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  • #21
    STFU all of you.

    You're all scared and worried about this or that disease. Calm the xxxx down, you're all gonna die.

    STDs and other diseases are just what fear culture produces among other things, such as WMDs, or terrorism, or bio warfare, etc., etc.

    The U.S. government working in tandem with the big biotechs and pharmaceuticals and WHO is out to scare you, to get you to buy their drugs and live in fear, and to show that they are your only savriors. Word of advice, ignore what they say.

    Don't believe everything you hear, and always take things with a grain of salt.

    Yes there are "STDs" and thats a misnomer since you can get the very same things outside of sex, but anyway. It's made out to be bigger than it actually is, so stop xxxxing worrying.

    The whole "AIDS" controversy is still not solved since there are alot of unanswered questions about this so called disease. The amount of false positives that people get and the different criterion different countries have for what is "positive" should mean something. You can have a flu and be tested "positive" for this "disease". I remember reading a case of a particular woman who was diagnosed with "HIV" and she refused to take the said toxic medicines such as AZT and she was still living and it had been 11 years. You see the world works in fear and your masters will not hesitate to exploit anything to make sure you stay scared, subservient little lemmings.

    So stop worrying. I don't think the ultimate scare is "STD" or any other disease per se, but rather the all too human fear death. So shut the xxxx up we are all gonna die.

    I just hope God or Aliens or something kills all the humans before we do. At least then we can point and say "Yea God/Aliens were superior to us so they won", but when humans themselves are killing off humans that shows how stupid humans are.
    Last edited by Anonymouse; 11-14-2003, 02:00 PM.
    Achkerov kute.


    • #22
      well I also know that over 95% of STDs are transmitted through sex.
      and most of the stuff you listed are associated with sex...
      it's like who shares "drug needles"???
      people who get high and end up having orgies!
      who pierces people with contaminated instruments?
      no one that has a licensed piercing shop...
      and mother to child, it's POSSIBLE, not necessarily a must... which brings me back to sex... who would take the risk of having a baby if they have an STD... only losers who either don't know they have an STD or that have the "xxxx, I shouldve used protection" kinda stuff goin on...
      but thanx for your smartassness flames!


      • #23
        Originally posted by jahannam well I also know that over 95% of STDs are transmitted through sex.
        and most of the stuff you listed are associated with sex...
        it's like who shares "drug needles"???
        people who get high and end up having orgies!
        who pierces people with contaminated instruments?
        no one that has a licensed piercing shop...
        and mother to child, it's POSSIBLE, not necessarily a must... which brings me back to sex... who would take the risk of having a baby if they have an STD... only losers who either don't know they have an STD or that have the "xxxx, I shouldve used protection" kinda stuff goin on...
        but thanx for your smartassness flames!
        Maybe the best advice is to imitate this hard dawg. Before you post ask yourself: "Would this bad dawg post this kind of crap?"

        The answer is no.
        Achkerov kute.


        • #24
          Originally posted by jahannam well I also know that over 95% of STDs are transmitted through sex.
          and most of the stuff you listed are associated with sex...
          it's like who shares "drug needles"???
          people who get high and end up having orgies!
          who pierces people with contaminated instruments?
          no one that has a licensed piercing shop...
          and mother to child, it's POSSIBLE, not necessarily a must... which brings me back to sex... who would take the risk of having a baby if they have an STD... only losers who either don't know they have an STD or that have the "xxxx, I shouldve used protection" kinda stuff goin on...
          but thanx for your smartassness flames!
          Haha, you sound smarter the LESS you post. And like they say, it's better to be a smartass than a dumbass (hint hint).

          So what if it's 95% (the exact figure doesn't even matter). Truth is, it isn't 100%. Your obsession with sex is sickening. Like Amouse said, STD is a misnomer. For the educated, that would be harmless, but for the uneducated, such as yourself..well, good luck. The modes of transmission that I made bold in my previous post ARE NOT necessarily related to sex. Assumptions won't get you far in life. But sweet Jahannamik, think what you like to think. I was merely trying to inform you so that you are more careful. I wasn't trying to make you look stupid. YOU did my job for me .


          • #25
            so that I'm more careful?
            jee thanx...
            I'll never share needles with anyone anymore lol
            and I won't let someone pierce my body with bloody tools lol
            and I'll ask my mom if she has HIV... (megha megha) lol

            obsession with sex??
            is that why I haven't had sex since ummmm I was born? lol

            SHAD esh ess maaaan!
            chapen aveli!


            • #26
              Achkerov kute.


              • #27
                Originally posted by jahannam is that why I haven't had sex since ummmm I was born? lol

                SHAD esh ess maaaan!
                chapen aveli!
                jahannamig, you need to SLOW DOWN before you post such idiocies. You just informed us of the fact that you had sex WHEN YOU WERE BORN. ayayayayay. Perhaps you should re-read your posts before posting them in order to avoid looking the fool.
                The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                • #28
                  Like I said - it's not necessary to make her look stupid...she does it herself.


                  • #29
                    and you need to start eating taco bell instead of Mcdonalds...

                    you start thinking outside the bun???


                    • #30
                      You're all inferior to me.

                      Achkerov kute.

