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Armenian traditions.

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  • #11
    Originally posted by Anonymouse Why is that again? When someone dies no more Christmas tree?

    I thought it was for 40 days or something?
    I don't know the christmas tree thing. If a person dies that year, we don't put a christmas tree. My little cousin died in March of 02, we didn't have a christmas tree that year. So I guess the 40 day thing is the wearing black?


    • #12
      we didnt put a christmas tree up the year Armenia had its major earthquake.

      as far as the 40 days of none shaving- its not an armenian tradition, its more of a middle eastern thing, we are indo europeans, it doesnt mean you have to go without shaving for 40 days and look like a hairy ape, its pretty hethamenats and pointless

      as for the 40 day thing after a person has passed away, armenians (the apostolic church of armenia) believes that the soul walks(stays around) the earth for 40 days before decending into the heavens. It visits its loved ones etc. That is why they have a (Karasunk), meaning the 40 days are up, and they have a dinner with family members remembering and honoring the person who has died, marking the day that the soul reaches heaven. Usually the widow, or widdower wears black for a year after there spowse has died.

      as for the 40 days for babies, most armenians dont take the new born child outside for 40 days , its a religious tradition, but im sure some wise man made it apart of the religion for dumb society to be guided using religion to control people, but as we know it, its for health reasons, not exposing the child to bacteria from outside etc. not letting a lot of people kiss the child......etc

      all this crap with wearing black for a year for widdowers and widows, and all these stupid traditions are nothing but a show. You can remember the person who has passed away and respect them, but it takes it to the extrem when you have to fallow stupid hethamenats traditions or rules. A person should heal and morn but not make there life any more miserable, the death is misery enough, we dont need to add more pain and moarning

      it doesnt do anything but keep us down.

      sometimes i feel as if we are stepping back instead of advancing in the world, for all our stupid petty traditions that keep us from being more modern and open minded.
      Last edited by whitelotus; 12-26-2003, 10:58 PM.


      • #13
        Originally posted by whitelotus we didnt put a christmas tree up the year Armenia had its major earthquake.

        as far as the 40 days of none shaving- its not an armenian tradition, its more of a middle eastern thing, we are indo europeans, it doesnt mean you have to go without shaving for 40 days and look like a hairy ape, its pretty hethamenats and pointless

        as for the 40 day thing after a person has passed away, armenians (the apostolic church of armenia) believes that the soul walks(stays around) the earth for 40 days before decending into the heavens. It visits its loved ones etc. That is why they have a (Karasunk), meaning the 40 days are up, and they have a dinner with family members remembering and honoring the person who has died, marking the day that the soul reaches heaven. Usually the widow, or widdower wears black for a year after there spowse has died.

        as for the 40 days for babies, most armenians dont take the new born child outside for 40 days , for health reasons, not exposing the child to bacteria from outside etc. not letting a lot of people kiss the child......etc

        all this crap with wearing black for a year for widdowers and widows, and all these stupid traditions are nothing but a show. You can remember the person who has passed away and respect them, but it takes it to the extrem when you have to fallow stupid hethamenats traditions or rules. A person should heal and morn but not make there life any more miserable, the death is misery enough, we dont need to add more pain and moarning

        it doesnt nothing but keep us down.
        Nice post lotus, very well written, especially the last paragraph.


        • #14
          why thankyou mr emil, i also added more, and eddited some stupid typos i made :P

          i often think something in my head, and when i type it out, i go back and read it, and its a bunch of ramblings that dont make sense :P

          im such a dork


          • #15
            Well, when my father passed away recently...we didn't do most of the conventional armenian things....As soon as my mom saw my brothers trying not to shave...she told them that if they don't, they are not welcomed in her house. I don't like that one. We did, however, wear black for 40 days. That tradition is notttttttttt about SHOW. It's been around long before ARMOS knew what show meant. As Whitelotus said, about the spirit being in the house for 40 days....the wearing of black plays along with that. When people die, they don't quite know that they are there, which is why the spirit lingers. We wear black, don't watch TV, basically don't do all the normal things we did before, because we don't want the spirit to think it's still alive and linger in the house. We want the spirit to move on, thinking that it's not his/her house, until the 40 days are passed.

            These things might sounds stupid, but who's to say that none of the other traditions, like lighting candles, are right or wrong...Lighting candle for WHAT? Are u making a frikkin wish? LOL That's against the Bible...The Armenian church is so money hungry that they will do ANYTHING (even sell guns downstairs to minors) for a buck....BBBUT we're not gonna go there, since this is about tradition.

            If we don't keep our traditions alive, what are our kids gonna do? What is going to set them apart from the rest? Humm...I tend to keep my traditions as much as I can....the normal ones at least....


            • #16
              When we had my older brothers wedding the tradition in our family is.. 1) long limo 2) three or four armenian singers 3) the most important is the kavor 4) dzol zorna 5) half the people are dancing until they pass out the other half are drinking until they pass out. When my brother passed away my dad didn't shave for 40 days, I didn't go out with any of my friends for a year...etc...


              • #17
                Some traditions i believe to be completely outragous and meaningless, yet others are just things that have been done around your family like that for so long you dont know otherwise! I believe in keeping traditions because you need some of them to remind you where you came from and who you are! So 50 years from now when your parents are gone (too too too) and you have kids of your own, you can teach them these traditions and say your grandma and grandpa usto do this with us or whatever..... And it will go one like this and years and decades and centuries from now these traditions will stay in your family!


                • #18
                  yes i agree with wearing black, its respectful, and there are many reasons for which we do it.

                  but see, what i dont like are the dumb ones like not shaving, Its not going to change anything, it has no big meaning for it, big deal im not shaving my hair, so im respecting someone by doing that ? how dumb does it look and sound.

                  if i died, i would want people to put white flowers on my casket, and wear white at my funeral, Its a celebration of my new life to come, as i believe it. So there is no reason to morn :P

                  my beliefs are different from most traditional armenian beliefs that tie into our apostolic church.

                  but you are right, some traditions are worth continueing, because its apart of who we are, and also reasons for us to live everyday for and for our children.

                  my comments were directed to stupid traditions that are pointless, and a waste of time, not toward those that hold value and good meaning to.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by whitelotus yes i agree with wearing black, its respectful, and there are many reasons for which we do it.

                    but see, what i dont like are the dumb ones like not shaving, Its not going to change anything, it has no big meaning for it, big deal im not shaving my hair, so im respecting someone by doing that ? how dumb does it look and sound.

                    if i died, i would want people to put white flowers on my casket, and wear white at my funeral, Its a celebration of my new life to come, as i believe it. So there is no reason to morn :P

                    my beliefs are different from most traditional armenian beliefs that tie into our apostolic church.

                    but you are right, some traditions are worth continueing, because its apart of who we are, and also reasons for us to live everyday for and for our children.

                    my comments were directed to stupid traditions that are pointless, and a waste of time, not toward those that hold value and good meaning to.
                    at my funeral i want everyone to wear black and have red roses over my casket and burry me at the glendale cemetary and my hokihankist i want that to be at the new banquet hall Grand in North holly


                    • #20
                      Sirumem did you plan your death?

                      "Enjoy life, there is plenty of time to be dead."

                      When i die i want to be burried with my back towards the world, why you ask, so the whole world can kiss my ass.

                      Lotus the whole white theme at the funeral is lovely, i would want my death to be a celebration of a new life to come. Because when one door closes another one opens.

