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  • #21
    As long as a fellow Armenian has pride in who he/ she is, and is proud to carry the title "Armenian", and is never ashamed of it, then they are truly Armenian. It doesnt matter how you live, or what type of music you listen to, or how you dress, etc...

    It's ok to imitate other life-styles, to a certain extent. After all we live in foreign countries away from our own, However;
    When self-effacement is the core reason for the imitation, this is when the imitation leads to assimilation. And assimilations leads to the loss of one's essence.


    • #22
      Originally posted by surferarmo
      Originally posted by fIReBuRntInHeLL
      Originally posted by surferarmo
      Well, we never met eachother, but I would not consider any one of you Armenian. From your language use on this forum, even Fireburntinhell, and her broken dialect does not allow me to believe she is Armenian. All of my friends would disagree with you Jahannam on me being "Armenian." I would say you werent because you dont seem to be as tradititional as other "Armenians" The fact is...we are not what we think we are.
      Well you should, :!: because my stupid writings and broken english don't make
      me less armenian. Every day I'm thankfull to God that I was born armenian. My main goal in this life is to keep myself and my kids armenians as long I'm going to live in a foreign country. too bad that you
      don't feel that way
      LOL. Who said I dont. Fire...I love you, only because you hate me.
      ok then, I love you too :twisted:


      • #23
        I don't particularly feel proud to be of armenian decent. Granted, I am half armenian and half "white". I wasn't raised with the language, but I participated in most customs, and later in childhood lived with my armenian-speaking relatives. I realized at an early age that pride in being a certain race is silly. It isn't like its something we earned. As far as I'm concerned, the most racist, closed-minded people are the ones that are extremely proud of their race.

        As far as considering myself armenian, sure I do. But I guess it depends what that means to you. I dont think there is any harm in identifying yourself as armenian, surferarmo, if thats how you feel. Don't worry how other people define themselves. Most of the people that you are talking about don't say they are just like the people that live in Armenia.


        • #24
          Originally posted by bombtrack79
          pride in being a certain race is silly. It isn't like its something we earned.
          so you're suggesting human being should only be proud of money, cuz that's pretty much the only thing that one can "earn"...
          so parents would be silly if they were proud of their kids..
          and I would be silly if I were proud of my brother the day he gets his phD... cuz It's nothing I earned...
          MAN my signature makes more sense everyDay!


          • #25
            I realized at an early age that pride in being a certain race is silly.
            Well, I think that for Armenians, the pride is innate. Which is rarely the case for other cultures.

            As far as it being silly to have pride in a certain race... I don't think so kid. It's "silly" to think that it's silly.


            • #26
              Re: Identification

              >> As far as I'm concerned, the most racist, closed-minded people are the ones that are extremely proud of their race <<

              Pride is one thing, racism is, albeit related, another. Racism comes into being when that racial and/or ethic pride causes the dellusion that one is superior to another on the basis of ethniciy.

              >> ...pride in being a certain race is silly. it isn't something we earned. <<

              Agreed. Pride based solely on ethnicity is fairly silly. It is not something we earn, as we are born into it. Holding true to one's beliefs, morality and honour, all of which are oft intertwined with culture, on the other hand, are accolades which are indeed earned, and thus worthy of pride.

              As far as considering myself Armenian or not. yes, I am half Armenian, but solely because I was born into it, and nothing anyone can say or do, myself included, can change it.
              I was raised with the Armenian language and customs, alongside French, English, and the Teutonic values. I have always identified with the Teutonic portion of my lineage, and have always sought to hold true to my beliefs, my (Teutonic) values and morality, to live a virtuous and honourable life, to make my forefathers and Gods proud.

              Many people interpret my believing and practicing (Odinist) Asatru, rather than (Armenian Orthodox) Christianity, as well as my choice to learn Deutsch, rather than improving eroded Armenian, as a form of resentment towards Armenian culture, and insist that it makes me "less" Armenian, or not Armenian at all. Some so much as resent me for it. I find it utterly riducoulous, there is a difference between not embracing it (Armenian culture) and going out of my way to discredit it, or to deny it, to resent it, or what-have-you.


              • #27
                with all this odinist, "teutonic" (don't wanna sound rude, but this is my first time bumping into this word), asatru , deutsch and French wanna be attitude....
                I dunno why you're in ""...

                and pride in being a certain race is not silly...
                being from 10,000 races is being rootless, therefore "silly"...
                I'm sorry if anyone got offended... just being honest.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by jahannam
                  with all this odinist, "teutonic" (don't wanna sound rude, but this is my first time bumping into this word), asatru , deutsch and French wanna be attitude....
                  I dunno why you're in ""...

                  and pride in being a certain race is not silly...
                  being from 10,000 races is being rootless, therefore "silly"...
                  I'm sorry if anyone got offended... just being honest.
                  No offense taken. Teutonic (or Germanic) refers to the people of Northern Europe and Scandinavia. It is a subdivision of what, coupled with out brothers, the Slavs and our cousins in the far east (Hindu, tibetan,..), makes up the Indo-Aryan race. The reason for the subdivisions, is that the some of the tribes migrated, the Slavs settled in the East of Europe, the Teutons in the North. Over time, they further dived into smaller nations, and with each nation, their dialect evolved into a seperate languages, which in their present forms are still close enough to use relativly interchangably (with the expection of the Gauls/Franks, who, linguistically were assimilated, presumably by Rome, and the Fins, as Suomi is a Slavic tongue). A less extreme example is the difference between hayastantsi Armenian and the dialect generally spoken in this part of the world.

                  Asatru roughly means "belief in the Aesir" (the Aesir, along with the Vanir, make up the Teutonic Pantheon) ) it is the reconstruction of the traditional religion of the Teutonic people, which is deeply intrenched in our culture.

                  Odinism is to Asatru, what Orthodox, Catholocism and Protestant is to Christianity. More specifically, it is the branch of Asatru, where Odin is the prime deity.

                  Deutsch is German for German. [German being the easiest of the Teutonic languages to learn with a good grasp on English, (as English, despite being a bastard language was initially a diallect of Old High German) it is easier to go from English, to German, to Icelandic, to Old Norse, than to go from English directly to Old Norse, which would be nice rto speak, as it is my ancestral tongue.)

                  I'm in for a few reasons. I) as mentioned in previous post, I am half Armenian, I may not embrace it, but that does not change my herritage.) and II) a few friends I had made on migrated here and suggested I sign up.

                  I am not of 10,000 races, but of two.
                  I am of two distinct lineages, one of which evolved in relative geographic isolation, and one which evolved while spanning multiple nations.

                  You may believe that this equals rootless, and it is your right to believe that which you choose to. I commend your honesty, you should not appologize for sharing your beliefs. I disagree, just as it is my right to do so, and will leave it at that as I have intention on stirring up hostility. I offer my humblest appologies if I had already done so.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by patlajan
                    OK everyone put their family tree back in their backyard please. It is turning into a contest.
                    You're right. We shoiuldn't talk about family trees because patlajoke the Hamburglar might get offended since he doesn't have one.
                    Achkerov kute.


                    • #30
                      Okay now what did THAT pathetic insult have to do what what I threw at you Patlajizz?
                      Achkerov kute.

