Re: The Ankap Thread
Can I make some soup for you?
Thank you my lovely Tomservo.
Beef karma… the links between eating beef and hunger
Beyond Beef: The rise and fall of the cattle culture
“While the rich are dying from the diseases of affluence, the poor of the planet languish for want of the bare essentials of life…3.5 billion people, teeter precariously between salvation and despair… between 700 million and 1 billion people live in absolute poverty around the world… On the African continent nearly one in every four human beings is malnourished. Chronic hunger now affects upwards of 1.3 billion people, according to the World Health Organization—a statistic all the more striking in a world where one-third of all the grain produced is being fed to cattle…” Undernutrition affects nearly 40 percent of all children in developing nations and contributes directly to an estimated 60 percent of all childhood deaths.”
The human toll of supporting a worldwide cattle complex [consuming beef] and an artificial protein chain has been devastating… [and] the very survivability of the Earth’s ecosystems and the biosphere that sustains all of the various forms of life on the planet. (177-180)
For more information, see
Beyond Beef
Diet for a Small Planet
Free Vegetarian Starter Kit: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Cutting out beef first, is usually the easiest for most people.
United Nations Millennium Development Goals
Originally posted by TomServo

Beef karma… the links between eating beef and hunger
Beyond Beef: The rise and fall of the cattle culture
“While the rich are dying from the diseases of affluence, the poor of the planet languish for want of the bare essentials of life…3.5 billion people, teeter precariously between salvation and despair… between 700 million and 1 billion people live in absolute poverty around the world… On the African continent nearly one in every four human beings is malnourished. Chronic hunger now affects upwards of 1.3 billion people, according to the World Health Organization—a statistic all the more striking in a world where one-third of all the grain produced is being fed to cattle…” Undernutrition affects nearly 40 percent of all children in developing nations and contributes directly to an estimated 60 percent of all childhood deaths.”
The human toll of supporting a worldwide cattle complex [consuming beef] and an artificial protein chain has been devastating… [and] the very survivability of the Earth’s ecosystems and the biosphere that sustains all of the various forms of life on the planet. (177-180)
For more information, see
Beyond Beef
Diet for a Small Planet
Free Vegetarian Starter Kit: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Cutting out beef first, is usually the easiest for most people.
United Nations Millennium Development Goals