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You Know You're in Trouble when...

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  • #41
    When your coach asks you your height and then tells you he didn't know they could pile s h i t that high.


    • #42
      Originally posted by thedebutante
      When your coach asks you your height and then tells you he didn't know they could pile s h i t that high.

      *writes that one down for future use*


      • #43
        Originally posted by thedebutante
        When your coach asks you your height and then tells you he didn't know they could pile s h i t that high.
        I didn't know you were in Full Metal Jacket!
        The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


        • #44
          Originally posted by thedebutante
          When your coach asks you your height and then tells you he didn't know they could pile s h i t that high.
          ahhh!! hahhahaaa sorry! that IS funny ....

          i dreamed of ucla last night *OFF TOPIC i know!*


          • #45
            Originally posted by ckBejug
            I didn't know you were in Full Metal Jacket!
            Well, you can't know everything. Maybe the coach was in it?

            Anyway, yeah it cracks me up too. That's why I posted it. The response to what the coach said is even more hilarious, but totally not relevant here.


            • #46
              You know you're in trouble when you haven't had a bowel movement in a week.
              Achkerov kute.


              • #47
                Originally posted by Emil
                You know you're in trouble when your parents see this in the morning:

                whoever had the imagination to make the smears on the hood of this car
                (i doubt it's 'real') i do wonder what else they can come up with!!
                they didnt' do a good job of cleaning that dirty dusty car


                • #48
                  Originally posted by hyebruin
                  whoever had the imagination to make the smears on the hood of this car
                  (i doubt it's 'real') i do wonder what else they can come up with!!
                  they didnt' do a good job of cleaning that dirty dusty car
                  It is real, but you can tell that it was staged.

                  Look at the elbow part of the girl. It seems as if she had a sweater or something on and rolled it up to her elbows, and you can clearly tell that she was wearing jeans.

                  The hands next to her were probably placed later to give the effect of..... well.. you know.

                  But that picture is real..... there's no way that that can be computer generated that good. If it was, I can tell..... I'm in the field.


                  • #49
                    Originally posted by Anonymouse
                    You know you're in trouble when you haven't had a bowel movement in a week.
                    depending on the reasons why, it may lead to a bowel infarct, leaking of intestinal bacteria int he peritoneum, eventually in the bloodstream, then sepsis, and death is only a matter of hours!

                    OR just a bad case of constipation, if chronic will lead to fecal impaction, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, and a lot of misery

                    i can write more...but don't wanna bore you kids


                    • #50
                      Originally posted by Genuine_Stud
                      The hands next to her were probably placed later to give the effect of..... well.. you know.

                      that's the hottest part of the whole thing!
                      well, when i said it's not real i meant they didnt' actually DO it on the car but rubbed off the dirt to make it look that way! a torso here, an arm there..two big hands over there...hehee...i like imaginative people!

