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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    ...and i post in odar forums too because universal shame is what our so-called leaders deserve...not brown-nosers, of whom they have more than enough.
    besides, odars are smart enough to know more about us than we do.
    one reason this fact is hidden from us is that we choose to advertise and repeat only odars who praise us. the others we ignore...hoping they will go away.


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      i am proud to call Denis Donikian a friend,
      and you, crypto-fascist dupes.
      am i glad we don't live in a sovietized or ottomanized country, but in a democracy where free speech is a fundamental human right.


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        As long as I have only one reader
        and even if that reader insults and curses me,
        I will continue to write.
        It has happened more than once that
        after insulting me for years
        some readers have apologized.
        If one brainwashed dupe can be deprogrammed
        two may follow.
        To those who accuse me of entertaining messianic ambitions,
        I say: A messiah promises a kingdom in heaven.
        I promise nothing but the recovery
        of one's powers of independent thought.
        A messiah speaks of Truth with a capital t.
        I speak only of common sense in lower case.
        As for those eager to dismiss my sentiments as unpatriotic,
        I say: Patriotism also consists in being loyal
        to a set of principles that recognize
        no tribal or national or cultural barriers.
        A patriotism that is based on propaganda and lies
        is bound to collapse in a confrontation with,
        if not the enemy than, with reality.


        • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
          a harmless scribbler like me with one foot in the grave whose work will soon be buried with him must be an excellent target for anonymous cowards like you, eh my hero? / ara
          First, assuming I am a coward and I am hiding behind a mask, how does that change my argument? It does not and whether I reveal my identity or stay masked, the fact still remains that you are a hypocrit. Second, I am not the one trying to infect Armenians with liberal and radical change, rather, I am only defending my beliefs and convictions that you are attacking with your illogical scribbles that grossly ignore fundimental principles of economics and politics. Essentially, I am in the defensive position, while you are on the offensive. You are trying to push forward your own personal agenda (And its not only you, I have exposed others in the past) and I am here to stop you from condemning other Armenians and Armenia into a lifestyle of the perpetual loser.

          And that is what you promote, the ideology of the perpetual loser, we are living in a world of economic scales, where nations must fight for their interest, to ignore this fundimental principle of modern politics and economics for the sake of "moral high ground", when in fact, rarely does the "moral high ground" equate to national progression, then yes, you are are in fact disarming Armenians and giving up their interests for your own personal gains. I can tell you, the world is asymmetrical divided, westerner domestically may have a policy of "equality" (Which is still questionable), but the reality is that on the international stage they must compete with one another for resources. Often, this means hijacking and supressing the national progression of develeping nations.

          Furthermore, you have no right to attack Armenian leaders and heroes, anyone that has a miniscule level of dignity and self-respect will find offensive in your statements. Understand, the sum of your statements does affect Armenians if you were to take your statements and the distribution of them to a infinite power. Do you honestly think that the United States will admit to the future recession? No, they are going to fight, tooth and nail, in order to convince the American public that a recession will not occur, but will occur, the question is how soon will it occur. The government can admit to a recession, but that would trigger a recession earlier then it would be triggered if they were to remain silent about the recession that will occur in the future. Our opinions do shape public opinion, which then influences the the bigger picture.

          If you continually insult and degrade Armenians then, eventually, the base common bond that brings us together as people will be destroyed and any national push will be compromised. How can you convince anyone of a pushing forward the interests of a state when the idea of differences in race, gender, ethnicity, and religion does not exist? You can not and understand, if your opinions were correct then you would have been raised a muslim under the Ottoman Empire a very long time ago. The reality is that our ancestors have lived in multicultural and multireligious states, they know too well about the problems and shortcomings of these states. Unless the masses are assimilated then you are bound to confront problems in the long run because differences always lead to a fractured society.

          You can not have a functioning society unless you can gurantee that economic stability will never be compromised, but this is a pipe dream. Empires are created only to go into decline. In the end, human nature triumphs over the artificial and utopian dreams of "equality" and a "fair society". And this is what you do, you disarm Armenains, you are trying to impose a way of life that is neither sustainable nor is it benefitial to their interests, especially, in a region like the transcaucus where you have three instable nations at each others throat for survival.

          By the way, my opinions were not cultivated artificially, I live in the United States, here, if you don't work, you don't eat, likewise, all my opinions stem from my experiences in this society, so, again, your xxxx out of luck to claim that my opinions are armenain in origin, they are not, they are actually American in origin. I can only reveal the true nature of empire by asking anyone that is opposed to my views to ask their local representitive if it would be possible to implement Spanish as auxilery language along side English, in which, I am sure they would reply, "no". You know why? Because making Spanish a mandatory language means then that the population overtime will be more vulnerable to foreign influences and furthermore, it will fracture society, yes, the mass propogation of a second language will indeed fracture society.

          The idea of America is not really the idea of "equality", rather, it is the eradiciation of differences, to make sure that one truly has alligence to the state, you must assimilate or else. I can tell you, Americans don't like true diversity. I can tell you that, if indeed the premise of a culture is to sustain via maintaing differences then many cultures have gone extinct in the United States, only their shadow remains. Clearly, the logic is very simple, if the brain is our software and we can only function one way in society, then it is only obvious to assume that at any moment, what you learn as a American replaces what you have brought over from your previous country. Meaning, the harddrive is being written over. The idea of diversity stemming from such a society is indeed a lie, there exists no diversity because if diversity were to exist, you would have mutually exclusive people developing mutually exclusively, but that is not the case. You have a mutually exclusive people, who eventually, must drop their exclusive identity in order to mingle in society as a Americans, thus, again, diversity does not exist in the United States nor does it exist in the western states.

          Again, this is very theoretical, which I guess is my disclaimer. I am not advocated war or mistreatment of anyone or anything for that matter. I just want you know that your idealistic vision is just wrong because idealism, most of the time, is a one way street. It just annoys me that you can not muster it in yourself to see the world for what it, yes, we strive to be the best individuals we can be, to uphold the moral law (Whether written or unwritten), but the reality is that, in the end, we are only humans and thus, sometimes our interests may not intersect, which then manifests into a question of survival. Are you going to forfeit your lifestyle or am I going to forfeit mine? That is the question that it boils down to, there are national interests at stake that are bigger than the pety exchanges between you and I.


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
            i am proud to call Denis Donikian a friend,
            and you, crypto-fascist dupes.
            am i glad we don't live in a sovietized or ottomanized country, but in a democracy where free speech is a fundamental human right.
            Test the extent of the "free speech", go to a Canadian pub or bar and tell them that their leaders are dupes and that their heroes were following charletans, I dare you or else shut your mouth with regards to "free speech", your views insult anyone that has Armenian origins.
            Last edited by Virgil; 02-02-2008, 10:59 AM.


            • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
              ...and i post in odar forums too because universal shame is what our so-called leaders deserve...not brown-nosers, of whom they have more than enough.
              besides, odars are smart enough to know more about us than we do.
              one reason this fact is hidden from us is that we choose to advertise and repeat only odars who praise us. the others we ignore...hoping they will go away.
              And I know about odars, so what is your point? You are a bitter and selfhating individual that needs to go away. You just want a audience that will only agree with your selfhate or else any objective person will see through your redundancy, illogic, and idiocy. What makes you think I care what a odar thinks? Does he care what I think about him? Does anyone really care? No, they have their own interests, we have ours, live with it.


              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Originally posted by Virgil View Post
                And I know about odars, so what is your point? You are a bitter and selfhating individual that needs to go away. You just want a audience that will only agree with your selfhate or else any objective person will see through your redundancy, illogic, and idiocy. What makes you think I care what a odar thinks? Does he care what I think about him? Does anyone really care? No, they have their own interests, we have ours, live with it.
                if you don't care what the world thinks it may be because you prefer to live in a world of illusions and lies. propaganda is your favorite medium. you may fool fools but you cannot fool everybody. you may be a dupe but don't expect everyone to follow you.

                yes, we have our own interests. but who is taking care of them?
                who was taking care of us when we were being massacred, starved, and deported?


                • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  Originally posted by Virgil View Post
                  Test the extent of the "free speech", go to a Canadian pub or bar and tell them that their leaders are dupes and that their heroes were following charletans, I dare you or else shut your mouth with regards to "free speech", your views insult anyone that has Armenian origins.
                  i don't have to criticize canadian leaders; they criticize one another all the time. only fascists equate criticicism with self-hatred.


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    Originally posted by Virgil View Post
                    First, assuming I am a coward and I am hiding behind a mask, how does that change my argument? It does not and whether I reveal my identity or stay masked, the fact still remains that you are a hypocrit. Second, I am not the one trying to infect Armenians with liberal and radical change, rather, I am only defending my beliefs and convictions that you are attacking with your illogical scribbles that grossly ignore fundimental principles of economics and politics. Essentially, I am in the defensive position, while you are on the offensive. You are trying to push forward your own personal agenda (And its not only you, I have exposed others in the past) and I am here to stop you from condemning other Armenians and Armenia into a lifestyle of the perpetual loser.

                    And that is what you promote, the ideology of the perpetual loser, we are living in a world of economic scales, where nations must fight for their interest, to ignore this fundimental principle of modern politics and economics for the sake of "moral high ground", when in fact, rarely does the "moral high ground" equate to national progression, then yes, you are are in fact disarming Armenians and giving up their interests for your own personal gains. I can tell you, the world is asymmetrical divided, westerner domestically may have a policy of "equality" (Which is still questionable), but the reality is that on the international stage they must compete with one another for resources. Often, this means hijacking and supressing the national progression of develeping nations.

