mayr Hayestan.

      BTW, how exactly does my soapbox comment "prove your point"? It seem sometimes that you are so eager to "prove your point", that you just claim it with no like you have a mild form of turrets.

      Again, get over yourself.
      Last edited by crusader1492; 01-31-2008, 03:51 PM.


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Crusader1492, you speak of Armenia and treat it as if it is a scab on an open wound or a weak and frail wildebeest at the back of the pack and hounded by hyenas.

        The strength of Armenia will be in it maturing into a thriving democratic republic which permits the free flow of information with full application of its constitution not in preventing those within and without the country from shaking it of its Soviet Era machinery and Ottoman Era oppressions.

        If Armenia is strong, its leaders and people can overcome criticism within, without, from Armenians and the international community. It must move into modernity and away from totalitarianism and tyranny.

        Think more. Type less. Grow up, dude.
        Between childhood, boyhood,
        & manhood (maturity) there
        should be sharp lines drawn w/
        Tests, deaths, feats, rites
        stories, songs & judgements

        - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


        • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
          Yes he has insulted me, but that is not even the point.

          The point is he insulted my mother - Mayr Hayestan.

          BTW, how exactly does my soapbox comment "prove your point"? It seem sometimes that you are so eager to "prove your point", that you just claim it with no like you have a mild form of turrets.

          Again, get over yourself.
          He insulted your mother Hayestan, this sounds Jurkish. What are you going to do, hit him over the head with a stick or show it to him so he does not continue?

          And, lest you forget, we, Armenians, have martyrs and hermits amongst our saints. Not that I am putting Ara on a list for potential Sainthood or anything.
          Last edited by freakyfreaky; 01-31-2008, 04:48 PM.
          Between childhood, boyhood,
          & manhood (maturity) there
          should be sharp lines drawn w/
          Tests, deaths, feats, rites
          stories, songs & judgements

          - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
            He insulted your mother Hayestan, this sounds Jurkish. What are you going to do, hit him over the head with a stick or show it to him so he does not continue?
            ...and now, instead of ripping off Ara, you are ripping off Siamanto.

            Try comming up with your own material for once.


            • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
              He insulted your mother Hayestan, this sounds Jurkish. What are you going to do, hit him over the head with a stick or show it to him so he does not continue?
              The irony, Turkey gets rewarded for Article 301 with military contracts and membership into the EU, while Armenians, the victims, get the short end of the stick, maybe it is high time you gave up on your attempt to be "above everyone else" and instead, start living in the real world. ANY INDIVIDUAL will find insult in insulting their past leaders and heroes. Recent example:

              Originally posted by BBC

              Citroen regrets Mao ad 'insult'

              French carmaker Citroen has withdrawn an ad featuring a doctored portrait of former Chinese leader Mao Zedong, after complaints it was an insult.

              In the ad, carried in Spanish newspaper El Pais, Mao scowls at a hatchback.

              "It's true, we are leaders, but at Citroen the revolution never stops," reads the text below the portrait.

              Citroen apologised for the "inappropriate" ad, which Chinese chatroom users had complained "hurts our national pride".

              "This is no small thing," said one visitor to a chatroom about the ad - based on the famous portrait of Mao which hangs in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.

              "It has an influence on the whole country. It damages the whole Chinese people."


              Another writer pointed out that other national leaders - such as US President George W Bush - had also been made fun of in the media.

              "But our traditions and customs must nonetheless be respected," the writer added.

              Nearly 32 years after his death, Chairman Mao remains revered by some Chinese, despite his promotion of policies such as "Great Leap Forward" which ended in the deaths of millions, and the profound social and economic changes China has since seen.

              In a statement, Citroen said it regretted any "displeasure" caused, and said it had ordered the advert to be pulled immediately.

              "We repeat our good feelings towards the Chinese people, and confirm that we respect the representatives and symbols of the country," said the statement in Chinese.
              Story from BBC NEWS:
              BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

              Published: 2008/01/15 18:46:34 GMT
              Here we are talking about a simple advertisement that tried to be "funny", conversly, Ara is seriously insulting our leaders, people, and history. Again, if you are so sure of yourself, by all means, go to ANY European country, insult their leaders and call their history a lie and see how they "welcome you". Go to a African-American neighborhood and try convincing them that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a communist agent on the payroll of the USSR or try convincing Americans that their previous leaders had love childs with their slaves. Your argument, again, falls on deaf ears, please, you are beggining to sound like Ara, try to at least hold some level objectivity with regards to your statements.

              SO, now, are you calling the above people a embaressment as well? Ara only strips you of your dignity and selfworth, I cringe at the thought of people like you buying into his melodramatic rant, for the most part, fueled by his ego.
              Last edited by Virgil; 01-31-2008, 04:51 PM.


              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                What, you didn't like:

                If someone gives you a pie, you can't claim you baked it.


                A Nationalist without a Nation is like a hoof without a horse.

                Crusader, are you too blind to see, too deaf to hear, too dumb to learn? If not, get to it dear boy, get to it. Time stops for noone.

                And, if you shoot a rifle like you express yourself, the motherland is in peril should they give you a rifle and ask you to fight. You may shoot yourself or one of your comrades.
                Last edited by freakyfreaky; 01-31-2008, 04:59 PM.
                Between childhood, boyhood,
                & manhood (maturity) there
                should be sharp lines drawn w/
                Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                stories, songs & judgements

                - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


                • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  Did I miss something, did Ara publish an advertisement using a doctored portrait of Aram Manougian to sell French cars.

                  Virgil, back away from the keyboard. Do not press "enter".

                  Think more. Type less.
                  Between childhood, boyhood,
                  & manhood (maturity) there
                  should be sharp lines drawn w/
                  Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                  stories, songs & judgements

                  - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    Originally posted by Chinese comment from BBC article
                    "It has an influence on the whole country. It damages the whole Chinese people."
                    CHINESE 31094891034810948 ARMENIANS 0

                    I sometimes wonder what keeps me going when I read people defending Ara, it is freightening, again, I now understand why people assimilate, you can only hang so long with a people that lack any dignity or selfworth.


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Crusader, just curious, were you born, raised or lived in Armenia. I'm not talking about a family vacation to the homeland every once in awhile.
                      Between childhood, boyhood,
                      & manhood (maturity) there
                      should be sharp lines drawn w/
                      Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                      stories, songs & judgements

                      - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22

