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  • #21
    Originally posted by Anonymouse
    Said who? And I am to guess you support a government ban on what the private sector does?
    This is not about government or any other silly political crap you happen to believe in. This is a fundamental concept that affects every person on this planet.


    • #22
      I'm changing my position on cloning right now.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #23
        Originally posted by patlajan
        Messing with the genome can have unforseen consequences. A life of one generation being a carbon copy of a life from a previous generation can cause who knows what. Not to mention that it takes away from the randomness of gene selection. Messing with evolution is a mistake.
        Like creating new Hitlers.


        • #24
          Originally posted by Darorinag
          Like creating new Hitlers.
          now THAT would be scary...reminds me of the movie "Boys from Brazil."

          the whole idea of cloning seems bizarre....especially your own pets..if these people seriously have nothing better to do with their money I can recommend a few...actually a lot of... people who would be more than happy to put it to good use...and this "good use" does not involve cloning anything or anybody.


          • #25
            The consequences of cloning are much greater than we can imagine. If we get to a point where we could actually clone humans, I think we would have to follow very specific protocol to prevent throwing everything off balance. I understand that the progress of science/technology is inevitable but I don't think that we are ready this responsibility yet. We are on a fence with issues like abortion, IVF, stem cell research and generally anything that either prolongs life or raises the quality of living. We would have to address it from an ethical, religious as well as economic point of view and not just scientific. We can't just throw another log on the fire and wait for the blaze.


            • #26
              Originally posted by Darorinag
              Like creating new Hitlers.
              I already said - take into account both nature and nurture. They both contribute into what a person turns out to be. A Hitler clone, I am willing to bet, would not repeat the actions of the original, given that he will have a different upbringing, associate with different people, go through different experiences, etc...


              • #27
                Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
                I already said - take into account both nature and nurture. They both contribute into what a person turns out to be. A Hitler clone, I am willing to bet, would not repeat the actions of the original, given that he will have a different upbringing, associate with different people, go through different experiences, etc...
                you reckon that cloned humans are individuals...hmmm.

                Hellooooooo DOLLYYYY :!!! ( DOLLY was a famous sheep ,firts animal ever to be cloned from an adult cell.)

                Dolly is a cloned sheep and i am a human...but we both are experimental rabbits...
                cloning humans is akin to playing god...thats pathetic and immoral
                I'm a monstrous mass of vile, foul & corrupted matter.


                • #28
                  ok. My imagination has been boosted...
                  .... created clones,assorted in different grades determined who would be workers, who would be scholars, and who would be governors.
                  Cloning brings us one step nearer to Huxley's imaginary nightmare(i am talking about Aldous Huxley ...the author of *Brave new word*) If human life, which already can be terminated lawfully for convenience, can be created
                  conveniently, society is going to be the bane of civilized people.Authoritarians can determine who is created, who is killed, and when to perform each function. Unless the scientific and political communities begin to realize that only God can play himself, then real liberty is threatened permanently.

                  To imagine all the consequences of cloning in details just read *brave new word*

                  human STOP playing GOD.

                  guys i am about to throw up.... hellooooooo dollyyyy~~~~~~
                  I'm a monstrous mass of vile, foul & corrupted matter.


                  • #29
                    Anyone who will spend $50,000 to clone a pet has far too much money and too few brain cells.

                    I think dabbling with cloning is not something we should be doing. Given that I do this every day at the molecular level it's very hard for me to sit here and argue against it without sounding hypocritical, but it's all I've got. What I have are personal convictions against it, most of which stem from the fact that there is no valid reason WHY cloning should be done... nothing that is required to further the greater good, alleviate suffering and pain, make life easier to bear for sick and unhealthy people. None of that. I just can't see WHY someone would want to do it. And if something just doesn't have ANY validation/justification whatsoever like that, I don't see why anyone would want to do it...
                    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by ckBejug
                      Anyone who will spend $50,000 to clone a pet has far too much money and too few brain cells.

                      I think dabbling with cloning is not something we should be doing. Given that I do this every day at the molecular level it's very hard for me to sit here and argue against it without sounding hypocritical, but it's all I've got. What I have are personal convictions against it, most of which stem from the fact that there is no valid reason WHY cloning should be done... nothing that is required to further the greater good, alleviate suffering and pain, make life easier to bear for sick and unhealthy people. None of that. I just can't see WHY someone would want to do it. And if something just doesn't have ANY validation/justification whatsoever like that, I don't see why anyone would want to do it...
                      someone wants to be a GOD!!!
                      I'm a monstrous mass of vile, foul & corrupted matter.

