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  • #11
    Yeah, I've heard. But I don't want to see the film. Everytime I see the film of a book I've read, it ruins my fond memory of the book.


    • #12
      i dont really think about death but when someone close to me passes away, i get this feeling of sadness along with a sense of relief (if they were suffering). i donno, sometimes i see death as the only certainty in life. it's like, no matter how much you mess up, no matter how much pain you suffer, no matter how much goes wrong, in the end there's death, something that makes all of that go away. as euphoric as this may sound, we still choose that pain over death, which is no feeling at all. yeah, death. a strange concept when analyzed. but hey, it's procedure.


      • #13
        Death is simply the cessation of physical life in a living organism or the state of the organism after that event.There is nothing to be afraid of as it is something very natural and logical.

        However the natural is not always the just.The rule of the strong towards the weak,of the king towards the peasant and of the rich towards the poor is something very natural.But just, it is not.I believe that the highest desire of the humans has always been to escape from the merely natural and consequently death.

        That is why it was rather easy for the religious leaders ,who took advantage of this desire,to manipulate the people with their lies.


        • #14
          Originally posted by jgk3
          About that, I've been longing to hear some Cynic mp3s, do you have any?
          No. I own the album. I don't listen to mp3's.


          • #15
            Originally posted by Stark Evade
            No. I own the album. I don't listen to mp3's.
            Where'd you buy it from?


            • #16
              Originally posted by jgk3
              Where'd you buy it from?

              I don't know. Maybe Amoeba Records in Hollywood. Maybe from


              • #17
                Anyway, Sean Malone's more recent project is, in my opinion, much better than Cynic. It's called Gordian Knot (I have both of their albums) and it's more in the progressive rock vein.


                • #18
                  well, do you think you can send the tracks to me through msn?


                  • #19
                    My only fear is dying like a sissy..

                    edit - for language


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by thedebutante
                      i dont really think about death but when someone close to me passes away, i get this feeling of sadness along with a sense of relief (if they were suffering). i donno, sometimes i see death as the only certainty in life. it's like, no matter how much you mess up, no matter how much pain you suffer, no matter how much goes wrong, in the end there's death, something that makes all of that go away. as euphoric as this may sound, we still choose that pain over death, which is no feeling at all. yeah, death. a strange concept when analyzed. but hey, it's procedure.
                      I agree death is the great equalizer because it doesn't discriminate against the poor or rich or your racial or ethnic background. It can come at any moment. And in some cases, death is but the only option. My grandmother has Alzheimer's right now, and the thing is she never knew she would be in this, and if she were able to comprehend would she still want to live like that? I know that I really couldn't live like that and I'd rather die than live like that. There is some saying my folks always say about that, let God take away my soul before my mind, or something to that effect.

                      I don't know, lately I guess I've thought about this alot, and what it means to me. That's because my grandmother's are approaching that time where they perhaps will pass away soon. They are both really old and frail. This would be classified as the first serious loss of loved one in my family. My uncle was also recently diagnosed with cancer which is "stage 4" I don't know what the hell that means (in terms of it being terminal). So sometime I am going to have to deal with this and confront it, and I'm always wondering how my first meeting with death will be.

                      I don't really think much about death either, unless like in this case I zoom in on the topic like this, and decide to make an inquiry out of it. I think that most people and most of us certainly go about life with too many everyday and practical worries to think about death. That's because the immediate things are more tangible and in front of us, and the short term worries us more than existential musings. But then, couldn't some cynic, or some nihilist just as much make the argument that all we do is simply because or precisely a symptom of trying to avoid and reject the terror which comes with death or the excessive thought of death? Or this idea of reaching a certain notion or status of success, to make a name for ourselves, to establish ourselves, and to live beyond our lifetime? Couldn't that then be somehow a struggle against time, death and decadence?

                      I guess death is sort of like a cold teacher and the only thing it teaches is that we are a frail, mortal, and an existential bunch not knowing where the hell we're going.
                      Achkerov kute.

