I heard this sexaholic girl on a talk show once (you decide the credibility). She said that she lost the bridge that connected the emotional to the physical during sex, like an animal. Man, that would suck now that I think about it.
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Originally posted by sSsflamesSsOriginally posted by jahannamwell.. how often does someone have to have sex so that they're considered sexoholic?, I don't know!
I don't think the frequency matters as much as the animal need for it. I don't know how to word that. :?
I don't think the frequency matters as much as how they perceive it.
Yea, that sounds better.
I think that the ultimate meaning of life is to be happy. Happiness is the meaning of life, and whatever causes one’s happiness, varies from person, to person.
Thus, "the meaning of life" is seemingly different, yet when u break it down, it's the same for everyone. Happiness / satisfatcion of one's self and/or life.
There is no certain meaning, no dogma. We create in our minds, or decide what is most meaningful/ "great" to us, and to attain this greatness, is the meaning of life.
And as flames said, for people who feel that they have no meaning, it's a sad sad world. Doesn't mean that they were never menat to have mening in their lives, it just means that they don't choose to give it Their "meaning", or they dont value anything enough for it to serve as the core or motivation of their happiness.
only we can determine what is the meaning(cause of happiness and satisfaction) of our lives.
every man for themselves.
oh and surfer, as far as religion goes, I think religion is sort of a safe haven for people, it make them feel guarded, and protected knowing that God is there.
Most people "believe" simply because of hopes that they will be rewarded in the "after-life" Or because of fear of just the opposite.
yes it uses science to explain itself. However it is a belief, as is religion. Some choose to believe it and some choose not to. The only difference is that no religion has a somewhat scientific background, and astrology does.
therefore, for some, it may have more credibility.
Astrology CAN have spiritual and religious undertones as evidenced by studies of ancient Egypt. but it's neither a religion nor a belief system.
astrology is a language. It works best as a language, and it's more universal than English. The astrological classification system can and does relate to anything and everything...
As for the so-called scientific critics, why do they offer such unscientific criticism of astrology? Why do they fear open discussion? Why do they not offer specific studies of astrology?
Many of us think of astrology only in terms of newspaper sun sign columns. By their very nature, they must be general and even vague, but they do serve a purpose to introduce us to the world of astrology.
Re: Existentialism
Originally posted by surferarmoPeople. Check this out. A very heavy philosophy known as existentialism. The human ability to create meaning! That is something that we do. Come on folks. This goes along with the nation state. We created that for security, and for nationalism. Nationalism creates purpose. Think about this. We go to college, we are scambling for a major. We dont know what we want to do yet. Why do we need to find something to do, for security. We dont want to be homeless. Security is our purpose. Imagine if you just stopped right now, and didnt feel the need to have a purpose. We are always working towards something, we always put meaning in something. Imagine for one second a world without nations, without purpose, without meaning. I cant imagine it.
Even religion is ruled and made credible by fear. If you sin you go to hell, so do what you tell us. I believe in religion, but it is true that it is governed by fear. Our purpose is to please God, to reach heaven. Why? Because we will go to hell otherwise. We put meaning into this. A muslim guy is feeling the same thing I am, I put meaning into my religious experiences, and he puts his meaning into his. Surfing is something I cannot live without...I put meaning into it. If they banned surfing tomorrow, half of you wouldnt care...I woulndt know what to do with myself. So what do you do in a world without purpose and without meaning?
What do you think?
I would definitely kill myself, because if you don't have any purpose and meaning in this life, then what's the poit of living and wasting nature's time :?: Do u know that the most suicides are happening in Scandinavian
countries, and you know why? because they have no meanings in their lives. They live in the absolute perfectness. People are rich, they don't need anything, they have everything, government satisifes people's needs. All they do is get up each morning go to work,if they want to, eat,
sleep, go to WC and nothing new. People have lost their interest of life,
and that horrible to live like that. But a purpose gives something to yourself, you have a goal to reach! a life full of challenge and interests.
my whole point is whoever is a person, he/she must have a goal, otherwise he/she has no place in a growing society, which needs people
to help it's growth. Because of the purpose humans achieved so many things, so life without a purpose it's not "life".