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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
    Some speech whether or not anonymous is indefensible. For example, hate speech and defamation.

    I hate to have to agree with Sip, but its been silly for sometime now.
    Ok, so, if any opinion can be grouped under “free speech” and there exists no social reprisal for comments then, by all means, I dare you and Sip to stand up in a public locale and state that "Washington was a traitor" and that “all the soldiers that have died since the foundation of the United States were dupes following charlatans”? Go inside a post office where blue blooded Americans migrate to on a daily basis and slander their leaders, I bet you, each and every American citizen will be offended by comments attacking their leaders and nation. Furthermore, why is it that Armenians feel it is in their right to critique everything Armenian, but can not muster any capacity inside of themselves to just shut the xxxx up for once and accept the status quo? Why must there exist radical and liberal change? I understand slow progression in various spheres and disciplines, but every “Ara Baliozian” feels that they are some how “doing the right thing” by continually dissecting the Armenian people and analyzing their flaws, when in fact, they are only insulting and degrading Armenians, in the great scheme of things, they are destroying unity and common values that bring us together.

    What divine or supernatural authority has given these idiots the right to take collective knowledge and try to mold it in their image? What right do they have to mold Armenians? Who are they? As far as I can tell, Ara is on welfare in Canada, which begs the question, what has he done for the Canadian people, let alone, the Armenian people? If he spends his time disecting Armenians, why does he not spend his time disecting Canadians, whoam for the last 200 years have destroyed the lives of the many Native-Americans living in Canada? If Ara is such a "critical thinker" let him solve the problems of Inuit before the Armenains, and, furthermore, he has absolutely no right to comment on Armenians because he has not lifted one finger or sacrificed one limb for the Armenian people and nation. If you are using freedom of speech for Ara Baliozian, likewise, I can use freedom of speech against this lunatic, and, in closing, if you are going to insult Armenians with ridiculous “one liners” like “thee great erudite”, then you should not be surprised if people responded negatively. I will attack and humiliate you if this kind of slander does not stop, I am just grossly disgusted by it, at every corner, I hear and talk to individuals that spend more time commenting on the flaws of the Armenian people versus spending time rebuilding a nation. If Ara had spent the last remaining years of his life doing something positive for the Armenian people, he would have gained more crediblity instead of spending the twilight of his life behind a computer, spreading rubbish and illogic in the name of "change", xxxxing ridiculous.

    I am sick of turning on my television or picking up a Armenian newspaper to find these idiots pointing at imaginary pink elephants. The reality is this, the percent of idoicy in the Armenian community compared to the idoicy of other races, ethnicities, and religions is, more or less, the same. The question then becomes how much slander by these demagogues can be tolerated? I, for one, am sick and tired of Ara to Stephan to any "Jack Kevorkian" with radical and liberal opinions. If they are not content with being Armenian and upholding ancient traditions and values, then, again, by all means, assimilate out and move on with your life. If you can not stand accepting both the positive and negatives of your people, then you do not belong there. It is getting to a point where I just want to censor these idiots, but again, Lucin is right, that would only work for these demagogues. I guess, bottomline, if you say something along the lines of Ara, it will offend me, and since I am offended, I have the right as a human being to stop you from offending me and my values.


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      Virgil, you attack and humiliate yourself everytime you decide to press "enter".

      Recent polls of Armenians, interested in politics, conclude that 46% of them trust their President, while only 27% trust their government. The latter figure improves towards the capital. Half of the Armenians polled stated no interest in politics - that's probably because they are too busy trying to survive; of the remaining, 26% stated they had no idea what the national policy of the country was.
      Last edited by freakyfreaky; 01-30-2008, 07:20 PM.
      Between childhood, boyhood,
      & manhood (maturity) there
      should be sharp lines drawn w/
      Tests, deaths, feats, rites
      stories, songs & judgements

      - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
        Virgil, you attack and humiliate yourself everytime you decide to press "enter".
        Freakyfreaky, I was not referring to you and why are you trying to defend Ara? What has he done for you, but marginalize you and your family's struggle? I don't understand why you choose to defend this idiot. You can not have a coherent debate with him, many have tried, including me. Furthermore, his "original ideas" are just recycled material.


        • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
          A nationalist without a county is like a hoof without a horse.

          In simplest forms: Ottoman Armenians who took arms against Ottoman Turkey, at its demise, did so for likely one of three reasons:

          1. They had to because they either died at the hands of the invading forces or their own country's henchmen (survival).

          2. They had to protect themselves and their property against their own country's henchmen (survival).

          3. They were revolting against the Ottoman government.

          In the end, regardless of category, they were freedom fighters not nationalists.

