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80th Anniversary of the Turkish Republic?

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  • #11
    Greece has never has such claims from us so far, they simply want the entire island, they never bring up such a topic as we wanted to 'wipe out the Greek race' and you people are so concerned.

    Anywayyy let's call it your way. Let's say Turkish people killed half of the World population, then what is the point of you people trying to stop the national day celebration? you are forgetting that there are millions of Turks who love their country and who have the right to celebrate their national day. that is it. Why dont you go and stop Israeli national day cos now they are killing all the Palestinians since you are so concerned about humanity? or maybe you wouldnt mess with Jews, since theyre big brothers? or maybe you wouldnt bother cos Palestinians are muslim and muslims are not humans therefore no human rights enforcement for them? Lets generalize everything mkay?

    Where were you guys when so many people were killed in Cambodia? What about when Japanese invaded Singapore and killed whomever they saw?

    Lets not celebrate noones national days cos every country is a sinner! and therefore they are disgraceful! ( Except Armenia national day of course, in this case only Armenia reserves celebration and all those who recognized genocide may also deserve)

    whatever you guys do, please do not make any comment about our national day, because that day is a symbol of our being free. Thats why we celebrate.


    • #12
      I never implied Turkish people have killed half of the worlds population, I merely said you have had aggressive behavior in the past, which I am only interpreting from history, if that isn't true and if it makes you uncomfortable, then surely we must be living in the Matrix, for I apologize if history isn't digested all too well with some folks.

      First of all I never wanted to stop any "national" day for Turks. What I would instead have a problem with is the distorted state manufactured history that will be induced into the minds of the people attending. All nations are myths. Nationalism is a flawed ideology that has surfaced in the 19th century during the Enlightenment and with it came nations. Patriots are people who love their country and people. Nationalists are people who love their government. All too often I find people in the latter category, not that I am sympathetic to patriotism on a large scale either.

      And precisly, all nations are myths, to allign yourself with a "nation" is to basically say "other nations" are enemies. Once you recognize one nation you are immediately putting yourself in hostile grounds with another. Political systems operate on such a format.

      Now with nations and governments aside, and I am to guess youre a teenager, let's look at this strictly as a people to people relationship. One people persecuting another, much like how a big bully at school pushes around the little guy. Your "argument" is more based on opinions and hypotheticals as opposed to any sort of deductive method of reasoning.

      As for Armenia's "national day" I don't particularly remember when Armenia became a "nation", I know it was in 91, but the exact day eludes me, but I do mark April 24th, as that was the day when my people and my grandparents ( forget government and politics for a second will ya? ), were persecuted against their will by another people, Turks. Obviously you are not responsible for the actions of young Turks, however you are responsible for how you perceive and consume your information.

      As for "celebrating national holiday" and "being free" that in itself is a contradiction. A "sovereign nation" contains its own negation, as having allegiance to a political entity already means you have given up freedom and instead you are the slave of a "nation".
      Achkerov kute.


      • #13
        Originally posted by Anonymouse
        As for "celebrating national holiday" and "being free" that in itself is a contradiction. A "sovereign nation" contains its own negation, as having allegiance to a political entity already means you have given up freedom and instead you are the slave of a "nation".
        But u elect those people dont you?

        Think of it this way now anonymouse, after WWI if all those countries that occupied Ottoman empire have gotten what they wanted, and there had never been Turkish Republic... i might not have come to this day, i might have been assimilated or became a minority or a modern day slave of English, French, Italian or Greek, or maybe you guys? Or the most horrible, there might still be Ottoman empire and a sick emperor whose subject i would be.

        I would prefer being able to vote and elect someone rather than just submitting to something.


        • #14
          hey anony, do you think i am not an adult? you are right. adults suck anyway, i wish i were a kid with no worries


          • #15
            Originally posted by disksoleil
            Originally posted by Anonymouse
            As for "celebrating national holiday" and "being free" that in itself is a contradiction. A "sovereign nation" contains its own negation, as having allegiance to a political entity already means you have given up freedom and instead you are the slave of a "nation".
            But u elect those people dont you?

            Think of it this way now anonymouse, after WWI if all those countries that occupied Ottoman empire have gotten what they wanted, and there had never been Turkish Republic... i might not have come to this day, i might have been assimilated or became a minority or a modern day slave of English, French, Italian or Greek, or maybe you guys? Or the most horrible, there might still be Ottoman empire and a sick emperor whose subject i would be.

            I would prefer being able to vote and elect someone rather than just submitting to something.

            First of all if it was the Ottoman Empire it wasn't a "Republic", the latter only came after the collapse of the Empire.

            Second of all the seeking of self determination by the other people occupied by the Turks has no effect on your "assimilation". All these nations like "Turkey" and "Iraq" all came into existence after World War 1. They didn't exist prior to that. So your assertion that you would have been a "slave" of English, French, or us, is unfounded and in fact flies in the face of all historical fact. Until you establish a relationship between nation states/political systems, and what you are stating, which to be honest I don't know what you're stating, that the non "Turks" would overrun and conquer you? , then I don't see any basis for your assertions.

            As for governments, electing has nothing to do with it. Electing doesn't matter. You don't 'elect' anyone, it's just an illusion. I have typed too much about this topic and government on these forums, perhaps if you want to search my threads in "The Gray Davis days are over" and read them you will see what I mean, beyond that I will not and cannot reproduce a whole subject in cute little three sentences.

            As far as voting... electing someone, that is the biggest illusion perpetrated on the present day world. Au contraire, we submit to things even till this day, we just don't notice it, or if we do, we bury it in our subconscious so as not to ruin our presently held beliefs, namely that 'we vote" and 'we decide' what we want and 'we decide' our future. But history is on my side that it is those 'elected officials' that decide your fate for you, not you, and it is they who indoctrinate you with the present day beliefs you have, and in fact all people that are slaves to nation states.
            Achkerov kute.


            • #16
              i meant, if the Turkish Republic was not established upon collapse of the Ottoman empire, i do not know what would become of us.

              you hate politics and governments dont you?


              • #17
                Originally posted by disksoleil
                i meant, if the Turkish Republic was not established upon collapse of the Ottoman empire, i do not know what would become of us.

                you hate politics and governments dont you?
                It is a transition. The Empire collapsed after World War 1 and the government just made a transition.

                Nothing happens to people, they just live their every day lives as usual. It's the same with everyone.

                People were still living their lives as usual when Rome "collapsed". Some didn't even know when Rome collapsed or what "collapse" is. That is just a modern term we use to give a time reference to a certain point and say "THATS WHEN IT COLLAPSED", but to those people of the day, it was very much well alive one might argue.
                Achkerov kute.


                • #18
                  yeah agreed. but living under somebody else's dominance must be hard.


                  • #19
                    It must be, but Turks haven't experienced that.

                    It is easier to live under your own people, than someone else, hence Iraq, or Palestine. Any person in the world would rather be ruled and made to feel like xxxx by his own than by someone who is of a different culture or tongue or religion.

                    I mean personally, I would rather live under no one since I believe I am free and able to live by myself, not under the commands and coercions of governments, but thats an opinion of an individual which these days, being an individual doesn't mean much.
                    Achkerov kute.


                    • #20
                      anony i totally agree with you....

                      it seems there will be governments all the time... how to get rid of them? (i guess if i tried to i would be labelled 'terrorist' lol)

                      have you ever voted? i voted last year for the first time, but it didnt stop that islamic party to win though.

