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patlajan's avatar

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  • #11
    Originally posted by Inna I don't like any of them...their all scary its about to come out of the computer and choke me to also reminds me of 'Mona Lisa'..just staring at you..freaky
    Does your health insurance cover menal health?


    • #12
      Originally posted by patlajan Does your health insurance cover menal health?
      I'm not crazy if that is what your implying...and to be honest, I don't have health insurance ....hmmm..maybe insanity is a possibilty perhaps I should schedule an apointment with one of you geniuses


      • #13
        Originally posted by Inna I'm not crazy if that is what your implying...and to be honest, I don't have health insurance ....hmmm..maybe insanity is a possibilty perhaps I should schedule an apointment with one of you geniuses
        Now, now, now, the topic was patlajans avatar. Do you want to discuss it over dinner with me?
        Achkerov kute.


        • #14
          Originally posted by Anonymouse Now, now, now, the topic was patlajans avatar. Do you want to discuss it over dinner with me?
          hmmm...WoW...I just don't know what to say..I'm sorry Anon, I just don't feel the same way about you, I mean your a smart guy and all, but it takes more than that...of course we can still be friends though

          As for the topic...I already said that I dislike all of those avatars, no offense patty(can I call you patty?...I think I've been on this forum long enough to start calling people by nicknames) but if I must choose one it would have to be the parrot one, it reminds me of some woman that was selling parrots at the Seaport in NY.


          • #15
            I like my avatar. He's an underwear model.


            • #16
              so why is he modeling half of his head/face, and not his underwear?


              • #17
                It's an inside joke.

