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  • #11
    your right in the age where we stay up until 2 am chatting online. And kids live in small little dorm rooms and crappy food. The essence of life has been stolen from us. It's time we rebel.


    • #12
      Originally posted by violette829
      Sleep deprivation is a VERY big problem among young adults today. I see this EVERYWHERE. You don't realize how important sleeping is because you're so young, you just think you're invincible.However, I must say, that this is going to catch up with you later on in life. Do anything and everything you can to get rest. My migraines occur when I haven't had my 8 hours of sleep, or if I sleep more than 8. I see a pattern developing here with non-sleepers and headaches. YOU GUYS NEED TO SLEEP. Get rid of all distraction, noise, light, and everything else you can to get your butts to bed! 6-8 hours of sleep per day means that you'll have enough energy to go through your day without yawning or rubbing your eyes...Here are some tips for sleep:

      warm milk(or so I've heard..>I'm lactose intolerant)
      leave your window open for a cool breeze..
      for the girls-take off your bra, and panties (if necessary)
      turn off your phones
      let your mind relax just for that moment
      concentrate on your breathing

      i just have insomina. i have stress problems.


      • #13
        Oh God...I am afraid to get started lol

        I overslept and missed an appt this morning with a surgeon. I have a cyst in my gall bladder and wanted to consult about removing the organ, although I dont feel that its needed at this point.

        My ovary has been leg has been hurting...and the circulation has been weird in boobs are sore, and that actually never happens to me....I have gas pains and burps...I have Endometriosis and IBS, so this is daily life for me....

        My jaw is hurting from the stupid TMJ, I keep sneezing and caughing....

        Don't get many headaches though! lol


        • #14
          Originally posted by ArmoBarbi
          I keep sneezing and caughing....

          Pardon my French but according to my English dictionary, "caughing" is spelled "coughing".


          • #15
            Originally posted by !IKE
            Pardon my French but according to my English dictionary, "caughing" is spelled "coughing".
            So it is. Pardoned.


            • #16
              Originally posted by !IKE
              Pardon my French but according to my English dictionary, "caughing" is spelled "coughing".
              This is a thread created by me, so if you're going to correct someone's spelling, please don't waste a post....PM them. Thanks


              • #17
                Originally posted by violette829
                Sleep deprivation is a VERY big problem among young adults today. I see this EVERYWHERE. You don't realize how important sleeping is because you're so young, you just think you're invincible.However, I must say, that this is going to catch up with you later on in life. Do anything and everything you can to get rest. My migraines occur when I haven't had my 8 hours of sleep, or if I sleep more than 8. I see a pattern developing here with non-sleepers and headaches. YOU GUYS NEED TO SLEEP. Get rid of all distraction, noise, light, and everything else you can to get your butts to bed! 6-8 hours of sleep per day means that you'll have enough energy to go through your day without yawning or rubbing your eyes...Here are some tips for sleep:

                warm milk(or so I've heard..>I'm lactose intolerant)
                leave your window open for a cool breeze..
                for the girls-take off your bra, and panties (if necessary)
                turn off your phones
                let your mind relax just for that moment
                concentrate on your breathing
                Funny - (as well as good advice!) - love your list ...last two in particular spoke to me! Yeah - I'm one who often has difficulty sleeping...and there are times (in fact a great deal of the time...even now...) where I can't sleep unless I've had sex...or at least xxxxxxxxxx (but sex is certainly the preferred! - and normally more [single dose! lol] effective!)...otherwise I'm just too wound up - what can I say...Ok - having a few drinks can help sometimes...but even then - sometimes that doesn't even help - and in fact I'm often one to jump up shortly after sex with lots of energy and want to go out and ride a bike or play some basketball or such (or have more sex! - though certainly less able right away now that I'm older...still I do on occasion surprise...)...and even as old as I am and as many years as I've gone with less sleep then I should - I'm still doing Ok - and I can still stay awake and function adequatly for days without sleep when I want to - or just when...etc (not good in a sense I know...but what can one do?)

