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What Birds Can Teach US?

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  • #21
    wWhy did GOD create the earth?

    God created this earth so that humans could enjoy living on it forever. He wanted the earth always to be inhabited by righteous, happy people. (Psalm 115:16; Isaiah 45:18) The earth will never be destroyed; it will last forever.—Psalm 104:5; Ecclesiastes 1:4.
    Before God made man, He chose one small part of the earth and made it into a beautiful paradise. He called it the garden of Eden. It was here that he put the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. God purposed for them to have children and fill the whole earth. Gradually they would have made the entire earth into a paradise.—Genesis 1:28; 2:8, 15.

    Why is the earth not a paradise now? (

    Adam and Eve sinned by deliberately breaking God's law. So GOD put them out of the garden of Eden. Paradise was lost. (Genesis 3:1-6, 23) But DOG has not forgotten his purpose for this earth. He promises to make it into a paradise, where humans will live forever. How will he do this?—Psalm 37:29.

    What will happen to wicked people? (

    Before this earth can become a paradise, wicked people must be removed. (Psalm 37:38) This will happen at Armageddon, which is God's war to end wickedness. Next, Satan will be imprisoned for 1,000 years. This means that no wicked ones will be left to spoil the earth. Only God's people will survive.—Revelation 16:14, 16; 20:1-3.

    In the future, what will Jesus do for the sick? the elderly? the dead?

    Then Jesus Christ will rule as King over this earth for 1,000 years. (Revelation 20:6) He will gradually take sin away from our minds and bodies. We will become perfect humans just as Adam and Eve were before they sinned. Then there will be no more sickness, old age, and death. Sick people will be cured, and old persons will become young again.—Job 33:25; Isaiah 33:24; Revelation 21:3, 4.
    6. During Jesus' Thousand Year Reign, faithful humans will work to turn the whole earth into a paradise. (Luke 23:43) Also, millions of dead ones will be resurrected to human life on the earth. (Acts 24:15) If they do what God requires of them, they will continue to live on earth forever. If not, they will be destroyed forever.—John 5:28, 29; Revelation 20:11-15.

    To share in the future blessings, what do you need to do? (7)

    [COLOR=blue. God's original purpose for the earth will thus succeed. Would you like to share in these future blessings? If so, you need to keep learning about GOD and obeying his requirements.—Isaiah 11:9; Hebrews 10:24, 25. [/COLOR]

    [SIZE=4]All These and you still ant to believe that GOD DOESNT HELP US IN EVERY SITUATION?[/SIZE]


    • #22
      Originally posted by Wise
      Why did GOD create the earth?
      Why is the earth not a paradise now?
      What will happen to wicked people?
      In the future, what will Jesus do for the sick? the elderly? the dead?
      To share in the future blessings, what do you need to do?

      I am sorry, my manifoldly distant friend, but I cannot see how this addresses my opinion.


      • #23
        SLEUTH!!! You say that God has a name so why dont we talk about it!! let US explore and if YOU think HE got a NAME, then start threading...


        • #24
          come on dusken...You cannot see how this addresses my opinion?? Look at this life!! People are dying after 60 years old and sometimes less than 60!! was this the purpose of life??
          Scientists are amazed and till now they cant understand why people die cause every 3 monthes the blood circulation is renewed and everything is reinvigorate so what they say is the body is well designed to live more than 1000 years and why we get older and die??
          THIS wasn't God's notion!! His Idea was and is living forever on a paradise earth

          What will life be like when God removes wickedness and suffering from the earth and ushers in his new world under the loving control of his heavenly Kingdom? God promises to 'open his hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.'—Psalm 145:16.
          What are your legitimate desires? Are they not for a happy life, worthwhile work, material abundance, beautiful surroundings, peace among all peoples, and freedom from injustice, sickness, suffering, and death? And what about a joyful spiritual outlook? All those things will be realized soon under the rulership of God's Kingdom. Note what Bible prophecies say of the wonderful blessings to come in that new world.

          Mankind at Perfect Peace

          [God] is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. The bow he breaks apart and does cut the spear in pieces; the [war] wagons he burns in the fire."—Psalm 46:9.

          "They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore."—Isaiah 2:4.

          "The meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."—Psalm 37:11.

          "The whole earth has come to rest, has become free of disturbance. People have become cheerful with joyful cries."—Isaiah 14:7.

          Perfect Health, Everlasting Life

          "At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness."—Isaiah 35:5, 6.

          "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore."—Revelation 21:4.

          "No resident will say: 'I am sick.'"—Isaiah 33:24.

          "Let his flesh become fresher than in youth; let him return to the days of his youthful vigor."—Job 33:25.

          "The gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord."—Romans 6:23.

          "Everyone exercising faith in him [will] . . . have everlasting life."—John 3:16.

          The Dead Restored to Life

          "There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous."—Acts 24:15.
          "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs [God's memory] will hear his voice and come out."—John 5:28, 29.
          "The sea gave up those dead in it, and death and Hades [the grave] gave up those dead in them."—Revelation 20:13.


          • #25
            Birds can teach us how to crap on things that we don't like LOL

            I picked up a few things from birds:

            1. How to quietly stalk prey and quickly attack it.

            2. How to use cammo when trying to hide.

            3. Songs of wisdom.

            4. That each paticular specimen is attracted to a different kind of mating call and ritual, even in the same species and family.


            • #26
              Ok PASAMONSTER!

              LOL!! Man!! just ask your self!Is it wrong to kill animals? I know it is easy to attack on them but there should be reason for killing...
              Animal life is also sacred to the Creator. A Christian may kill animals to provide food and clothing or to protect himself from sickness and danger. (Genesis 3:21; 9:3; Exodus 21:28) But it is wrong to mistreat animals or to kill them just for sport or pleasure.—Proverbs 12:10.
              what YOU learned from BIRDS IS RALLY CRAP LOL anyway, i agree on YOUR oppinions... YOU SUCH A CROW

              Blood is also sacred in God's eyes. God says that the soul, or life, is in the blood. So it is wrong to eat blood. It is also wrong to eat the meat of an animal that has not been properly bled. If an animal is strangled or dies in a trap, it should not be eaten. If it is speared or shot, it must be bled quickly if it is to be eaten.—Genesis 9:3, 4; Leviticus 17:13, 14; Acts 15:28, 29.

              I TRULY AGREE WITH THE SONGS OF WISDOM.....Thats nice of you!
              Attached Files


              • #27
                Originally posted by Wise come on dusken...You cannot see how this addresses my opinion?? Look at this life!! People are dying after 60 years old and sometimes less than 60!! was this the purpose of life??
                Scientists are amazed and till now they cant understand why people die cause every 3 monthes the blood circulation is renewed and everything is reinvigorate so what they say is the body is well designed to live more than 1000 years and why we get older and die??
                THIS wasn't God's notion!! His Idea was and is living forever on a paradise earth
                To begin with, the correct figure is approximately 250 years. Next, scientists have a very good idea of why people die. In most individual cases, the cause of death of a person can not only be known, it can be understood perfectly. Why somebody has a heart attack is not a mystery. Again, I am not quite sure where you are off to. I think you are creating tangents. My original response was to the idea that God is in some way prepared to interfere with life. I asserted that it seems to be inconsistent with the philosophies of the religion.


                • #28
                  Dear Dusken!

                  Dude! Trust in me Scientists really and really and i can guarantee you that they still doesnt know why human beeing dies?? THe Bible says that "Death is in our DNA" and i will talk about it soon cause now i am a little busy!


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by Wise Dude! Trust in me Scientists really and really and i can guarantee you that they still doesnt know why human beeing dies?? THe Bible says that "Death is in our DNA" and i will talk about it soon cause now i am a little busy!
                    I am very curious to read what you will write about death. However, your claims that scientists do not know why people die and the fact that their lifespan is not longer than it is, still tell me nothing about why God is prepared to interfere with life. The points I raised were solely philosophical and have nothing to do with science. You said:

                    ...he is capable of helping his human servants to obtain their daily bread. He may do this by helping them to find employment so as to earn money for food. Or he may grant them success in growing their own food. As for times of emergency, God can move the hearts of kind neighbors and friends to share with needy ones what food they have.
                    I do not believe God will interfere in such a way mostly because it will be inconsistent with the idea of free will. Even if his hand was not in the will of man, it would be inconsistent to think he would help and favor some and not others who are also deserving. And if he so favors only the men who deserve his aid, such action would negate the purpose of sorting after death.


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by Wise SLEUTH!!! You say that God has a name so why dont we talk about it!! let US explore and if YOU think HE got a NAME, then start threading...

                      I have a friend whose father is a 32 or 33 Degree Mason and I was told be my friend that he has a name but it is kept a secret and is not supposed to be spoken. He mentioned some things about miracles occuring and the fact that the name is written and very few people are allowed to see it. I do not know what to make of all of it but that is what I remember being told.

