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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    Originally posted by freaky
    Respect your elders.
    It is not a question of age. One respects he who deserves respect. Age is irrelevant in that regard.

    Originally posted by ara
    (for under the guise of "dissidence", their agenda is nothing else but westernization)
    i assume your favorite alternative is ottomanization? / ara
    Thank you for validating my claim and demonstrating in the same blow that you are nothing more than a mediocre propangandist (and not an intellectual) who displays the exact same sort of behaviour as the one he decries by others.

    Originally posted by ara
    and you, crypto-fascist dupes.
    am i glad we don't live in a sovietized or ottomanized country, but in a democracy where free speech is a fundamental human right.
    I'm afraid the world (even the armenian one) is not conveniently divided into "democrats" and "fascists" (Willi Münzenberg died a long time ago but his propaganda tricks are still much in use to this day it appears) as you would want your readers to believe.

    A genuine intellectual would advocate our nation following its own path on the grounds of its own identity, not present it with this rigged (and totalitarian) choice westernization/ottomanization.

    Still I will tell you, of the two alternatives, the first one is the worst for westernization destroys the very spirit of a nation and leads to its enslavement to matter. westernization is the death of a nation, its degeneration into anamorphic cattle. As long as the spirit lives, there is hope. With westernization there is none whatsoever.

    Btw anyone who invokes democracy in an argument/discussion instantly qualifies himself as either a dupe or a charlatan. With your level of knowledge and experience, one can only opt for the latter.

    Too bad I could not find an online version of René Guénon's The Crisis of the Modern World (
    Chapter 8 "WESTERN ENCROCHMENT" deserves to be quoted here.

    It appears you read french so here is an excerpt just for you:

    "Il est vrai que, quand certaines passions s'en mêlent, les mêmes choses peuvent, suivant les circonstances, se trouver appréciées de façons fort diverses, voire même toutes contraires : ainsi, quand la résistance à une invasion étrangère est le fait d'un peuple occidental, elle s'appelle « patriotisme » et est digne de tous les éloges ; quand elle est le fait d'un peuple oriental, elle s'appelle « fanatisme » ou « xénophobie » et ne mérite plus que la haine ou le mépris. D'ailleurs, n'est ce pas au nom du « Droit », de la « Liberté », de la « justice » et de la « Civilisation » que les Européens prétendent imposer partout leur domination, et interdire à tout homme de vivre et de penser autrement qu'eux-mêmes ne vivent et ne pensent? On conviendra que le « moralisme » est vraiment une chose admirable, à moins qu'on ne préfère conclure tout simplement, comme nous-même, que, sauf des exceptions d'autant plus honorables qu'elles sont plus rares, il n'y a plus guère en Occident que deux sortes de gens, assez peu intéressantes l'une et l'autre : les naïfs qui se laissent prendre à ces grands mots et qui croient à leur « mission civilisatrice », inconscients qu'ils sont de la barbarie matérialiste dans laquelle ils sont plongés, et les habiles qui exploitent cet état d'esprit pour la satisfaction de leurs instincts de violence et de cupidité. En tout cas, ce qu'il y a de certain, c'est que les Orientaux ne menacent personne et ne songent guère à envahir l'Occident d'une façon ou d'une autre ; ils ont, pour le moment, bien assez à faire de se défendre contre l'oppression européenne, qui risque de les atteindre jusque dans leur esprit-, et il est au moins curieux de voir les agresseurs se poser en victimes."

    This was written in the 1920s btw.
    80 years later one still has to argue against the same fallacies. Quite a sysiphian task.
    When I am dealing with people such as you, I cannot help but be reminded of the following:

