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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    In a well-organized society everyone is assigned
    a specific role: a brain surgeon performs brain
    surgery, a bus driver drives a bus, and a
    policeman catches thieves.
    I write because I am a writer.
    It is up to my peers to determine whether I am a
    good or a bad writer, and even they will not
    claim infallibility.
    It has never even occurred to me, as a writer,
    to tell a surgeon, a bus driver, or a policeman
    what to do. And yet, I am constantly confronted
    by individuals who feel fully qualified to tell
    me what and how to write.
    I am not saying readers are not qualified to
    express an opinion. As a writer, I welcome
    criticism. I am even grateful to my critics
    because they have been and continue to be a
    constant source of stimulation to me.
    What I object to is guidance; what I reject is
    censorship; and what I am saying is, none of us
    is qualified to be a commissar of culture.
    Commissars of culture belong to police states and
    their function is to suppress free speech and
    selfless intellectual labor. Which is why I never
    tire of saying and repeating: Thank God we live
    in a democracy!


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      to armenian and crusader:
      perhaps from now on i should address you as "Your Eminence."


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Originally posted by Armenian View Post
        Ara, admit it, you are jealous because I write better than you
        self-satisfying by nationalist comedian


        • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Originally posted by garod View Post
          self-satisfying by nationalist comedian
          The Turkish peanut gallery has arrived.


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
            The more I deal with Armenians the better I understand Turks.
            About the millionth time you've written this. Quit resorting to sensationalism.


            • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Tuesday, February 12, 2008
              ************************************************** *****
              In his NATURAL HISTORY, Pliny writes, “Not even for God are all things possible – for He cannot commit suicide.” Maybe not, but He can walk out on us, as He has done on more than one occasion. The question we should ask is: What if we gave Him more than one good reason to do so?
              The Armenian paradox: we don’t support one another but we demand the support of the world.
              With us, friendship is a sometime thing. Whenever I make an Armenian friend, I think of him as a future enemy and I am seldom disappointed.
              After deceiving himself, he deceives others with a clear conscience.
              We have been so thoroughly tribalized that sometimes the distance between two Armenians is as great as the distance between an Armenian and a Turk.
              Whatever understanding I have acquired of Turks it has been through my fellow Armenians.
              Armeno-Turkish friendship will be possible only on the day Armeno-Armenian friendship becomes a reality.


              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Originally posted by TomServo View Post
                About the millionth time you've written this. Quit resorting to sensationalism.
                when a simple message is not understood it must be simplified further and repeated until it penetrates the thick skulls of our self-satisfied jack s. avanakians.


                • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  FROM MY NOTEBOOKS
                  ************************************************** ****
                  There is no evidence to suggest that the average
                  Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, or xxx is a better
                  human being than the average agnostic or atheist.
                  Which amounts to saying: all organized religions are
                  more or less alike and very often they only succeed in
                  legitimizing prejudice, promoting a false sense of
                  moral superiority, and dehumanizing a fraction of
                  mankind with such labels as pagans, heretics, infidels
                  or giaours.

                  When an Armenian speaks of his fellow Armenians as if
                  they were the chosen people, I know he is heading for
                  a land of many surprises, disappointments, and shocks.
                  Such an Armenian doesn’t have to be contradicted. Life
                  will do it much more effectively. That’s because a
                  thousand good arguments cannot have the weight of a
                  single experience.

                  It is not easy writing for readers who already know
                  everything they need to know, even if what they really
                  know happens to be recycled mumbo jumbo.

                  If verbal diarrhea were writing and mental
                  masturbation thinking, every speechifier and
                  sermonizer would be another candidate for the Nobel

                  A man who is his own worst enemy cannot be anyone’s

                  Authority thrives on ignorance. Where there are
                  leaders (as opposed to public servants) there will be
                  spin doctors, cover-up artists, and an uninformed

                  Some writers are inspired by a beautiful face, a
                  sunset, or a panorama. I don’t believe in inspiration,
                  only in stimulation; and nothing stimulates me as much
                  as unfair criticism. An insult can keep me going for a
                  week; a threat, for a minimum of two months.

                  You can’t talk ethics with a bishop: he thinks he has
                  a monopoly on the subject.
                  You can’t talk sharing power with a boss: he thinks
                  he is the best qualified man for the job.
                  You can’t talk money with a benefactor: he won’t
                  listen to anyone who has less than a million.

                  In America, serial killers are given as much publicity
                  as Hollywood stars, perhaps because they too are
                  performers acting out the most secret urges of their

                  From nature’s point of view, chastity is a far more
                  dangerous sexual perversion than all the others put

                  Charles Peguy: "It is vulgar to want to be right and
                  still more so to want to be in the right against
                  someone else."

                  Bertrand Russell: "Life is nothing but a competition
                  to be the criminal rather than the victim."

                  William Goldman: "Life isn’t fair. It’s just fairer
                  than death, that’s all.

                  Steven Wright: "You can’t have everything. Where would
                  you put it?"

                  Venetian saying: "The priest’s friend loses his faith,
                  the doctor’s his health, the lawyer’s his fortune."

                  Schopenhauer: "We pay an attention to the opinion of
                  others which is out of all proportion to its value."

                  Goethe: "The world goes forward only because of those
                  who oppose it."

                  Plato: "Wise men talk because they have something to
                  say. Fools talk because they have to say something."

                  Olaf Stapleton: "A nation is just a society for hating

                  George Chapman: "Ignorance is the mother of

                  Thomas Mann: "The intellectual man is almost as much
                  interested in painful truths as the fool is in those
                  which flatter him."


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
                    when a simple message is not understood it must be simplified further and repeated until it penetrates the thick skulls of our self-satisfied jack s. avanakians.
                    My kind reader, one simple message that 'you' don't seem to be understanding is the simple fact that you - SUCK as a thinker/writer or whatever else you think you may be. Thus, it must be simplified further and repeated until it penetrates your thick, yet totally empty, Ottoman skull... Ara, I know you don't realize it, but you are really terrible at what you do. As I have said, you are hysterical, egotistical, ignorant, delusional, angry, hateful and self-hating. And I yet have to see anything of quality by you. The garbage you produce will disappear as soon as you do.
                    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Wednesday, February 13, 2008
                      As soon as you solve a problem you are faced with another. That’s life – an endless succession of problems the last of which no one can solve.
                      A good story cannot be the whole story, and a happy ending is only a beginning.
                      Dupes can be easily manipulated to think they are too smart to be duped.
                      I don’t write for Armenians as an Armenian. I write as a human being for fellow human beings.
                      Academics write in a jargon-ridden turgid prose because they don’t want to be read and “understood” by laymen. Criticism by fellow academics is bad enough. What’s unbearable is verbal abuse by idiots.
                      Studies show that getting involved in Armenian affairs can be as hazardous to your health as smoking four packs of unfiltered cigarettes a day.

