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  • Re: The Ankap Thread

    Originally posted by Anonymouse
    Anahita the crazy caper has cauterized the thread with catatonic convulsions.
    Mouse is high on ‘high culture,’ while sitting in an ‘impeccable,’ agile and slightly ambidextrous and rat-like, yet lovable, creature stance.

    (I think you'll hear a reference to that in a radio song in the future, Anonmymouse--maybe dealing with a cat.)
    Last edited by Anahita; 05-01-2006, 12:30 AM.


    • Re: The Ankap Thread

      I believe in both free speech and free thought. [/B] If I disagree I WILL point that out sometimes, though. Actions are different.

      DemocracyNow! streaming (at this moment)

      Amy Goodman has already talked about: War, Bush and signing statements, Genocide in Africa, huge environmentalist protest in South America and more (most of the issues I've talked about on this forum>)

      If you missed the program, you can listen to the show later at

      A daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the U.S.

      Headlines for May 1, 2006

      - Millions Expected to Join “A Day Without Immigrants” Protest
      - Three Years Ago: Bush Declared Missions Accomplished in Iraq
      - Report: Cost Of Iraq War To Pass Cost of Vietnam
      - 100,000 Iraqis Forced to Flee Homes Due to Violence
      - Report: Bush Claims Authority To Disobey Over 750 Laws
      - U.S. Gov’t Seeks Dismissal of Domestic Spy Suit Against AT&T
      - FBI Issued Over 9,000 Subpoenas to Monitor U.S. Citizens
      - IAEA Report: Still No Proof Iran is Pursing Nukes
      - Bolivia Signs Trade Pact w/ Cuba and Venezuela
      - Rush Limbaugh Arrested on Prescription Drug Charges
      Last edited by Anahita; 05-01-2006, 10:35 AM.


      • Re: The Ankap Thread

        There's more to the picture than meets the eye...--Neil Young

        "WE'RE gonna give them something they've NEVER SEEN before."

        This is one game in THE GAME OF LIFE (Also see the thread in the intellectual lounge.)

        I'll feed some of the basics to everyone Many people did not understand at first... I was vague and good things can take some time. Pay close attention to what I post:

        For example, the "haircut" cartoons I've posted here are 'jokes with a message' (another example is a pic of Ghandi "another skinhead for peace.") Most important, is the message in the photo, music, or webpage. I've said before, I often speak on many levels.

        First, see this thread:

        The hardest riddle on net . There is a link to a page of lyrics for Timbuk3, after Mr. Tomservo correctly answered my question... (e.g. those lyrics, "I'm gettin good grades... I'm a peepin tom teckie" and lyrics for "Hairstyles and Attitudes." That is one example of thousands of 'hints' like ... (Not all music is 'for good' in my opinion, so don't pull messages out of just anywhere.)


        I believe we're going towards world peace and do many other good things by playing and getting more to play! (I told Tomservo that I'm sorry if I? 'painted' him into my 'movie' game and he didn't know? Some others are also in the game, too.)

        Originally posted by Anahita
        On the other hand, some issues that I believe are actually preferences are treated as moral issues (and sometimes imposed on others.) A favorite hair style is not a moral issue....[and some morals are treated like hairstyles]"
        at (read the whole thread, if you can)


        If you want to play, you'll get more out of it (and more fun--plus it will blow your mind) if you listen to the radio... (I'm playing with you, too.) Play whenever you want, but also do what you need to do. Lets laugh our way to peace and a better way....

        Tell your friends!

        MMM (3M) Radio:

        Love, "Anahita" (one of many 'names'--like 'baby.')

        PS: You also might want to take notes on a few threads: e.g., Irony of religion, God Father and Mother, Global Warming, and some others. I've said a few things incorrectly earlier (I'll try to remember mention those on the GAME thread.)
        Last edited by Anahita; 05-01-2006, 02:23 PM.


        • THE BEST GAME EVER CREATED! No kidding.

          "WE'RE gonna give them something they've NEVER SEEN before."

          THIS IS A FUN GAME, WITH LOTS OF PURPOSE (I believe we're going to work towards creating world peace and much more by playing and getting more to play)! (I told Tomservo that I'm sorry if I? 'painted' him into my 'movie' game and he didn't know? Some others here are also already in the music game, too.)

          This is one game in the bigger GAME OF LIFE.

          You guys had NO IDEA how important Armenian Club was, did you?

          I'll feed some of this to everyone: Many people did not understand at first... I was vague and good things can take some time.

          Here are a few hints: Almost every picture (and sometimes even the http:// of the links to get to the pictures or other places) speak 1000 words.

          For example, the "haircut" cartoons I posted on Ankap are 'jokes with a message' (another example is a pic of Ghandi "another skinhead for peace.") Most important, is the message in the photo. I've said before, I often speak on many levels.

          First, see this thread:

          The hardest riddle on net thread. There is a link to a page of lyrics for Timbuk3, after Mr. Tomservo correctly answered my question... (e.g. those lyrics, "I'm gettin good grades... I'm a peepin tom teckie" and lyrics for "Hairstyles and Attitudes." That is one of thousands of things like that I've done here.

          Originally posted by Originally Posted by Anahita
          On the other hand, some issues that I believe are actually preferences are treated as moral issues (and sometimes imposed on others.) A favorite hair style is not a moral issue....[and some morals are treated like hairstyles
 (read the whole thread, if you can) As well as "Irony of Religion" and some others.


          If you want to play ('work'), you'll get more out of it (and more fun--plus it will blow your mind) if you listen to the radio... (I'm playing with you, too.) Play this game whenever you want, but also do what you need to do. Lets laugh our way to peace, a healthy Planet and MUCH more. A better way for all...

          Tell your friends!

          Last edited by Anahita; 05-01-2006, 02:01 PM.


          • Re: THE BEST GAME EVER CREATED! No kidding.

            LOVE YOUR ENEMY (Notice the very different hand gestures of Bush and Bono.)

            One man to overthrow... --U2

            Let's impeach the president... --Neil Young

            Check out THESE lyrics!
            NYA contains the complete archives of Neil Young. The site is designed for a chronological exploration of artist output including music, books, films, & videos. Music is streamed in high-res with Xstream by NYA. A living document, NYA is always being updated with new information, content and news.

            Important Photo

            There's more to the picture than meets the eye...--Neil Young

            If I could change the world-- Eric Clapton

            Let us work (in the 'game of life') on making our HOME--EARTH--a better place for ALL living beings, and future generations (and have some fun in the meantime.)

            I am both playing and co-creating the game as we go...

            So, here we go.
            Last edited by Anahita; 05-01-2006, 01:57 PM.


            • Re: THE BEST GAME EVER CREATED! No kidding.

              I don't really understand.


              • Re: THE BEST GAME EVER CREATED! No kidding.

                Neither do I. As is typical of Anahita and her posting style, yet another thread about nothing. It's always nonsensical and about herself or about nothing or both.
                Achkerov kute.


                • Re: THE BEST GAME EVER CREATED! No kidding.

                  Originally posted by Anonymouse
                  Neither do I. As is typical of Anahita and her posting style, yet another thread about nothing. It's always nonsensical and about herself or about nothing or both.
                  Thank you ANONYMOUSE!

                  I'm frusterated


                  • Re: The Ankap Thread

                    "Hey, I was just thinking if it DOES rain today, there will literally be a lot of wetbacks." -- Caller on a radio show about those marching in Chicago May Day 2006


                    • Re: THE BEST GAME EVER CREATED! No kidding.

                      You easily earn the most incoherent poster award.
                      Achkerov kute.