    It was then simple enough to attempt to show them the absurdity of their teaching. Within my small circle I talked to them until my throat ached and my voice grew hoarse. I believed that I could finally convince them of the danger inherent in the Marxist follies. But I only achieved the contrary result. It seemed to me that immediately the disastrous effects of the Marxist Theory and its application in practice became evident, the stronger became their obstinacy.
    The more I debated with them the more familiar I became with their argumentative tactics. At the outset they counted upon the stupidity of their opponents, but when they got so entangled that they could not find a way out they played the trick of acting as innocent simpletons. Should they fail, in spite of their tricks of logic, they acted as if they could not understand the counter arguments and bolted away to another field of discussion. They would lay down truisms and platitudes; and, if you accepted these, then they were applied to other problems and matters of an essentially different nature from the original theme. If you faced them with this point they would escape again, and you could not bring them to make any precise statement. Whenever one tried to get a firm grip on any of these apostles one's hand grasped only jelly and slime which slipped through the fingers and combined again into a solid mass a moment afterwards. If your adversary felt forced to give in to your argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. The ??? would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday's defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct. Sometimes I was dumbfounded. I do not know what amazed me the more--the abundance of their verbiage or the artful way in which they dressed up their falsehoods. I gradually came to hate them.
    (...) How futile it was to try to win over such people with argument, seeing that their very mouths distorted the truth, disowning the very words they had just used and adopting them again a few moments afterwards to serve their own ends in the argument!.
    "trau' meiner Kunst!" says the ignominious Nibelung to Siegfried in Wagner's opera. You are such a Künstler, Ara, a top-notch con artist.
    Last edited by Guest; 02-03-2008, 04:57 AM. Reason: typos


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
      Freaky you don't even understand what William saroyan is saying, he's saying that what ever happens Armenians will survive and nothing in this world can destroy us. That is what he's saying.
      Don't bother explaining anything to FreakyFreaky, he has made up his mind to support Ara - damned the truth.

      Anyway, it does not surprise me that a "perpetual loser" (with no sense of context), would interpret Saroyan in that way.


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        I am neither supporting Ara nor his detractors. But Ara's detractors are supporting Ara in their conduct. Ara and I are fundamentally juxtaposed on the lynchpin issue within the diaspora - Armenian genocide recognition. But as it appears the lot of you are illiterate, I cannot expect you to grasp that you can disagree with someone and still appreciate his or her right to express himself.
        Between childhood, boyhood,
        & manhood (maturity) there
        should be sharp lines drawn w/
        Tests, deaths, feats, rites
        stories, songs & judgements

        - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


        • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
          I am neither supporting Ara nor his detractors.
          Bullxxxx. You have 100% been supporting Ara.
          You are only retreating to a neutral stance now for face saving reasons.
          Why don't you concede that your pro Ara arguments are invalid.

          It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong.


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Sunday, February 03, 2008
            When told non-violence is for cowards, Gandhi replied: “I prefer violence to cowardice. A coward has no right to call himself a member of the human race.”
            A nation whose rulers are ignorant philistines, both ignorance and philistinism will be the norm and anyone who refuses to conform will be an enemy of the people – not an enemy of ignorance and philistinism, but a traitor to the cause.
            There are honest men and there are liars, and i prefer an honest Turk to a lying Armenian.
            In his efforts to assert his Armenianism, one of our nationalist leaders claimed to have traced his ancestry all the way back to the Mamikonians (Chinese) -- or was it the Bagratunis (xxxs)?
            “There is no such thing as a Turk,” a Turkish friend once informed me. “We have all been bastardized and mongrelized. We are all the offspring of mixed marriages that go back hundreds of years. There is a Greek, an Armenian, a xxx, a Kurd, and an Albanian in all of us.”
            In the Armenian ghetto where I was born and raised there was a blond barber called Alaman (German in Turkish) and another named Kurdoghlanian (Son of a Kurd). They were accepted as Armenians and no one questioned their pedigree, perhaps because everybody was too busy trying to survive in an alien environment to care about such impure concepts as “pure blood.”
            No matter how hard they try, they will never convince me that honesty and objectivity are anti-Armenian, or that the statement “All men are brothers” is pro-Turkish.
            To brainwashed dupes who question my Armenianism on the grounds that I am critical of fellow Armenians, I ask: If I speak the truth and in doing so I expose liars, am I good or bad? After long centuries of living in fear, aren’t you tired of lies? Why should truth be a source of dread? What if in treating an honest Armenian as if he were a Turk, you succeed only in exposing your Ottomanism?
            A historian is not judged by the degree of his patriotism, nationalism, or loyalty to a power structure, but by his honesty and impartiality. For more on this subject see Michael Grant’s GREEK AND ROMAN HISTORIANS: INFORMATION AND MISINFORMATION (London, 1995).


            • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Originally posted by axel View Post
              It is not a question of age. One respects he who deserves respect. Age is irrelevant in that regard.
              Some people are under the impression that individuals grow into "respect" or respect must be demanded. This kind of thought actually reminds me of Middle Eastern "Ottoman" type thinking...

              Thank you for validating my claim and demonstrating in the same blow that you are nothing more than a mediocre propangandist (and not an intellectual) who displays the exact same sort of behaviour as the one he decries by others.
              Don't forget - intellectual dwarf/Մտավոր թզուկ

              I'm afraid the world (even the armenian one) is not conveniently divided into "democrats" and "fascists" (Willi Münzenberg died a long time ago but his propaganda tricks are still much in use to this day it appears) as you would want your readers to believe.
              What did you expect from an intellectual dwarf, depth?

              A genuine intellectual would advocate our nation following its own path on the grounds of its own identity, not present it with this rigged (and totalitarian) choice westernization/ottomanization.
              Very profound statement. This comment of yours lies at the very foundation of these individuals' problems.

              Still I will tell you, of the two alternatives, the first one is the worst for westernization destroys the very spirit of a nation and leads to its enslavement to matter. westernization is the death of a nation, its degeneration into anamorphic cattle. As long as the spirit lives, there is hope. With westernization there is none whatsoever.
              A point I would like to clarify. Westernization? I wouldn't describe it as such. I would rather call it "Globalization" which is simply disguised as Westernization. And this Globalization is a new form of Bolshevism - I call it Neo-Bolshevism. It may be derived by Western powers and Western interests, however, it is not Western culture, it has nothing to do with Western heritage. Western culture, Christian-European heritage, is the very soul of the entire planet. Western cultural achievements are simply too vast to list. We Armenians simply need to learn to 'decipher' what are Western cultural values and what is Neo-Bolshevism...

              Nevertheless, I want to tell you that a friend of mine who knows you personally was right in his assessment of you: You are a brilliant man.
              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                in everything i write i oppose propaganda, which is a political euphemism for lies; and now i am being criticized for engaging in propaganda? Propaganda for whom, may i ask? what nation and what power structure?
                Keep slinging mud in the hope that some of it will stick.

                as for armenian literature: I recycle ideas by armenian writers from Khorenatsi and Yeghishe to Zarian and Massikian.
                whose ideas -- make it propaganda -- do you recycle?
                answer that question honestly and you will know yourself better. and please, do not hide yourself behind and beneath such concepts as patriotism. the patriotism of dupes leads to disaster -- as it did under Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.


                • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
                  in everything i write i oppose propaganda, which is a political euphemism for lies; and now i am being criticized for engaging in propaganda? Propaganda for whom, may i ask? what nation and what power structure?
                  Keep slinging mud in the hope that some of it will stick.

                  as for armenian literature: I recycle ideas by armenian writers from Khorenatsi and Yeghishe to Zarian and Massikian.
                  whose ideas -- make it propaganda -- do you recycle?
                  answer that question honestly and you will know yourself better. and please, do not hide yourself behind and beneath such concepts as patriotism. the patriotism of dupes leads to disaster -- as it did under Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.
                  Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1] is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states:[2][3]

                  "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
                  Godwin's law is often cited in online discussions as a caution against the use of inflammatory rhetoric or exaggerated comparisons, and is often conflated with fallacious arguments of the reductio ad Hitlerum form.



                  Not only are you a con-artist (as Axel pointed out) are also a cliche.


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    a brainwashed armenian
                    and a brainwashed turk
                    might as well be
                    interchangeable units.
                    Lord have mercy!
                    Der voghormia,
                    der voghormia,
                    der voghormia.


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
                      a brainwashed armenian
                      and a brainwashed turk
                      might as well be
                      interchangeable units.
                      Lord have mercy!
                      Der voghormia,
                      der voghormia,
                      der voghormia.
                      Would it be possible someday to post something of substance, rather than these petulant sound bites?