                anyway aches and pains...well I'm an old guy so you probably don't want to get me started...though I'm actually doing pretty well at the moment...nothing major...and speaking of headaches/migranes and such - I used to get terrible migranes as a teenager...but they wen't away and no longer have bothered me since in my early 20s! Still I occasionally get nasty sinus headaches as I have allergies and had a bout with sinus infections a number of years ago (once with headaches so bad [for months - every day] I had a CAT scan for it - what did it show? Yeah severe sinus infection! lol)

                ...other stuff - well (3 1/2 years ago) I almost died from a very nasty intestinal infection - it burst actually! - very nasty...well several operations later I'm pretty much back to normal (though missing a few feet of intestines!)...some scars I tell ya!

                I also have a hole in the retina of one eye - right in the center - its considered a macula degeneration problem - though it was caused by impact playing sports. It is directly in the center of my vision and caused me problems for some time - the harder I tried to focus onsomething the worse it got. I learned to just ignore it -and my vision has closed around it so I actually see great now (OK with glasses - but thats nothing new...) - my eye doctor - a specialist who normally sees only old people and professional atheletes said he thought my self-healing was one in a million!

                I also have had surgery on the knucklebone of my big toe (maybe 7-9 years ago - don't remember). I had broken it and it didn't heal properly - became arthritic and very very excruciatingly painful. Surgeon removed my cartilage and induced scar tissue formation - only had 25% left anyway (so I was essentially bone on bone!) - said he was giving me 5 years and would then probably have to fuse it - well - I have pretty much full mobility and it hardly ever pains me (though on occasion - cold weather and overuse - playing basketball or such...still mostly OK) - yeah - going strong! - i'm a very fast healer in general.

                Another recent problem I've had is with my other foot - the ankle & heal specifically. I twisted my ankle under me early last summer. I thought I had broken my ankle - it was that bad - swelled up like a grapefruit for a few days then went away - so I thought OK - my body has taken care of it - as usual....well a few weeks later my achillies tendon was noticibly sore and weak...I couldn't play basketball and it bothered me otherwise (walking, cutting the lawn etc) I kept off it for a while - and by last fall thought OK - better now - well wrong again - when I play basketball or walk or run much - my heal hurts like heck (mostly the next day) - and its difficult to walk still not fully healed - it was a nasty we're working on it...(but I am back to playing basketball and tennis at least...with pain - but pain is part of'll come to realize this..)

                Oh and how could I forget - I have a severely herniated disc in my lower back. Yeah - very nasty. Again though my body has amazed the experts. One nuerosurgeon from Georgetown med looked at my MRIs and said I shouldn't be walking. Well - luckily my best friend is an outstanding chiropractor who has worked on me for hours and hours - plus they found that my spinal colomn is nearly twice as large as (you regular) human beings! - couldn't help it with that one...yeah...but I am old(er) - and about that age when nasty things start happening. I'm in better physical shape then most - recently did a stress test where the doctor said I was about the most cardio vascurly fit 40+ year old she had ever tested...but I need to lose some weight and my triglicerides are way up (good living...too good!) (even though other stuff not so bad)...still avoiding the meds...I don't take a thing..unlike many old(er) folks - popping their daily pills - etc...I don;t want that....

                not too long was it?


                • #18
                  i sometimes go on for days with a permanant headache, or i have ONE HUGE! disgusting headache for one day and i'm good for the rest of the week...

                  does anyone here notice that armenians have headaches MUCH more often then any other culture?


                  • #19
                    i have found that what works best for sleep deprevation is that i will just stay up and do things until my body just cant handle it anymore...

                    and usually those nights i sleep the best!

                    but yes violet those last two actually do help! and even the third item and yes it is necessary... "surprise surprise!"


                    • #20
                      (chanting) VICODIN VICODIN VICODIN

