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Once upon a time in America....

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  • #31
    Originally posted by omniscient

    Always wanted to see it.


    • #32
      I've always wanted to see Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in America, but it's about four hours and I haven't had the chance to invest that much time. I have things to do like making useless posts on message boards.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Anonymouse
        Do you remember Fransisco Franco of Spain?

        This was my question:
        By the way you didn't mentioned not even one Imperialist Non Fascist State in the whole Human history , so i take it that there never was one.
        I asked for an Imperialist Non Fascist State.

        Not a Non Imperialist Fascist State.
        Franco's Spain was a Non Imperialist Fascist State.

        Originally posted by loseyourname
        None of the major Imperialist states from the modern era (Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, Great Britain, France, Japan) were fascist. For the most part, their empires pre-existed fascism.
        Fascism:A social and political ideology with the primary guiding principle that the state or nation is the highest priority, rather than personal or individual freedoms.

        Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, Great Britain, France, Japan ,when they were Imperialist, were all fascist states.The State had the Highest Priority not the people.Fascism was not something just invented during WWII.It pre-existed and it started when the people started to create states.
        Again people give different definitions to the term Fascist.


        • #34
          What a perfect way to set up a straw man. In order to maintain to the mythical connection that fascism necessarily breeds imperialism, you therefore ask for an imperialist power that was not fascist. As mentioned by loseyourname, we have examples that contradict this. Also Spain was fascist and did not follow imperialist escapades. Now your silly analogy has been raped to its utter meaninglessness. Give up while you can.

          The state has been the highest priority in many forms, such as communism, democracy, fascism, etc. To then go further and argue that fascism existed before it existed is the hallmark of ignorance. That does not mean that they were fascists. It is ahistorical to claim something preceded its actual emergence. Now run along.
          Achkerov kute.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Anonymouse
            What a perfect way to set up a straw man. In order to maintain to the mythical connection that fascism necessarily breeds imperialism, you therefore ask for an imperialist power that was not fascist. As mentioned by loseyourname, we have examples that contradict this. Also Spain was fascist and did not follow imperialist escapades. Now your silly analogy has been raped to its utter meaninglessness. Give up while you can.

            The state has been the highest priority in many forms, such as communism, democracy, fascism, etc. To then go further and argue that fascism existed before it existed is the hallmark of ignorance. That does not mean that they were fascists. It is ahistorical to claim something preceded its actual emergence. Now run along.

            Appendix A

            First of all you don't need to get hysterical.I am calmly trying to enlighten you as you asked me to do so in a previous post .So we will take this step by step.

            Do you understand the difference between this:

            1)An Imperialist Non Fascist State.

            and this..

            2)A Non Imperialist Fascist State.

            If you do understand it, then explain what it does mean, i want to see if you really do understand.If you are not able to understand it , don't be embarassed and politely ask it from me to explain you, my little pro american friend.


            Appendix B

            The state has been the highest priority in many forms, such as communism, democracy, fascism, etc. To then go further and argue that fascism existed before it existed is the hallmark of ignorance. That does not mean that they were fascists. It is ahistorical to claim something preceded its actual emergence. Now run along.
            The state has been the highest priority in many forms,such as communism, democracy, fascism, etc.
            Democracy:the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives

            Communism: An economic system in which capital is owned by private government. Contrasts with capitalism.

            Fascism:A social and political ideology with the primary guiding principle that the state or nation is the highest priority, rather than personal or individual freedoms.

            Key words for Democacy :The Political Orientation

            Key words for communism: An economic system

            Key words for Fascism: A social and political ideology

            Thus you see my dear how ridiculous it is to compare things which have nothing in common.To make it more clear to you, since for you the process to analyse information is slow, it is like this :
            PHP Code:
            Although i doubt if you understand again.
            It would be for your own bennefit not to mix those things together.

            To then go further and argue that fascism existed before it existed is the hallmark of ignorance. That does not mean that they were fascists.
            Fascism:A social and political ideology with the primary guiding principle that the state or nation is the highest priority, rather than personal or individual freedoms.

            So it is obvious that you deny that the above is the definition of fascism and you have created your own little theory,otherwise you wouldn't state your ....arguments.

            You would be most welcome to tell me what is your definition of Fascism.


            Appendix C

            To understand Appendix A & B.
            Last edited by Red Brigade; 06-04-2005, 05:35 PM.


            • #36
              I was being sarcastic about you enlightening me. The day I ask for someone who believes in the discredited economics of Marxism to enlighten me is the day pigs mutate into robot zombies shooting lazer beams. As Merriam-Webster defined it:

              1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

              We already have examples of how the Dutch and the British were not fascist as they fed their empire via free trade and a market system. Furthermore, with parliaments in place they were not fascists. You are trying too hard.
              Achkerov kute.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Anonymouse
                We already have examples of how the Dutch and the British were not fascist as they fed their empire via free trade and a market system. Furthermore, with parliaments in place they were not fascists. You are trying too hard.
                the Dutch and the British were not fascist as they fed their empire via free trade and a market system.
                the Dutch and the British were not fascist
                You should reconsider that rush statements of your's.

                So again for the fourth time i will state the definition of Fascism.I take it that this definition is accepted by you , since when i asked you to give me your definition of Fascism ,''surpisingly'',you went silent.

                Fascism:A social and political ideology with the primary guiding principle that the state or nation is the highest priority, rather than personal or individual freedoms.

                Do you have the impression that in England and Holland in that times,the state cared more about the higher good(socialism) than the highest priority (fascism).
                Or you are really going to fight me untill the end and claim that during the times of the industrial revolution ,not to mention before,the Parliament's and their little feuds were thinking about the higher good and not the highest priority.

                I was being sarcastic about you enlightening me. The day I ask for someone who believes in the discredited economics of Marxism to enlighten me is the day pigs mutate into robot zombies shooting lazer beams. As Merriam-Webster defined it:

                It is absolutely logical to change your position now, since your beliefs are in danger and you have been exposed.

                PS:By the way you didn't answered to Appendix A and Appendix B


                • #38
                  It's a shame that some people will continue to parrot the same nonsense to hold fast to preconceptions.
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • #39
                    What a relevant to what i said, post.


                    • #40
                      By the way, America is hardly a fascist country, yet.
                      Achkerov kute.

