The point is anyone who raps is a talent lacking moron who has the IQ of a french fry covered with fire ants and can't do much in school, cant comprehend the laws of thermodynamics, and must resort to half assed little xxxxing gigs and seek validation for his putrid existence.
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a new armenian rap group...
your a racist xxx
you think rap is just for blacks, and i read your other discussion on blacks, your racist which is really gay because blacks are as equal as everyone, and if an armenian wants to rap, thats his choice, I doubt they care if someone on the internet says otherwise.
AIGHT, lemme calm down before i cuss yo ass out sooooo bad you dont come back. Color has absolutely NOTHING to do w/ the culture of rap.Who siad it was for black people? And just for yalls information BLACK PPL DISCOVERD ROCK AND ARE A HUGE INSPARATION ON MUSIC OF ALL TYPES! Now you xxxxin wanna play wit me bring ya racist ignorant, Wanna act like you know sumthin ass to my hood xxxxx and ill sho you how i play! and there are black armenians. And who said we "act black"? Just becuz we like rap dont mean we wish we were black! Now, if i need to talk again to you then you best not read the post cuz itz gonna xxxxin be mad ass! you know what im mad right now so ima let loose! YOU JUST A JEALOUS MUTHA xxxxA WHO PROBLY WISHES YOU FIT IN WIT EVERY GANGSTA OR SOME xxxx! WHO IS YOU TA SAY THAT WE ACT BLACK? YOU IS PROBLY SUM HICK LIVIN ON SOME FARM!!!!! RAP DOES TOO xxxxIN TAKE TALENT xxxxx! YOU CANT JUST SPIT GOOD RHYMES AS YOU GO! WANNA TRY? NA DIDNT THINK SO YO EXCUSE IS PROBLY "ITS STUPID AND POINTLESS" xxxxx YOU DONT KNOW HOW IT IS CUZ YOU NEVA TRIED OR BATTLED SOMEONE. YOU PROBLY JUST GRUMPY BECAUSE YOU NEVA GOTTEN LAID OR SOME xxxx. NAN WAY.....DONT COME UP IN HERE ACTIN LIKE YOU KNOW xxxxx CUZ I WILL WASTE YA ASS!!!!!
Re: your a racist xxx
Originally posted by hyethug05you think rap is just for blacks, and i read your other discussion on blacks, your racist which is really gay because blacks are as equal as everyone, and if an armenian wants to rap, thats his choice, I doubt they care if someone on the internet says otherwise.
As far as "equal" you don't know anything so I wouldn't open my xxxxxxx if I were you. Equality is an unknown concept in nature, just like freedom because everything in nature has limitations and is unequal. How are we equal? because we are humans? I think not. We have differnet cultures, different languages, intellects, capacities, reaction times, and not to mention morphological differences that go to the genetic level. Your half assed response is just sad and I recommend you terminate yourself from these boards. There is no room for wanna be black ass ghetto thuggin Armos on this.Achkerov kute.
Originally posted by Fitty PercentAIGHT, lemme calm down before i cuss yo ass out sooooo bad you dont come back. Color has absolutely NOTHING to do w/ the culture of rap.Who siad it was for black people? And just for yalls information BLACK PPL DISCOVERD ROCK AND ARE A HUGE INSPARATION ON MUSIC OF ALL TYPES! Now you xxxxin wanna play wit me bring ya racist ignorant, Wanna act like you know sumthin ass to my hood xxxxx and ill sho you how i play! and there are black armenians. And who said we "act black"? Just becuz we like rap dont mean we wish we were black! Now, if i need to talk again to you then you best not read the post cuz itz gonna xxxxin be mad ass! you know what im mad right now so ima let loose! YOU JUST A JEALOUS MUTHA xxxxA WHO PROBLY WISHES YOU FIT IN WIT EVERY GANGSTA OR SOME xxxx! WHO IS YOU TA SAY THAT WE ACT BLACK? YOU IS PROBLY SUM HICK LIVIN ON SOME FARM!!!!! RAP DOES TOO xxxxIN TAKE TALENT xxxxx! YOU CANT JUST SPIT GOOD RHYMES AS YOU GO! WANNA TRY? NA DIDNT THINK SO YO EXCUSE IS PROBLY "ITS STUPID AND POINTLESS" xxxxx YOU DONT KNOW HOW IT IS CUZ YOU NEVA TRIED OR BATTLED SOMEONE. YOU PROBLY JUST GRUMPY BECAUSE YOU NEVA GOTTEN LAID OR SOME xxxx. NAN WAY.....DONT COME UP IN HERE ACTIN LIKE YOU KNOW xxxxx CUZ I WILL WASTE YA ASS!!!!!
Achkerov kute.
ohhh God this is too funny hahaha anonymous man you're one unique individual... listen guys i have had my own share of discussions with anon, he's a tough cookie.... but gotta give it to him some of his points are pretty vallid!!
p.s anon we gatto start another one of our intrigueing arguments!! just tell me when u post something u think will pisss me off lol!!
later gaters! :twisted: