I now have over 4000 posts, and my post whorring has paid off. As you can see, I am missing chromosomes and I have "no life", whatever you humans with full chromosomes mean by that, since to my retarded self it makes no sense.
As you know, I love Billy Idol, and if you don't, well, you know now. I love listening to his songs and his dreamy voice. It like a thousand drunk girls queefing. Whenever his songs come on up goes my fist and out comes a cheer and hard go my nipples.
I know I've talked about this before, but now we should really adhere to this like a religion, stick to it, like a used condom sticks to the tissue in the trash. I call for us to all go to his website. I think if we all went n' tried pretty damn hard that we may be able to get him to come in here and post. IMAGINE! ( no not John Lennons song ) if we could get Billy Idol in here we'd be the best damned forum there ever was hands down. EVAR!
I will be busy for the next couple of hours mostly eating turtle eggs and coughing out shells. When I return, I'll check our progress and really help get him in here. And for heaven's sake, no matter what you do, please, by all means, PLEASE, please don't call him Betty Idol as tempting as it may be.
As you know, I love Billy Idol, and if you don't, well, you know now. I love listening to his songs and his dreamy voice. It like a thousand drunk girls queefing. Whenever his songs come on up goes my fist and out comes a cheer and hard go my nipples.
I know I've talked about this before, but now we should really adhere to this like a religion, stick to it, like a used condom sticks to the tissue in the trash. I call for us to all go to his website. I think if we all went n' tried pretty damn hard that we may be able to get him to come in here and post. IMAGINE! ( no not John Lennons song ) if we could get Billy Idol in here we'd be the best damned forum there ever was hands down. EVAR!
I will be busy for the next couple of hours mostly eating turtle eggs and coughing out shells. When I return, I'll check our progress and really help get him in here. And for heaven's sake, no matter what you do, please, by all means, PLEASE, please don't call him Betty Idol as tempting as it may be.