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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    Please the three of you move to Armenia, like yesterday. They need you, badly. Hopefully, they'll give you a rifle and marching orders.

    What have the three of you done for Armenia and Armenian people beyond your parents making a donation. Enlighten us. Illuminate your contributions to Hai Tahd.
    Between childhood, boyhood,
    & manhood (maturity) there
    should be sharp lines drawn w/
    Tests, deaths, feats, rites
    stories, songs & judgements

    - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
      Please the three of you move to Armenia, like yesterday. They need you, badly. Hopefully, they'll give you a rifle and marching orders.

      What have the three of you done for Armenia and Armenian people beyond your parents making a donation. Enlighten us. Illuminate your contributions to Hai Tahd.
      When have I claimed to be "super Armenian" ... hmm ... maybe that is what you fail to see? My entire point has been in total agreement with your "feelings". Let me ask you, how many Americans donate money to the United States government outside of paying taxes? I would wager not even 1% of the Americans will donate money towards the government. My only objective has been to defend values. This is what nationalism is about, the state over anything else, essentially, your lifetime spent in the United States means that any progress you make for yourself, by default, is a progress for the state. You get married and have a family, you increase the population and pass down values. You get a education, you further the development of various spheres and deciplines. You eat, you pay another man for food. You work, your taxes go towards the state. You deficate, someone is paid to clean up your defication. The bottomline is, when you reside in a state, you provide the state with the tools to further its interests. It all boils down to elementary statistics. The Chinese have 1.5 billion in population, which means that, their top 20% intelligence comprises the entire United states population. You can replace the entire United States with Chinemen with a above average intelligence. Everything is a numbers game.

      Furthermore, you have to agree that Ara's immature antics would be considered unpatriotic and borderline offensive if you were to replace Armenian with American. The problem is just this my friend, you have been mentally conditioned by these demagogues into buying their propaganda of self-hate. The reality is that 100% of Ara's stance is offensive to any Armenian, but due to what ever reason, most find it "tolerable", maybe that is what you fail to understand? Again, no one is asking you to "donate money" or "fight wars", but for the love of God, defend some Armenian values, traditions, and history. What is the point of debating the "flaws" of Armenian leaders when history is never experienced but read? Meaning, whoever that controls the pen, controls what we read and therefore, at the core of any historical fact, is historical bias. Really, I could care less if the nationalist were napoleons or pawns, the reality is that today, we have a state, and today, it is in the unwritten laws of statehood to blow up previous leaders as heroes in order to preserve nationalistic feelings.

      And one more thing, the fundimental backbone of western political thought stems from Machiavelli and even he admitted that leadership has limits and the limitations are determined by the oppurtunities that a leader my encounter on his path towards "virtu" (virtue). What does that mean? Well, you read it and let me know, maybe I will tell you one of these days, but to be honest, I have had it to my neck with these demagogues, Ara to Stephan to "Jack Kevorkian", you want to play sculptor, please, go do it somewhere else.


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Originally posted by Armenian View Post
        Are you xxxxing serious? Where do all you freaks come from? Do you anything about the Armenian Republic? I bet you haven't even stepped foot there. Please, tell do us: When was the last time a writer/thinker/poet was "jailed or worst" for his or her work in Armenia - especially incoherent rants like the ones Ara produces? If you can't come up with an example, and you won't, I expect you to apologize and delete your stupid comment. What a joke you are. What else could I have expected from an Ara fan...
        Sure, Ara wouldn't be subject to jail or worse in Armenia for his criticism.

        In the early morning of January 19 at about 5.00 an attempt to set “Asparez” Journalist’s Club of Gyumri on fire was made. A piece of cloth, soaked in petrol and burning, was thrown at one of the windows of “Asparez” office. As a result, part of the window burned and the glasses cracked. In the report of the incident, placed on January 22 on the web-site of “Asparez”, it is noted that the Club resolved not to address the police (proceeding from the fact that the investigations into the cases of attempted trespassing on the property of the organization and its staff in 2002-2006 yielded no result). Meanwhile, as YPC was told by "Asparez" Board Chairman Levon Barseghian, the Gyumri police department started the investigative measures.

        Armenia’s three leading human rights groups on Wednesday voiced their concerns over Armenia rolling back free speech and claimed ‘lack of human rights protection’ in the country.
 (journalist jailed) (Sakunts says that the researches regularly conducted by his organization show that violence and threats against journalists have not stopped.)

        A1+ The most urgent and objective information from Armenia. News, videos, live streams/ online/. Politics, Social, Culture, Sports,interviews, everything in a website

        A1+ The most urgent and objective information from Armenia. News, videos, live streams/ online/. Politics, Social, Culture, Sports,interviews, everything in a website

        Pride in Armenian identity is one thing, pride in Armenian stupidity is wholly another.

