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I do feel a tad depressed today...

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  • I do feel a tad depressed today...

    I'm glad I'm not alone. Who else feels like crap?

    'I don't like Monday 24 January' Story from BBC NEWS:

    Misery is expected to peak on Monday, as 24 January has been pinpointed as the worst day of the year.

    January has been long regarded as the darkest of months, but a formula from a part-time tutor at Cardiff University shows it gets even worse this Monday.

    Foul weather, debt, fading Christmas memories, failed resolutions and a lack of motivation conspire to depress, Cliff Arnalls found.

    GPs say exercise and reading up on depression are ways to beat the blues.

    "Yes, we do see lots of people with depression and anxiety in the winter months.

    "The message is it's not a terrible disorder, people do get better," Royal College of General Practictioners spokesman Dr Alan Cohen said.

    1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA. Where:
    W: Weather
    D: Debt
    d: Money due in January pay
    T: Time since Christmas
    Q: Time since failed quit attempt
    M: General motivational levels
    NA: The need to take action

    "Exercise and bibliotherapy - reading a number of books to allow people to understand their own symptoms and how to control them," were initial treatments, he said.

    The formula for the day of misery reads 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA.

    Where W is weather, D is debt - minus the money (d) due on January's pay day - and T is the time since Christmas.

    Q is the period since the failure to quit a bad habit, M stands for general motivational levels and NA is the need to take action and do something about it.

    Dr Arnalls calculated the effects of cold, wet and dark January weather after the cosiness of Christmas coupled with extra spending in the sales.

    He found 24 January was especially dangerous, coming a whole month after Christmas festivities.

    Any energy from the holiday had worn off by the third week of January, he said.

    By Monday, most people will have fallen off the wagon or abandoned the nicotine patches as they fail to keep New Year's resolutions.

    That compounds a sense of failure and knocks confidence needed to get through January.

    The fact that the most depressing day fell on a Monday was not planned but a coincidence, he said.
    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • #2
    Originally posted by ckBejug
    I'm glad I'm not alone. Who else feels like crap?
    You're lucky; you only feel like this today.


    • #3
      Originally posted by omniscient
      You're lucky; you only feel like this today.
      awwwwwwwwww... you're making me feel worse! Now I feel even crappier that you feel crappy a lot.
      The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


      • #4
        Originally posted by ckBejug
        I'm glad I'm not alone. Who else feels like crap?
        *raises hand*
        [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
        -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


        • #5
          I personally feel great. There's so many things I can do today. I need to buy a tire, and return a book for $26 dollars back. But right now I can either play Day of Defeat or Fallout 2. Then I was going to go rock climbing, and do those two things. Maybe even hang out w/ friends later. Currently I'm listening to rap and reading the forums.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ckBejug
            awwwwwwwwww... you're making me feel worse! Now I feel even crappier that you feel crappy a lot.
            Actually today is a bad day because I'm supposed to go to Vegas tomorrow as planned and I got influenza 2 days ago along with a bacterial sinus infection so I have been dying. I am so determined to go that my condition that usually takes weeks to overcome is going to take less than a week, I'll show those little bacteria creatures what I'm made of!

            I just ate cereal with a protein shake so I can take my antibiotic. Then I took a Mega Man multivitamin along with a amino acid pill. I also took Claritin, Echinacea, Airborne, and even a dosage of steroids to help boost my testosterone lol, yup I have lost it. In another half hour I'm gonna finish up with a half a Valium and a Vicodin so I can fall asleep.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Thai-Samurai
              I personally feel great. There's so many things I can do today. I need to buy a tire, and return a book for $26 dollars back. But right now I can either play Day of Defeat or Fallout 2. Then I was going to go rock climbing, and do those two things. Maybe even hang out w/ friends later. Currently I'm listening to rap and reading the forums.
              Sad people don't want to hear about how you aren't sad! Hehe.
              I suspect I'd be in a better mood if I had to decide what game I'm going to play rather than what project I should try and get done first at work.
              [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
              -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


              • #8
                I don't feel crappy today, it's just a regular monday for me. But it's funny, it said more depression and anxiety are seen in the winter months... I have a friend in Canada and was talkin to her last week... in winter, they have a week off from school just to read, called "reading week". She said more university students commit suicide in that one week than any other week in the year! Scary...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Thai-Samurai
                  I personally feel great. There's so many things I can do today. I need to buy a tire, and return a book for $26 dollars back. But right now I can either play Day of Defeat or Fallout 2. Then I was going to go rock climbing, and do those two things. Maybe even hang out w/ friends later. Currently I'm listening to rap and reading the forums.
                  Oh, fiiiine then! Pshhh, grumble grumble. Some of us actually have to, ugh, work for a living, and can't spend a day returning things and playing video games. lol. Enjoy your day!
                  The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CatWoman
                    I don't feel crappy today, it's just a regular monday for me. But it's funny, it said more depression and anxiety are seen in the winter months... I have a friend in Canada and was talkin to her last week... in winter, they have a week off from school just to read, called "reading week". She said more university students commit suicide in that one week than any other week in the year! Scary...
                    Damn! What kind of sad books are they reading?! lol. Poor kids.
                    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