                    Furthermore, you have no right to attack Armenian leaders and heroes, anyone that has a miniscule level of dignity and self-respect will find offensive in your statements. Understand, the sum of your statements does affect Armenians if you were to take your statements and the distribution of them to a infinite power. Do you honestly think that the United States will admit to the future recession? No, they are going to fight, tooth and nail, in order to convince the American public that a recession will not occur, but will occur, the question is how soon will it occur. The government can admit to a recession, but that would trigger a recession earlier then it would be triggered if they were to remain silent about the recession that will occur in the future. Our opinions do shape public opinion, which then influences the the bigger picture.

                    If you continually insult and degrade Armenians then, eventually, the base common bond that brings us together as people will be destroyed and any national push will be compromised. How can you convince anyone of a pushing forward the interests of a state when the idea of differences in race, gender, ethnicity, and religion does not exist? You can not and understand, if your opinions were correct then you would have been raised a muslim under the Ottoman Empire a very long time ago. The reality is that our ancestors have lived in multicultural and multireligious states, they know too well about the problems and shortcomings of these states. Unless the masses are assimilated then you are bound to confront problems in the long run because differences always lead to a fractured society.

                    You can not have a functioning society unless you can gurantee that economic stability will never be compromised, but this is a pipe dream. Empires are created only to go into decline. In the end, human nature triumphs over the artificial and utopian dreams of "equality" and a "fair society". And this is what you do, you disarm Armenains, you are trying to impose a way of life that is neither sustainable nor is it benefitial to their interests, especially, in a region like the transcaucus where you have three instable nations at each others throat for survival.

                    By the way, my opinions were not cultivated artificially, I live in the United States, here, if you don't work, you don't eat, likewise, all my opinions stem from my experiences in this society, so, again, your xxxx out of luck to claim that my opinions are armenain in origin, they are not, they are actually American in origin. I can only reveal the true nature of empire by asking anyone that is opposed to my views to ask their local representitive if it would be possible to implement Spanish as auxilery language along side English, in which, I am sure they would reply, "no". You know why? Because making Spanish a mandatory language means then that the population overtime will be more vulnerable to foreign influences and furthermore, it will fracture society, yes, the mass propogation of a second language will indeed fracture society.

                    The idea of America is not really the idea of "equality", rather, it is the eradiciation of differences, to make sure that one truly has alligence to the state, you must assimilate or else. I can tell you, Americans don't like true diversity. I can tell you that, if indeed the premise of a culture is to sustain via maintaing differences then many cultures have gone extinct in the United States, only their shadow remains. Clearly, the logic is very simple, if the brain is our software and we can only function one way in society, then it is only obvious to assume that at any moment, what you learn as a American replaces what you have brought over from your previous country. Meaning, the harddrive is being written over. The idea of diversity stemming from such a society is indeed a lie, there exists no diversity because if diversity were to exist, you would have mutually exclusive people developing mutually exclusively, but that is not the case. You have a mutually exclusive people, who eventually, must drop their exclusive identity in order to mingle in society as a Americans, thus, again, diversity does not exist in the United States nor does it exist in the western states.

                    Again, this is very theoretical, which I guess is my disclaimer. I am not advocated war or mistreatment of anyone or anything for that matter. I just want you know that your idealistic vision is just wrong because idealism, most of the time, is a one way street. It just annoys me that you can not muster it in yourself to see the world for what it, yes, we strive to be the best individuals we can be, to uphold the moral law (Whether written or unwritten), but the reality is that, in the end, we are only humans and thus, sometimes our interests may not intersect, which then manifests into a question of survival. Are you going to forfeit your lifestyle or am I going to forfeit mine? That is the question that it boils down to, there are national interests at stake that are bigger than the pety exchanges between you and I.
                    if you think my criticism is motivated by hatred, then i must conclude that you know nothing about armenian literature. armenian writers have been abused, rejected, starved, misunderstood, rejected, and betrayed to the ottoman and soviet authorities by cowards and dupes like you. Read Baronian, Raffi, Bakounts, Zabel Voskanian, Zarian, Massikian...more armenian writers have been victimized by fascists than political leaders.
                    it seems to me you define patriotism as recycling the propaganda of those in power. that's not patriotism but brown-nosing. those in power have always needed dupes like you to deceive the majority that that they are in good hands.
                    fear of honesty and truth is the worst kind of cowardice. and the hardest thing for a coward is to admit his cowardice.


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      "Quand je pense à tous ces auteurs et à tous ces penseurs qui ont été réduits au silence et aux voix stridentes des imbéciles qui sont partout dans nos médias et nos forums de discussion, je veux bien donner ma démission comme membre de l'espèce humaine."

                      Ara Baliozian ( septembre 2005)

