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Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

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  • Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

    The events of the past 50 years prove that Gorbachev is right. I believe that John McCain will be the next US president. And what will he get America into this time?....

    From Telegraph

    Gorbachev: US could start new Cold War
    By Adrian Blomfield and Mike Smith in Paris

    "The problem is not with Russia," he said, speaking at a friend's château outside Paris.
    "Russia does not have enemies and Putin is not going to start a war against the United States or any other country for that matter.

    "Yet we see the United States approving a military budget and the defence secretary pledging to strengthen conventional forces because of the possibility of a war with China or Russia.
    "The United States cannot tolerate anyone acting independently.
    "Every US president has to have a war."

    "I sometimes have a feeling that the United States is going to wage war against the entire world."

    Last year, Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, told a congressional committee that America needed to boost military spending to counter myriad threats including the "uncertain paths of China and Russia".

    Those comments caused uproar in Russia, with pro-Kremlin newspapers claiming they heralded the start of a new Cold War.
    Tensions have already been heightened by a US proposal to build a missile defence shield in Poland and the Czech Republic to counter a nuclear strike by Iran.

    Mr Gorbachev, however, claimed the plans were an aggressive act against Russia.
    "Erecting elements of missile defence is taking the arms race to the next level," he said. "It is a very dangerous step."

    "The Americans promised that Nato wouldn't move beyond the boundaries of Germany after the Cold War but now half of central and eastern Europe are members, so what happened to their promises? It shows they cannot be trusted."

    He railed against a "military-industrial complex" that he insisted was the "real government" of the US and, quoting a Russian documentary on state television, suggested that Margaret Thatcher had supplied weapons to Chechen terrorists.


  • #2
    Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

    McCain laughs, Sings Bomb Iran -

    McCain: 100 years in Iraq "would be fine with me" -

    John McCain is Dr. Strangelove -

    John McCain talking into the wrong end of the microphone -

    What will happen if McCain becomes responsible for the nuke button?...


    • #3
      Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

      Iran: U.S., Britain behind mosque bombing in Shiraz

      This is the ugly face of American Empire and its friends from UK....


      TEHRAN, May 13 (Xinhua) -- The Iranian judiciary said on Tuesday the 12 people arrested over a mosque bombing in the southern city of Shiraz in April have confessed they had been backed by the United States and Britain, Iran's ISNA news agency reported.

      Judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi said the arrested "have confessed that they had links with the foreigners, especially those of the United States and the UK."
      "The interference of foreigners, especially the United States and the UK, is clear and they have trained and supported the terrorists financially," Jamshidi added.
      The blast on April 12 ripped through a packed mosque during a prayer sermon in Shiraz, killing 13 people and wounding at least 200 others.

      Iran has blamed Western-backed dissidents for the bombing and threatened to take legal actions against Washington and London over the deadly blast. Jamshidi said the Iranian people "knew from the beginning that the United States and Britain were supporting the terrorist groups." Arrested together with bomb-making equipment and arms, the detainees had the intention to plant explosives in the crowded areas, he added.

      "They will be severely punished and Iran will file lawsuit, domestically and internationally, against those governments who are directly or indirectly involved in this issue," Jamshidi said.


      Iran Blast an Incident
      TEHRAN (FNA) - A blast in a mosque in southern Iran that killed at least 12 people on Saturday was not an attack and was probably caused by negligence, a police official said on Sunday.
      Fars province police chief Commander Ali Moayeri told FNA "the incident could have happened as a result of negligence since there was an exhibition commemorating the war not long ago."

      "The munitions left at the site may have caused this explosion," he added.

      From CNN:
      Deadly mosque bombing in Iran, Shiraz
      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

      From Reuters:
      Iran deadly blast mystery
      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


      • #4
        Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

        Yet another war crime committed by the USA:

        US helicopter strike kills children - AP
        Article Last Updated: 05/22/2008 07:17:22 AM MDT

        BAGHDAD—Iraqi police say eight civilians have been killed by a U.S. helicopter strike north of Baghdad. The U.S. military says the strike was targeting al-Qaida militants but acknowledges some civilian deaths including children.
        Associated Press TV News footage shows the bodies of three children among the dead after the strike Wednesday night near Beiji.

        The U.S. military says the helicopter was targeting an al-Qaida weapons storage facility when it fired on a vehicle whose occupants "exhibited hostile intent." The military does not specify how many people were killed but says the dead included children in the vehicle.
        Beiji police Col. Mudhher al-Qaisi says the eight dead were civilian farmers and their children who were fleeing U.S. raids in the area.

        McCain laughs, Sings Bomb Iran -


        • #5
          Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

          Originally posted by North Pole View Post
          The events of the past 50 years prove that Gorbachev is right. I believe that John McCain will be the next US president. And what will he get America into this time?....
          Intereseting to see it coming from a man (if you can call that piece of sh-it a "man") who is one of those responsible of creating this ugly monster called USA by letting the mighty USSR die before its time. Gorbachev always was a weak and corrupt leader who at the end became the biggest traitor of Russia since Lenin.


          • #6
            Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

            Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
            Gorbachev always was a weak and corrupt leader who at the end became the biggest traitor of Russia since Lenin.
            Hello, HayotzAmrotz.
            Don't be so rough on Gorbi. He was naiive back in the 1980s. But he grew up since then and turned into a... Russian patriot.
            Here's what he said in November, 2007:

            Gorbachev: United States Targeting Russia, Not Iran

            29/11/2007 | Moscow News – 47 2007

            BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) - Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev said Wednesday that he viewed a U.S. plan to deploy a missile defense shield in Central Europe as targeting Russia, not Iran.

            "(On Tuesday) Milos Zeman, the former Czech prime minister, said, What kind of Iran threat do you see? This is a system that is being created against Russia,'" Gorbachev said. "I don't think Zeman is alone in seeing this. We see this as well as he sees it."

            The United States wants to place a radar station in the Czech Republic and intercepter missiles in Poland, saying the components would defend European allies against a possible Iranian strike.
            Gorbachev, 76, whose policies of glasnost and perestroika - openness and restructuring - helped end communism in the Soviet Union and its satellites, criticized the high level of military spending by the United States.

            "Does America intend to fight the rest of the world, does America need to build a new empire? They will not succeed," Gorbachev said at the close of a meeting of the World Political Forum, a group he founded in 2003 that includes many former high-ranking politicians.
            Gorbachev, who won the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize, said negotiations with Iran needed to continue with the involvement of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, to ensure Iran did not produce nuclear weapons.

            Gorbachev said he hoped the United States would not attack Iran during the remainder of the term of U.S. President George W. Bush.

            READ MORE -


            • #7
              Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

              And here's an opinion of Ron Paul -



              • #8
                Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

                Real Americans are an endangered species in US politics. Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan are perhaps the last of the "real Americans" left in Washington DC.
                Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • #9
                  Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

                  Originally posted by Armenian View Post
                  Real Americans are an endangered species in US politics. Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan are perhaps the last of the "real Americans" left in Washington DC.
                  That's true, but it seems like John McCain can't even get his lies straight....
                  VIDEO -

                  Views: 1,065,422


                  • #10
                    Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

                    I cannot figure something out after watching the video - is McCain a compulsive lier (which is a mental disease) or he just doesn't remember things?

                    What will happen if McCain becomes responsible for the nuke button?... I mean....
                    He is running for PRESIDENT. This is scary stuff.

                    WATCH THE VIDEO -