          What Armenian nation existed in 1915? You don't understand the difference between nationality and ethnicity.
          This is very simplistic. There were obviously nationalist present at that time. Unfortunately not enough of them.

          Regardless of how you define the Armenian men and woman who fought against Turks at that time, they started an armed struggle which lead to the creation of an Armenian state. People with no sense of nationality don't just stumble onto founding a state.

          Oh and the difference between nation and a people (or ethnicity, as you say), is that people are those who live for today...a nation is those who came before, with all the values they created, their legacy. The nation is also those who have not been born yet.

          Do you really think those "freedom fighters" were living for "today"? Do you not think that when a freedom fighter picked up his gun that he did not have the past and the future in mind? Was it strictly about survival and then once the fighting stopped...back to Turkish rule?


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
            ADL = Armenian Democratic Liberal party?

            No, thanks, I tend to stay out of organized Armenian politics, its so messy.
            Nice know eactly what I meanwith ADL. Don't make me spell it out for you Abe.


            • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              If you hold a citizenship of any kind, you are a nationalist. Nationality is documented citizenship, alligence to a state via documentation, conversly, ethnicity is shared cultural beliefs, values, and traditions that can not be measured by a any "document" or artificial means. The reality is this, you as a American are a nationalist, you as a Canadian are a nationalist, anyone holding citizenship is a nationalist.

              The Armenian freedom-fighters are no different than the colonist fighting the British, both were fighting to secure a nation and authonomy, how can they not be considered nationalist? Crusader is right, they were not just fighting to survive, they were fighting for selfless ambitions and I am going to disregard this insult to them, but, again, I wonder how far these individuals that claim this would fair if they were to state the same sentiments towards the colonial Americans that fought against the British. I dare them to go to a public locale and let the blue blooded Americans know that their ancestors fought so they can save a few cents on tea tax.


              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
                Virgil, you attack and humiliate yourself everytime you decide to press "enter".

                Recent polls of Armenians, interested in politics, conclude that 46% of them trust their President, while only 27% trust their government. The latter figure improves towards the capital. Half of the Armenians polled stated no interest in politics - that's probably because they are too busy trying to survive; of the remaining, 26% stated they had no idea what the national policy of the country was.
                And do you think of the 270 million Americans, 100% of them vote or give xxxx about politics? They are busy building wealth or trapped in the cycle of economic enslavement via corporate advertising gimmiks, if you pulled a average American off the streets, they would only know what the media feeds them regarding politics, if that at all. I bet you, more Americans know about the life of Cele-Britney versus Senator Obama or any of their elected representatives.


                • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  Dude, the first Armenian nation in the 20th century was created with a pen and paper not a rifle. The second too. Prior to the 20th century, when did ethnic Armenians defend an Armenian nation with recognized borders.

                  There were obviously Armenians well before the 19th and 20th century, heck, the last Olympic champion before the modern era was an Armenian boxer known as Varazdetes a.k.a. Varastad.

                  When I was in an organized Armenian youth group years ago, they tried to impress upon me that Armenians ruled the Roman Empire for about a decade.
                  Between childhood, boyhood,
                  & manhood (maturity) there
                  should be sharp lines drawn w/
                  Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                  stories, songs & judgements

                  - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
                    Dude, the first Armenian nation in the 20th century was created with a pen and paper not a rifle. The second too. Prior to the 20th century, when did ethnic Armenians defend an Armenian nation with recognized borders.
                    Any struggle to form a nation is considered a nationalistic struggle. Even the very American satalites that roam space and monitor the activities of the world are labeled in treaties with the USSR as "national technical means". Yes, whether by pen or rifle, they struggled to form a geographic area known as Armenia. Regardless, your point does not change the fact that Armenians have been struggle for authonomy and, furthermore, it does not change the fact that anyone with a citizenship is a nationalist. The reality is that at the core of Ara Baliozian is a nationalist, he would have to move to a island on international waters in order for him to rid himself of his "nationalism" or else he, as a Canadian is more of a nationalist, than, I, both as a American and as a Armenian. His income with benefits like healthcare is generated by the state versus, me, who has to work and pay for my own expenses, meaning, I am not tied to the state.
                    Last edited by Virgil; 01-30-2008, 07:47 PM.


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
                      Dude, the first Armenian nation in the 20th century was created with a pen and paper not a rifle.
                      "Dude", this is the most ignorant statement ever made on this forum.

                      I keep waiting for you to have an epiphany and embrace being Armenian, but you are too far gone.

