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Daily Journal/Diary

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  • Dear diary,
    It is 2:49 am. I hate it when I can't sleep. I have gone through every possible emotion and then some today. Tired, sad, mad, happy, unhappy, angry, queasy (I guess that's not an emotion, but whatever). Will it ever end???

    4:22 am

    A positive note. Our current travails are but temporary for the mere reason we comprehend and object our positions, even if only in a passive way...
    Last edited by ckBejug; 05-28-2004, 03:28 AM.
    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


    • I am so tired of my mother screaming at me.
      in this cold and frozen country, where people are to occupied and to egocentric, be them armenain, or swedes, to give a damn about you.

      the hell with all...boring and stupid people.I wont talk with anyone for a week.
      I cant stand them.If i dont do anything, maybe theyll leave me alone.


      • i have a final (calc) in 30 minuts, and i havent studied enough for it... so what the hell am i doing here?..... the hallways got to boring filled with people too quiety studying...
        How do you hurt a masochist?
        -By leaving him alone.Forever.


        • Dear Diary,
          I want to say good luck to Gevo on his Calc final. As for my finals, it is OVER! I think I A'ced my Chem, Economics, and Pre-Calc finals. Whooo-hooo. Not sure about the other tests though. OK, this is a boring friday for me though. Nothing to do. hmmmmm.
          I see...


          • Dear Journal,

            Today at 5 pm, I will be the happiest person in the world. I will be off of work and on my way to Palm Springs with my friends..>CAN'T WAIT! I just got back from Vegas and in a couple of weeks, I am headed to Santa Barbara!!! WOOHOOO I love the summer time!

            See you all later!


            • Originally posted by violette829
              That looked better with the old "eek" smiley hu? lol.
              I see...


              • Originally posted by SagGal
                That looked better with the old "eek" smiley hu? lol.

                You noticed it too? Here...



                • Originally posted by SagGal
                  Dear Diary,
                  I want to say good luck to Gevo on his Calc final. As for my finals, it is OVER! I think I A'ced my Chem, Economics, and Pre-Calc finals. Whooo-hooo. Not sure about the other tests though. OK, this is a boring friday for me though. Nothing to do. hmmmmm.
                  Thx for the good luck, but i must say now after the final.. i hated those 2 hours.. i was very irritated at the structure of the test, and the test being comon makes it that much worse!!!.. i hated that crap!!!!
                  OK.. i dont think i did to well though.. oh well.. shouldnt bring the 90% average down to far... i hope
                  How do you hurt a masochist?
                  -By leaving him alone.Forever.


                  • Dear journal,

                    I hope all the forum people die.


                    • Dear Diary,

                      I had a really fun and crazy day yesterday. I spent the entire day at the only theme park we have in NC, Paramounts Carowinds, with my siblings and my cousins.
                      The rides there are crazy though..too crazy for me. I only went on the family and the kids rollercoaster rides this year. Even the kids rides just about gave me a heart attack. I dont see how people get a "thrill" riding rides that go in circles, side ways, upside down, reverse, laying down, and standing up. I rode those rides at least once before just to see how it felt, but now that I know what its like that I get sick just thinking about it.
                      You know that feeling you get when your waiting in line for a get all excited about the ride and you cant wait to go on it cause for some bizarre reason it just looks so dern fun, and as you get further and further up the line you see a group of people getting on the ride and are about to take this 10 second journey to the end of the world and back and you begin to get this feeling in your stomach that maybe its not such a good idea yet it seems as though everybody around you is still as enthusiastic about the ride and no one is willing to back out of it with you so your doomed to go on this godforsaken ride whether you want to or not. And the the moment comes when its your turn to sit your little hiney on the seat and buckle yourself with those buckles that you are almost sure will never hold you, because your either to big and the buckle would just tear apart and you'd end up flying out of your seat or your too skinny and the buckle isnt tight enough on you and your afraid that you might slip right out of the seat. Now your somewhat secure, or aleast you hope so because those teenagers that opperate the godforesaken ride have just checked your buckle and have given the A Okay on your journey to hell to begin. So here goes nothing, your sitting there, the ride is starting to slowly move and almost always all rides start taking you up this hill that seems as though you are about the touch heaven with your bare hands but low and behold the ride has other plans for you and it turns out that your going to be going down, very quickly to hell. You close your eyes and scream as loud as possible and just blatantly cuss out the friend/relative/sibling that persuaded you to go on this so called "fun ride." And it just so happens that the one time that you decided to open your eyes just to make sure your still alive you are either flying in the sky or about the hit the little kid who is eating ice cream while standing there and staring up at you from below. And then the 10 second ride that felt like an eternity came to a hault and it was over. It was finally over and your still alive. Then you find yourself starting the cycle all over again, because this time your friend/relative/sibling has persuaded to go on a more "fun" ride than the one before.
                      It was one hell of a day...all I can say from my experience is to wear sunscreen...seriously...I am suffering more pain from the sunburn I have then from all the rides combined.

