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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    To hate those who have injured us: what could be
    To love them: what could be more difficult?
    But what if both hate and lave are irrelevant and what
    matters is taking care of business by doing whatever
    it is to our advantage?

    Everything I write is an answer to a specific
    question, objection, or criticism. And yet, some of my
    readers complain that I don’t answer their questions.
    I suspect what these readers want is not answers but
    attention, flattery, propaganda, and lies. To them I
    say: It’s been a pleasure disappointing you.

    The world is held together by decent, hard-working,
    anonymous blokes, and torn asunder by ambitious
    charlatans who speechify in the name of God and

    "A man is born an angel and dies a devil.


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!



      "There are Armenians who occupy key positions in our organizations who are either Turks or Turkish agents," one of our elder statesmen once confided in me.

      "You mean to tell me there are Armenians among us who actually work for the Turkish government?" I wanted to know.

      "That’s what I said," he said.

      "And they draw salaries from Ankara?"

      "You said it!"

      "But what kind of secrets they could be after? We have none!" I said.

      "It’s not secrets they are after," he said.

      "If not secrets, then what?" I asked.

      "To divide the community," he said.

      "To divide the community?

      "To divide the community."



      Paranoia, I said to myself. Obviously the man is a paranoiac. The Turks are too smart (or not stupid enough) to waste money on something they can get for nothing.

      Turkish agents?


      Carcinogenic agents?

      That’s more like it.


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Originally posted by Armenian View Post
        My kind reader, one simple message that 'you' don't seem to be understanding is the simple fact that you - SUCK as a thinker/writer or whatever else you think you may be. Thus, it must be simplified further and repeated until it penetrates your thick, yet totally empty, Ottoman skull... Ara, I know you don't realize it, but you are really terrible at what you do. As I have said, you are hysterical, egotistical, ignorant, delusional, angry, hateful and self-hating. And I yet have to see anything of quality by you. The garbage you produce will disappear as soon as you do.
        Personality analysis and bad insult words are the last stage of flutter.
        Different ideas are not garbage, on the contrary they are wealth.
        Nobody has to think same.


        • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          ENFER DE MERDE


          One of the easiest things in the world is to be seduced by the strength of one’s own arguments and explanations. Why should I be surprised if some of my detractors have been successful in convincing themselves that my criticism lacks validity because it is motivated by failure. It seems, I write as I do because I am a hopeless mediocrity.

          If true, if, that is, I am a failure, am I not more representative of the nation? Can we as a people say that we have been successful in confronting and solving our problems?

          For 600 years we were "the most loyal subjects" of the Ottoman Empire, and why? Because we failed to see its ultimately murderous intent.

          At the turn of the century we were taken in by the verbal commitments of the West, and why? Because we were dupes.

          We were massacred and dispersed, and why? Because we were weak, defenseless, and vulnerable.

          So far we have failed to convince the world that we suffered a genocide, and why? Because we have failed to make a good case or because we have failed to see that the world doesn’t give a damn about victims, in the same way that we ourselves don’t give a damn about our own hopeless mediocrities and failures.

          I ask again: What if as a failure I am more representative of the nation and more honest than those who look down at me from the heights of their imaginary success?

          What if the Mount Ararat on which they fancy themselves perched on closer inspection turns out to be nothing but a dunghill in their own garbage dump of a backyard?

          My final question: Am I satisfied with the validity of the above argument?

          How can I be? - knowing that even if there is a single particle of truth in what I have been saying, we, all of us, including myself, swim in the same enfer de merde?


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Originally posted by garod View Post
            Personality analysis and bad insult words are the last stage of flutter. Different ideas are not garbage, on the contrary they are wealth. Nobody has to think same.
            Listen to me, you are a Turk. Ara Bozoian, the senile self-hating egomaniac here, claims he understands you Turks more now that he has dealt with Armenians all his pathetic life.... Please, convince Ara to go to Istanbul with you... Trust me, you need him there, he can write his usual unending rants about Armenians in your wonderful publication called, Hurriet.
            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Haha, you are really so sweet, please don't lose your control and be calm.

              Ok, I agree with you.Really It is better idea to invite Ara Baliozian to Istanbul.
              Maybe he can tell Armenians' faults and also Turks'.So that he can show how terrible lack of communication between two nations. I really wish to convinced and invited you too but you know we have lots of nationalists and cannot put up with any more.(Sorry, for me nationalists have not got any race and all are same).


              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                There is more to being an armenian than proving you
                are a better armenian;
                there is more to being an armenian than how you feel
                about mt. Ararat;
                what matters more than your feelings about mt. Ararat
                is your feelings about your fellow armenians - and I
                don’t mean armenians who agree with you, or are
                members of the same party or mafia; but armenians who
                disagree with you;
                to love only armenians who agree with you,
                who, that is, echo your sentiments,
                who are in effect carbon copies of yourself - let’s
                call them ditto armenians,
                has nothing to do with love and has everything to do
                with narcissism, which happens to be a neurosis, a
                disease of the mind, a chemical inbalance in the
                brain. / ara baliozian


                • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  i keep posting things here because i have more faithful readers on this forum than anywhere else. to them i say thank you./ ara


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    ARE ARMENIANS SMART?

                    Some of them are, no doubt about that. But for every
                    smart Armenian there are probably nine fools, and it
                    is the fools who need to be reminded over and over
                    again that Armenians are smart, Armenians are just
                    about the smartest people on earth, and it takes seven
                    xxxs to fool an Armenian.
                    Unlike a fool, a really smart man does not feel the
                    need to be told he is smart; and unlike a chauvinist
                    windbag, a decent man does not pretend to be shocked
                    by the truth: if anything, he feels liberated. Hence,
                    the celebrated dictum, "Truth shall set you free."
                    To those who accuse me of being anti-Armenian, I say:
                    "Since when being for decency or truth is


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      xxxs = j ews

