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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
    Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1] is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states:[2][3]

    "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
    Godwin's law is often cited in online discussions as a caution against the use of inflammatory rhetoric or exaggerated comparisons, and is often conflated with fallacious arguments of the reductio ad Hitlerum form.



    Not only are you a con-artist (as Axel pointed out) are also a cliche.
    what's a smart armenian like you wasting his time reading a nobody like me?
    ask me the same question, i will answer it by saying: Because you are a dupe of our bosses, bishops, and benefactors, and whenever you open your mouth, outs pours their verbal vomit.


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      We Have all met the Armenian who has been
      so thoroughly Ottomanized or Stalinized
      that he considers democracy an aberration,
      intolerance (which he thinks of as inflexible
      adherence to noble principles) a virtue,
      and human rights an evil concept
      invented by the corrupt West
      whose ultimate aim is drag the rest of the world
      to its own level of moral decline and
      Whenever I confront such an Armenian
      I cannot help thinking that
      these are not his ideas but those of a parish
      (whose prejudices have been blessed by a bishop)
      or a schoolmaster (whose ignorance has been
      legitimized by a boss…
      all in the name of God and Country, of course,
      and to hell with reason, common sense and
      And I write not because I want to change
      anyone’s mind
      but because I am not old and wise enough to
      reconcile myself to silence,
      and even as I go on writing
      I look forward to the day when
      I will no longer feel the need to write….


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Some Armenian counter-arguments are more like
        allergic reactions. They have nothing to do with
        reason and everything to do with pathology. And
        that may well be the root of all our conflicts.
        If so far we have failed again and again to
        develop a consensus it’s because, unlike
        conflicting interests which may be reconciled,
        conflicting pathologies cannot.
        What do people want?
        Peace and prosperity.
        What do political leaders want?
        They want power even if it means war and
        Lust for power recognizes no national or tribal
        Our leaders want power even if it means the slow
        but systematic alienation, exodus and
        assimilation of the majority. In what way are
        they different from our enemies? And if you
        think of this forum as a microcosm: in what way
        are we different from our leaders?


        • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
          what's a smart armenian like you wasting his time reading a nobody like me?
          ask me the same question, i will answer it by saying: Because you are a dupe of our bosses, bishops, and benefactors, and whenever you open your mouth, outs pours their verbal vomit.

          I'm beginning to think that there is something very wrong with you, that goes beyond having low character.
          Maybe its mental illness? Perhaps you are possessed?

          Either way, get help. I would suggest you seek therapy from a psychologist ...and if that doesn't work try an exorcism. Perhaps an Armenian bishop can exorcize the cliche right out of you and send it to hell, where it belongs.

          This may not cure your low character problems, but at least it may make you a better writer.


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
            I'm beginning to think that there is something very wrong with you, that goes beyond having low character. Maybe its mental illness? Perhaps you are possessed? Either way, get help. I would suggest you seek therapy from a psychologist ...and if that doesn't work try an exorcism. Perhaps an Armenian bishop can exorcize the cliche right out of you and send it to hell, where it belongs. This may not cure your low character problems, but at least it may make you a better writer.
            Perhaps senility can explain what's wrong with him. Or maybe his massive ego... Maybe his age long frustrations and disgruntlements.. Maybe his utter ignorance... Maybe his severe self-hate... Regardless of what may be wrong with Ara mentally or spiritually, seeing his endless array of sterile clichés, I come to the realization that the only job Ara Bozoian is capable of doing is writing crap for Hallmark


            Well, come to think of it, even Hallmark may not be too thrilled with him...

            Maybe Ara can work as a Chinese fortune cookie writer...

            Can he?


            Oh, I don't know...
            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Originally posted by Armenian View Post
              Maybe Ara can work as a Chinese fortune cookie writer...[/B]

              Can he?


              Oh, I don't know...


