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Nothing wakes you up in the morning.....

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  • Nothing wakes you up in the morning..... a crash on the express way!

    So I'm heading to work this morning, cruising along in the far left lane. I decide to change lanes to the middle lane. I flick the turn signal on, get about half way in, and this moron in a white 2000+ Monte Carlo in the right lane jerks into the same middle lane without looking, or signaling, forcing me to slam on my brakes, and quickly steer back into the left lane. Well, the wheels locked up for some reason, and I'm going down the expressway at 70mph sideways. I haven't started panicking here yet other than realizing that a crash may be eminent. It veers off into the shoulder where it starts to straighten out, and gives me the false hope for a split second that we may get out of this in one piece. No such luck. I'm coming upon the speed limit sign, and one of those orange barrels too quickly to stop in time. I plow through them, and that causes the car to skid again.......right into the concrete barrier.........aaaaand finally comes to a stop. I sat there for a second in total disbelief at what happened. I tap the accelerator to see if she'll move. She does move forward, but I can hear something scraping the ground, and I hear air start hissing pretty loudly. So I put the car in park, and got out. The driver's side is toast. The front bumper cover, front fender, both doors, the rear quarter (near the rear door), both rims (cracked), and both tires flat. Needless to say, I was fuming inside, but I was in too much shock to really display it.

    Not a single person stopped, least of all, the piece of xxxx that caused the accident, which is the only person I cared about seeing at that point. State trooper came after about 10 minutes (after I called my boss to tell him I may be a wee bit late). He took down the report, a tow truck came, and the car and I were dropped off at Haggerty Pontiac. I figured that was the best place to take it at that moment, because at least I could walk to my work in the shopping center right next door. From the looks of it, and according to Joe Haggerty, and the guy who took down my insurance claim, it's going to get totaled, which I'm REALLY going to be pissed off about as soon as what's happened sets in.

    I know, I know. It's just a car, and things could have gotten MUCH, much worse. But it's hard to think about that right now since I'm fine, and I now have this mess on my hands to deal with. I just have NOT had good luck with this car. I'm still at a total loss as to what to say or think, right now. I just keep replaying all the split second things I could have done differently to have avoided this, even though I know it's useless. At this point, I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. I still owe $1,400 on it, which I was planning on having payed off in the next 2-3 months. The guy who took my claim said that because of the lien, I won't be able to buy back the car if they total it, which will most likely make me snap. I'll just have to wait and see what the adjuster says, and go from there. The only shot I snapped of it at the scene before it was towed away is below.

  • #2
    Re: Nothing wakes you up in the morning.....

    Glad that at least you are ok. You are going to replay this in your mind about a 1000 times and it's going to be quite stressful for a while. Nothing much you can do at this point other than just give it time .. and look for a replacement. Hope the insurance works out and they mark it as the other guy's fault who didn't stop. That's the one good thing about the other guy not stopping ... but without witnesses, I don't know what they will do ... you might have a fight ahead of you with the insurance people.
    this post = teh win.


    • #3
      Re: Nothing wakes you up in the morning.....

      Sip, you think they'll mark it as the other person's fault even though that collision with the idiot was avoided? Maybe if they can find evidence that the wheels locked, it won't be his fault since it's mechanical failure? That seems more likely than them accepting that he was trying to avoid a crash when this happened.

      Dikran, I'm happy you're okay. And, yes... It's just a car!
      [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
      -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


      • #4
        Re: Nothing wakes you up in the morning.....

        Originally posted by Siggie View Post
        Sip, you think they'll mark it as the other person's fault even though that collision with the idiot was avoided? Maybe if they can find evidence that the wheels locked, it won't be his fault since it's mechanical failure? That seems more likely than them accepting that he was trying to avoid a crash when this happened.

        Dikran, I'm happy you're okay. And, yes... It's just a car!
        No, they won't mark it as the other person's fault... unless there happened to be a camera on the spot it happened and it was serious enough for the footage to be reviewed.

        It's not JUST a car, to many of us it's a vital resource to our livelihood. No car, no work. No work, no shelter, no food... see how it works?
        Last edited by KanadaHye; 04-10-2009, 06:49 AM.
        "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


        • #5
          Re: Nothing wakes you up in the morning.....

          Dre, I would upset too. I get it, but when it comes to the car getting hurt or the person(s) inside, we all agree that better that it be the car right? The replaceable thing? Must you disagree with me in every thread? He has insurance, he'll get another car!
          [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
          -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


          • #6
            Re: Nothing wakes you up in the morning.....

            better than a hummer. just kidding.

            did you get the j-ackoff's license plate number?

            material items come and go, life does too but when it goes, it don't come back regardless of what all those cryogenic proponents claim.

            At least, it's Friday and you still have all your appendages in place and not broken.
            Between childhood, boyhood,
            & manhood (maturity) there
            should be sharp lines drawn w/
            Tests, deaths, feats, rites
            stories, songs & judgements

            - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


            • #7
              Re: Nothing wakes you up in the morning.....

              Originally posted by Siggie View Post
              Dre, I would upset too. I get it, but when it comes to the car getting hurt or the person(s) inside, we all agree that better that it be the car right? The replaceable thing? Must you disagree with me in every thread?
              Yeah Siggie, we all say that but we as a society have put more value on cars and "replaceable" things than people. Even though words may sound comforting, they don't make life any easier.
              "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


              • #8
                Re: Nothing wakes you up in the morning.....

                Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
                Yeah Siggie, we all say that but we as a society have put more value on car's and "replaceable" things than people. Even though words may sound comforting, they don't make life any easier.
                Are you for real?! So you're saying society has shaped your thinking such that you think it would be better had he broken his arm, but the car having only sustained minor damage?
                [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
                -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


                • #9
                  Re: Nothing wakes you up in the morning.....

                  Originally posted by Siggie View Post
                  So you're saying society has shaped your thinking such that you think it would be better had he broken his arm, but the car having only sustained minor damage?
                  That would all depend on whether or not he had health insurance.... a broken arm would have actually been less of pain if it didn't interfere with his job. And he would have gotten sympathy from others

                  Put it this way, the average car is worth $30,000. The average person is in debt, meaning they are a liability to the system.
                  Last edited by KanadaHye; 04-10-2009, 07:05 AM.
                  "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


                  • #10
                    Re: Nothing wakes you up in the morning.....

                    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
                    Yeah Siggie, we all say that but we as a society have put more value on cars and "replaceable" things than people. Even though words may sound comforting, they don't make life any easier.
                    Umm, if you are on the East Coast, there is the Metro. Acela Express. Etc. Its not like there isn't public transportation. Or, a bike. Or, umm, er, hoofing it.

                    Why so fatalistic?
                    Between childhood, boyhood,
                    & manhood (maturity) there
                    should be sharp lines drawn w/
                    Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                    stories, songs & judgements

                    - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22