        And, another thing, Ara and I are polar opposites in our expressed beliefs on at least one fundamental issue of the Diaspora ---> Armenian Genocide recognition.

        If some one gives you a pie, you can't claim you baked it. The first republic of Armenia in the 20th century happened under the auspices of the allied and associated nations. Which war did we win that put us at the negotiation table to tell our enemies what we'll take.

        We, Armenians, won 'battles' to protect our homes, kin and property between 1918-1922 and we won some battles in spirit - moral victories - that were actually courageous losses. Battles are for land, wars are for nations. What war did we win?

        The problem is that Armenian identity is like an intricate, colorful fresco or mosaic and your expression of our identity is monolithic and monochromatic.

        Savages, I tell you, complete savages.
        Last edited by freakyfreaky; 01-31-2008, 02:12 AM.
        Between childhood, boyhood,
        & manhood (maturity) there
        should be sharp lines drawn w/
        Tests, deaths, feats, rites
        stories, songs & judgements

        - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


        • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Thursday, January 31, 2008
          Theophylactus Simocatta the Egyptian (500-630 A.D.) in the PREFACE to his UNIVERSAL HISTORY: “History [is] the universal teacher of mankind, who lays before us what we should attempt and what we should leave alone as being unlikely to succeed. I am resolved to throw myself into her embraces, even though the enterprise be greater than my powers in view of the vulgarity of my style, the imbecility of my ideas, the awkwardness of my phraseology, and the unskilfulness of my composition. If any reader should find here and there a touch of felicity in my narrative, he must attribute it to chance, for most certainly it will not be due to the competence of the writer.”
          The only morally superior Armenian I can name with any degree of certainty is Naregatsi and he represents himself as the most corrupt and evil of men. As for the others: the higher they rise, the lower they sink. To our ghazetajis and all dealers in chauvinist crapola, I say: Read Naregatsi’s LAMENTATION from beginning to end and if that does not have any effect on you, declare yourself a dangerous offender and place yourself under constant surveillance.
          Self-righteous fools and fanatics are more prone to spew venom than moderates and middle-roaders.
          I am afraid to say this but it must be said: It is not unreasonable to speculate that the constant harping on Turks in our press and internet forums, and the proliferation of massacre books and videos runs the risk of being classified as hate paraphernalia.


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Originally posted by axel View Post
            I would not say Ara is a "self-hating" armenian*. I rather see him as a hypocritical xxx (of whom he displays all salient features: hysteria, pathological lying, perpetual whining, self-victimization, persecution delirium, messianic complex...), my primary concern being his lack of integrity. Other than that, clearly he makes a few valid points from time to time (although sounding like a broken record). And he has been given great opportunities to do so (for free) in this thread.
            One should not mistake professional charlatans for amateurs.
            Distinguished charlatans such as Ara spend most of their time stating obvious truths so that the naive/uncultured reader may swallow up their lies/half-truths/crap mixed in with the rest.
            * This (recurring) "self-hating" characterization is in fact zionist lingo used to qualify decent xxxs. I can only reject it. If I were a xxx, I wouldn't be a zionist. I would belong to the "self-hating" bunch.
            I thought it would be nice to post repost Axel's comments on Ara.
            Read his comment, then read any of Ara's will see his observations ae dead-on.


            • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
              Sure, Ara wouldn't be subject to jail or worse in Armenia for his criticism.
              Abush, you keep bringing up examples of 'journalists' not writers. Are you so stupid that you can't tell the difference between the two? Didn't we already address matters concerning journalists many-many times? You must be mentally retarded.... Or is it your massive ego not allowing you to admit wrong. As far as I'm concerned, you are a low intellect screw ball who's Armenian identity is simply based on hating Jews, obsessing over the Genocide and desperately searching for "famous" Armenians to make yourself feel better... You are an absolute joke, and Khrimian Hayrik would would have told to you the same had he seen your pathetic ass

              If some one gives you a pie, you can't claim you baked it. The first republic of Armenia in the 20th century happened under the auspices of the allied and associated nations. Which war did we win that put us at the negotiation table to tell our enemies what we'll take.
              Again with your absurd spin. Are you arguing that Armenians did not have revolutionaries and that the First Republic simply fell into Armenian laps? How much stupider are you going to get? Isn't there a limit to your idiocy? Take the pie in question and shove it up your ass. You don't even know what you are arguing anymore.