              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Oh, I've got it now the axis of stupidity lacks basic reading and comprehension skills.
                Last edited by freakyfreaky; 02-04-2008, 11:28 AM.
                Between childhood, boyhood,
                & manhood (maturity) there
                should be sharp lines drawn w/
                Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                stories, songs & judgements

                - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


                • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  Monday, February 04, 2008
                  RANDOM THOUGHTS
                  If you speak the truth to liars, they will call you a liar. What else can they do? If you are an honest man among crooks, they will call you a crook. That’s their only line of defense and they will take it for all it’s worth.
                  To deprogram someone against his will can be a formidable undertaking and it doesn’t always work. The alternative – to hope that he will deprogram himself – may take years and sometimes decades, depending on a number of variables which are not worth going into. The fact remains that because we are all products of a cultural milieu with its own specific and clearly defined educational system and dominant ideas, we cannot claim to be who we are in the same way that a wooden table of chair can no longer claim to be a tree in a virgin forest.
                  Crooks and liars are relatively easy to deal with because they are aware of who they are and they feel vulnerable to exposure. Dupes who have been brainwashed to believe they are honest men are infinitely harder to deal with because the lies they recycle are not theirs but someone else’s. This fact makes them invulnerable to reason because there exists between them and reality an impenetrable wall of illusions, and nothing comes more naturally to us than to confuse illusions with reality. Consider what happened to us at the turn of the last century when our revolutionaries thought the Great Powers cared for us. And consider what happens to us today whenever a political candidate, for obvious reasons of his/her own, promises to recognize the Genocide.
                  It is said, investigative reporters are the eyes and ears of a nation. Where are our investigative reporters? Do we have them? Did we ever have them? Why is it that we have dozens of papers but not a single investigative reporter? Are we afraid of what they will uncover?
                  Turks worry me less than the Turk within us.


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    The Elites and the Masses
                    ************************************************** *
                    The main purpose of all elites, power structures, and orthodoxies is to keep the masses ignorant so that they may be more easily manipulated by the ruling classes.
                    Some thinkers of the past have argued that, in order to make metaphysical, theological, or philosophical truths accessible to the masses, it is necessary to create laws, rituals, and belief systems. The fallacy in this elitist argument is that, it also justifies promoting prejudice and subservience, and by extension, war and massacre.

                    Anyone who says God is one or God is three in one, or, for that matter, anything else that cannot be clearly demonstrated to be true or false, cannot be taken seriously, and to take such a man seriously even if he happens to be the Pope of Rome or the Emperor of China or the Czar of all the Russians is an unmistakable sign of frivolity.

                    And speaking of the Pope, the Emperor, and the Czar: did these gentlemen ever share the same belief systems? Did they ever make an effort to harmonize their orthodoxies? Did they ever meet and agree on anything?

                    Mankind will enter a golden age of universal brotherhood, peace, and cooperation only when it begins to perceive the charlatanism in all orthodoxies and the pornography in all power structures.


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Partisan Politics and Literature
                      ************************************************** **
                      Ben Bagdikian, the foremost American media critic, writes: "Most of the media is overwhelmingly owned by banks, investment houses and large corporations….In the normal hiring and firing of reporters, editors, writers and producers, the owning corporations quietly eliminate those who do not conform to corporate wishes in the news and popular culture."

                      Instead of banks and corporations we have bosses and bishops – make it, mini-sultans and ayatollahs. Consider the case of the English-language literary quarterly Ararat, which is sponsored by the AGBU and claims to be non-partisan. If you scan its editorial board you will notice that it is staffed by partisans, one of them being the head of the Ramgavar party in the U.S., and another, a former member of the Communist Party in Soviet Armenia.

                      Pakin, the Armenian-language literary periodical in Beirut, is sponsored by the ARF and staffed by its own members. Result: independent voices (that is, anyone who refuses to recycle partisan propaganda) are stigmatized, free speech compromised, and literature prostituted.

                      Writes Shirvanzadeh (Alexander Movsessian: 1858-1935): "The esthetic judgment of our people has been corrupted. What we need is a literary periodical that will explain to us what exactly is this thing called literture. " Elsewhere: "The narrow partisan propaganda line that is espoused by our press is the enemy of all literature." And finally: "You cannot be both a writer and a political activist. Those who say you can, have no conception of what literature really is." And so it is.

