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HyeClub Today

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  • Re: HyeClub Today

    Originally posted by One-Way View Post
    Today, I went to a Wal-Mart for the first time in my life.
    Well, how was your experience? The employees at the Wal-Mart here all have some type of physical and mental defect. I have yet to come across a normal human being that works at Wal-Mart.


    • Re: HyeClub Today

      I only spoke to one employee, excluding the cashier, and I assumed he was mildly retarded. I didn't understand most of the words that he was saying and he didn't quite understand how to form sentences properly.

      Other than that, it was a great experience. The closest Wal-Mart is 11 miles away, or else I'd go there often. We had to buy many things for camping and their prices were really good. I'm going back tomorrow to get some other things.


      • Re: HyeClub Today

        Originally posted by One-Way View Post
        I only spoke to one employee, excluding the cashier, and I assumed he was mildly retarded. I didn't understand most of the words that he was saying and he didn't quite understand how to form sentences properly.

        Other than that, it was a great experience. The closest Wal-Mart is 11 miles away, or else I'd go there often. We had to buy many things for camping and their prices were really good. I'm going back tomorrow to get some other things.
        where do you people live? The walmart by my house is nice, we call it "white-mart," and the employees are friendly and everything is clean and well organized. There is this one Indian man with a somewhat freaky birthmark on his face that's kind of blue, but that's about it

        Today there was a severe thunderstorm, and branches on my trees broke off and some of the patio furniture made it to the other side of the yard


        • Re: HyeClub Today

          I live in Burbank. It's no surprise where this isn't a Wal-Mart near us. We do have a K-Mart, though. It looks like Wal-Mart is for the bigger cities which much diverse populations like downtown Los Angeles and the Valley.

          I don't really care for employees, more than half the employees at any given store I walk into are stupid. They either don't care for their job or are seriously that stupid. I asked the employee if the tent I bought would come with nail pegs and instead of answering, he asked me where I was going to go camping.


          • Re: HyeClub Today

            Can I go camping with you? It's been soooo long since I've been.
            [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
            -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


            • Re: HyeClub Today

              Originally posted by One-Way View Post
              I live in Burbank. It's no surprise where this isn't a Wal-Mart near us. We do have a K-Mart, though. It looks like Wal-Mart is for the bigger cities which much diverse populations like downtown Los Angeles and the Valley.

              I don't really care for employees, more than half the employees at any given store I walk into are stupid. They either don't care for their job or are seriously that stupid. I asked the employee if the tent I bought would come with nail pegs and instead of answering, he asked me where I was going to go camping.
              lol, I would have replied with either "why do you wanna know? are going to stalk me or something?" or "your back yard, i like to watch you get nekkid through your window"

              there are no k-marts here they all went out of business


              • Re: HyeClub Today

                The last time I went to K-Mart was when I was in Houston and they were already closing down. Walmart beat the xxxx out of them apparently, lol.

                Regarding camping, my family has gone on camping trips on countless occasions in different countries. The last time we went camping was right here in Armenia, last year. We were at Geghart on a hill near a river. You could see the church very clearly in the distance which was only about half a mile (or a mile max.) away. Believe it or not, a bear passed by in the middle of the night, lol. Good thing it didn't touch the tent or anything ... maybe it was drunk ! Most of the people that go there drink a lot so maybe the bear found a bottle lying around somewhere. Thankfully no one from our family drinks.

                Good times. Really. Next time me and my dad will go to Khustup Sar near Ghapan. They say there is a cave there so big that a helicopter could fly through it peacefully. See it used to be a MASSIVE refuge for over 4000 Armenians at different times in history, including the AG, and it's not exactly easy to get up there so I'm REALLY looking forward to that. By the way, don't want to make this post too long or anything but in CA, there will be a page called UNREVEALED and since I'll be going to (and have already gone to) many, many simply amazing places here in Armenia and around the world that most don't even know about, I'll take pictures, video's, etc. and put them in this page so that the world can cherish all that I get to see whenever I travel.
                Last edited by Sako; 06-11-2009, 12:21 AM.


                • Re: HyeClub Today

                  By the way, forgot to ask, where are you planning to camp, One-Way if you don't mind me asking of course?
                  Last edited by Sako; 06-11-2009, 12:42 AM.


                  • Re: HyeClub Today

                    Originally posted by ara87 View Post
                    where do you people live? The walmart by my house is nice, we call it "white-mart," and the employees are friendly and everything is clean and well organized. There is this one Indian man with a somewhat freaky birthmark on his face that's kind of blue, but that's about it
                    Don’t get me started on the curry scented Indians that work in the Wal-Mart at my joint. These vicious whiffs of butt nuggets piss me off with the way they function here. Especially when I can’t understand a single word these people utter. It makes me wonder who the hell the idiot was that hired these folks.

                    Anyway, when I go to Wal-Mart for my everyday supplies, I always make sure I purchase my stuff at the ‘Self Checkout’ area where I handle my own items and pay through the machine. It’s much relaxing because that way you don’t have to deal with all the dysfunctional employees that take their life time -scanning every single item as if was some forbidden treasure.


                    • Re: HyeClub Today

                      Driving home today, I saw a crazy accident in LaCrescenta.
                      One of the cars left side was all smashed in.

                      Don't know how he survived from that impact.
                      Positive vibes, positive taught