              Here idiot, its only Wikipedia but it will help you familiarize yourself with the Armenian Nationalist Movements of the 19/20 centuries:

              ARF history and Hnchak history is another place you can further educate yourself:

              Two currents of world thought had a marked influence on Armenian avant-garde circles in the pre-revolutionary and revolutionary periods. The first, brought home from Western Europe by intellectuals who studied there, was democratic-liberal ideology, the concept of the rights of man, a legacy of the French Revolution of 1789. It was prevalent especially among the Armenians of Constantinople and the intellectuals in the provinces. A result of the mentally created by it was the National Constitution of the Western Armenians, with its democratic structure. The second, again imported from Europe but essentially filtered through Russian revolutionary though, was socialist ideology, specifically its Marxist variant. Of course the theories of historical materialism and class struggle did not directly apply to the realities of Western Armenia, given the nature of Turkish persecution, driven by religious and racial hatred. But under the influence of the social-democrats and Narodnaya Volya (the progenitors of the social-revolutionaries), socialism was adopted by an important segment of the Caucasian-Armenian intelligentsia as its ideology.

              The first Armenian revolutionary party, the Hunchakian party, was founded by a group of university students who wanted to awaken the national, social and democratic ideas in the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire. The main aim was to create an independent Armenian state by breaking the enslaving chains of "the sick man of Europe".

              You are completely devoid of intellectual depth, national pride and rationality/reason/logic. Like I said, you and your interlocutors are living proof for me that Armenia must 'never' attempt to practice democracy.
              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Look what LTP's people did to the Vahan Hovanesian's freaky would say, "savages"!


                Noyan Tapan
                Jan 30, 2008

                YEREVAN, JANUARY 30, NOYAN TAPAN. Early in the morning of January
                29, unknown persons entered the second-floor open balcony of the
                preelection headquarters of Vahan Hovhannisian, a candidate of
                presidency, in Dilijan's Miasnikian street, 34 and stole the RA
                tricolor and ARFD's flag from there.

                According to the report placed on the official website of the Police,
                Robert Hovhannisian, the head of Dilijan preelections headquarters
                of Vahan Hovhannisian, said this on January 29 applying to Dilijan
                police station.

                According to him, the damage caused by the theft amounted to 4 thousand
                drams. It was reported that the Police is carrying out investigation.


                • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  Originally posted by Armenian View Post
                  Abush, you keep bringing up examples of 'journalists' not writers. Are you so stupid that you can't tell the difference between the two? Didn't we already address matters concerning journalists many-many times? You must be mentally retarded.... Or is it your massive ego not allowing you to admit wrong. As far as I'm concerned, you are a low intellect screw ball who's Armenian identity is simply based on hating Jews, obsessing over the Genocide and desperately searching for "famous" Armenians to make yourself feel better... You are an absolute joke, and Khrimian Hayrik would would have told to you the same had he seen your pathetic ass
                  Armenian, there are many of those, its tragic. I have yet to meet a Armenian that just likes being Armenain for the sake of being Armenian, all try to convince me to accept foreign influences due to "cultural similarity", its sad really. I want the audience to expariment with a random Armenian, ask them about their musical and cultural taste, not one will claim to like any Armenian singer, writer, or intellectual. Most of will talk of some random Greek/Persian/Arabic/American artist, but never anything Armenian in origin. Its disgusting, the way we peddle and insult our leaders, culture, and history, why must we at all measure our flaws and if we are measuring flaws, why not measure the flaws of otars? Armenian, it makes me cringe, I understand your pain and point of view.
                  Last edited by Virgil; 01-31-2008, 08:09 AM.


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
                    A nationalist without a county is like a hoof without a horse.

                    In simplest forms: Ottoman Armenians who took arms against Ottoman Turkey, at its demise, did so for likely one of three reasons:

                    1. They had to because they either died at the hands of the invading forces or their own country's henchmen (survival).

                    2. They had to protect themselves and their property against their own country's henchmen (survival).

                    3. They were revolting against the Ottoman government.

                    In the end, regardless of category, they were freedom fighters not nationalists.

                    What Armenian nation existed in 1915? You don't understand the difference between nationality and ethnicity.
                    Do these people look like they were fighting only to survive?


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
                      Please the three of you move to Armenia, like yesterday. They need you, badly. Hopefully, they'll give you a rifle and marching orders.
                      In due time I will move to Armenia, with my family. The plans are in place.
                      ...and if I am worthy of carrying a rifle for Armenia, I would consider it a duty and an honor. I'm not unfamiliar with carring a rifle.

                      The fact that you mock this says a lot about you.

                      What have the three of you done for Armenia and Armenian people beyond your parents making a donation. Enlighten us. Illuminate your contributions to Hai Tahd.
                      Sadly, I have not done enough. I'm barely hanging on to my Armenian identity as a diaporan (thus my plans to move to Armenia).
                      ...and as far as my parents contributing to Hai Tahd - They have given a lot (time and money). For that I am proud of my father (and mother), just as I am proud of my fatherland.

                      Freaky, are you proud of your father?

