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Two Years Left!!

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  • Two Years Left!!

    I know it is too early to be thinking about what will happen to me in two years from now...but it is my future!! I wanna know what is going to happen to me and my future and i don't want a "psychic"!! I have always wanted to become a doctor...i think i should go to CSUN, get my GE's and major in BIOLOGY...then transfer to UCLA and start Pre-Med...after that i can get my doctor's degree, i need to go and get residency for 8 years to become what i want to be...a heart surgeon...Right now i go to Providence High School in Burbank California and i am in the Medical Program...yes you heard right the Medical Program!! I need someone to tell me if it is worth "wasting" 15 years of my life on school after college to become what i want to be...instead of just going to school for 7 years and becoming a RN or OBGYN!!

    HELP ME!!

  • #2
    "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius

    One of the toughest specialities is a cardiac surgeon. If you choose to go that route, be prepared to spend years in school/residency/etc, etc. YOU need to make the choice. A RN and surgeon are 2 different things. Both have their pluses and minuses.

    I have chosen to become a surgical tech, which is basically a surgeons assistant. Here is an overview of my chosen career: Surgical technology is one of the most demanding professions out there. It ranks up there with underwater welding and putting out oil field fires. We’re not surgeons, yet we have to know the surgical procedures; we're not nurses, yet we have to know nursing procedures; we’re not anestheologists, yet we have to know about anesthetic agents.

    It's up to you, think hard about it. It would suck to attend medical school, then 2 years later you decide it's not for you. I think you should talk to people in the career fields you are interested in, then you'll make a better choice.



    • #3
      Yea, I agree with what Emil said. If you know what you want, that's the way to go. And you will succeed. If you don't like what you're doing, then no matter how hard you try, there will always be a gap left. trust me.

      good luck!


      • #4
        I am so glad that you already know what you want to do. You have two years left of high school and you already began planning a path to your career. I say stick to that path.....that same path of becoming a doctor. Go For It. After every struggle there's a reward
        Yea, I agree with what Emil said
        "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius
        I agree with Confucius......on that quote anyways
        I see...


        • #5
          15 years of school!!!! Oh man. School is pretty fun but I think by the time I'm 22-23, I will have had enough.


          • #6
            lol, I agree with Hogg... besides... ick.. the blood and all that. i'd probably faint at the sight of it.. but then again, i didn't faint when we had to dissect cats and work on sheep's heart. argh.. never again.


            • #7
              Re: Two Years Left!!

              Originally posted by DaNcErGurL I know it is too early to be thinking about what will happen to me in two years from now...but it is my future!! I wanna know what is going to happen to me and my future and i don't want a "psychic"!! I have always wanted to become a doctor...i think i should go to CSUN, get my GE's and major in BIOLOGY...then transfer to UCLA and start Pre-Med...after that i can get my doctor's degree, i need to go and get residency for 8 years to become what i want to be...a heart surgeon...Right now i go to Providence High School in Burbank California and i am in the Medical Program...yes you heard right the Medical Program!! I need someone to tell me if it is worth "wasting" 15 years of my life on school after college to become what i want to be...instead of just going to school for 7 years and becoming a RN or OBGYN!!

              HELP ME!!
              whatever you do, don't go to Woodbury university for Architecture.


              • #8

                I think we should ask this guy. He's taking questions now.
                Achkerov kute.


                • #9
                  how cute, ur sucha baby, u still have 2 more years of HS......yeah do something u like, it doesnt matter if it sounds stupid to others....if u like to cook, just become a chef and etc.....I mean don't listen when ppl say ohh wow she's a doctor, good for her, screw those conversations......if u wanna become a doctor go ahead and do it, but make sure ur doing it for URSELF not for the sake of what others think........


                  • #10
                    My advice is work in a few different industries to get a sense of what it's all about. Do things that scare you a little. And take people's advice with a grain of salt. You know how they say "you've got your whole life in front of you". You do, grab it by the balls.....Talking about this makes me feel old....I'm done.

