Originally posted by One-Way
Hey there are also some really nice M-Audio audio interfaces that are external and hook up via firewire or USB and are cheaper than the Mbox2.
Here ya go ...
M-Audio is a really cool company that make affordable high quality project and "semi-uberprofessional" equipment ... aka prosumer stuff. Their Trigger Finger MIDI drum device is awesome. Lets you have the feel of an Akai MPC without having to drop over a grand for the box. Basically it lets you trigger internal sounds that reside in your computer via MIDI. Only $200 ...
Here it is ...
M-Audio Trigger Finger ...
The nice thing about this device is that unlike an MPC that is limited in sample time by memory your PC is not ... well actually your PC is as well but not as much as an MPC. lol Also if you have ever edited on an MPC or a SP1200 or any other external drum machine you'll know what a pain it is doing all that editing in a LCD window the size of an envelope address label. In your PC you get to edit using a full monitor with great resolution.
This is why I suggested the MBox2 because you'll also get a crapload of great software to use with your MBox, primarily, the main reason why ppl buy the MBox2, ProTools LE. With that program alone (I won't lie there is a steep learning curve but the time invested will be well worth the time it takes to learn) you can bring your ProTools LE project on CD-Rom(s) to ANY STUDIO IN THE WORLD, because they're all running ProTools TDM, and instantly pull up your project and start working.
The MBox2 also comes with Abelton Live, Reason, Sampletank and a few other programs that are trial only but give you a good idea of how they work. What you have to understand is that through a function called Rewire you can use all of these programs simultaneously to make one cohesive track. All of these programs, including things like Emagics Logic and a ton of others, can all be "slaves" of the ProTools software. Example ... you make a beat in Reason ... create some synth lines in Sampletank ... record your voice into ProTools ... add some sampled sequenced material through Abelton Live and "Wa La" press space bar on your keyboard in ProTools and everything else plays back together at the same time.
Also the MBox has Focusrite preamps for your Mic which means you'll sound better than you ever have in many regards.
I know that's allot of info but it's really just the tip of the iceberg in terms of this collection of software and equipment. I could keep writing but all I think you really want to know is what should you do NOW ... that's why I bolded the first thing I wrote. If that's all you want to know then that's all I have to say, but if you want to know where to go from there or expand your project studio then follow the above advice. Trust me
