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  • Re: elegy

    arabaliozian, please kindly check your posting 148 in this page:
    Where we discuss more serious topics like philosophy, politics, history etc



    • Re: elegy

      Originally posted by Javakhk View Post
      arabaliozian, please kindly check your posting 148 in this page:
      Where we discuss more serious topics like philosophy, politics, history etc

      Nman artahaytutyunner @nthanrapes chen hamapataskhanum 'Baliozianakan' (neologisme? ) chapanishnerin, hetevabar yes el zarmatsa mi kich inchpes ink@ Aran.

      Are you going to recant what has been slipped mistakenly, Ara?


      • Re: elegy

        Originally posted by Lucin View Post
        Nman artahaytutyunner @nthanrapes chen hamapataskhanum 'Baliozianakan' (neologisme? ) chapanishnerin, hetevabar yes el zarmatsa mi kich inchpes ink@ Aran.

        Are you going to recant what has been slipped mistakenly, Ara?
        Well, actually I was not disputing smething. I just used the the remark to give some illustrations for the problems in Javakhk.


        • Re: elegy

          Originally posted by Javakhk View Post
          Well, actually I was not disputing smething. I just used the the remark to give some illustrations for the problems in Javakhk.
          I know and I appreciate your efforts regarding Javakhk, on the web.


          • Re: elegy

            Originally posted by Lucin View Post
            I know and I appreciate your efforts regarding Javakhk, on the web.
            Thank you very much! :-)

            Actually we still have not much information on Javakhk in the English-language web. We need distribite our info.

            For tis purposes we made the following purely English site (Travel Guide for Javakhk):


            • Re: elegy

              Originally posted by Javakhk View Post
              Although Armenians are majority of Samtskhe-Javakhk province, there are ZERO Armenians in local government of the province. Even the electoral areas are organized so that one small Georgian village elects one depurate, and 5-6 large Armenian villages together also elect one depurate…

              Facts like this must be delivered to US and European bodies to that they are aware of things like that when they support Georgia as a “candle of democracy in Caucasus”…

              If US and European bodies pay bigger attention to Javakhk, I am sure, Georgia will have to treat better the Armenians…

              Armenians of US, you have better chances to deliver this to US organizations. Please help us to distribute the truth…
              I will deliver your message to the President of ANCA here in the U.S.



              • Re: elegy

                Originally posted by Javakhk View Post
                Facts like this must be delivered to US and European bodies to that they are aware of things like that when they support Georgia as a “candle of democracy in Caucasus”…
                Looking at the resent events such as US’s refusal to give any military aid and weapons to Georgia I would guess that the relationship between the two is not what it used to be compared to when Bush was in office.
                B0zkurt Hunter


                • Re: elegy

                  Originally posted by Anoush View Post
                  I will deliver your message to the President of ANCA here in the U.S.

                  Thank you very much, Anoush jan! The potential of US "brokering" in Javakhk problem between Armenia and Georgia is huge because both countries depend on US, and because US already is evolved in a set of Armenian-Georgian joint programs, such as road construction, democratization, etc.

                  Recently some Armenian activists asked questions of this type to US Ambassador to Armenia Ms. Yovanovitch, too. (We still wait for answer, and I will inform you when it arrives).


                  • Re: elegy

                    Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
                    Looking at the resent events such as US’s refusal to give any military aid and weapons to Georgia I would guess that the relationship between the two is not what it used to be compared to when Bush was in office.
                    True, but Georgia still is very much dependant on the US. And Russian danger still is there to "encourage" Georgia to hear the United States.


                    • Re: elegy

                      Saturday, August 8, 2009
                      HASGANOUM ES?
                      To say we have problems but no solutions is a big lie.
                      Our only problem is big lies and their dupes.
                      Expose them and that will be the end of our problems.
                      Our liars know this better than anyone else.
                      As for our dupes: they are what they are
                      because they prefer pleasant lies to painful truths.
                      And the most painful truth of all
                      is their identity as damn fools.
                      We have failed to solve our problems
                      because our dupes think of themselves as smart
                      and our liars have done their utmost
                      to brainwash them to believe that.
                      How do you convince a fool that he is a fool?
                      It can't be done!
                      How do you convince liars they are liars?
                      No need. They already know.
                      How do you break up the bond
                      that exists between liars and dupes?
                      Impossible! It is like the marriage
                      of the mythical irresistible force
                      with the immovable object.
                      There is no power in heaven and on earth
                      that can budge them.
                      That is the only way to explain
                      the millennial existence of organized religions,
                      all of which assert a monopoly on truth
                      even as they go about contradicting one another.
                      When liars and dupes conspire,
                      honest men have as much chance
                      as a drop of rain in the Sahara at high noon.
                      That's the only way to explain why
                      all honest men -- from Socrates and Jesus Christ
                      to Gandhi and Solzhenitsyn -- have been silenced,
                      exiled, persecuted, jailed, and crucified.
                      Hasganoum es?

