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notes / comments

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  • Re: notes / comments

    Originally posted by arabaliozian
    Wednesday, November 15, 2006
    Whenever people assess themselves they tend to emphasize the positive and cover up the negative, and after they fool themselves, they think they have been successful in fooling others.
    What is flattery? To say to a second-rater that he is first rate. To flatter someone means to imply that he is so bad that he needs to be propped up by lies.
    Sometimes asking questions is more important than answering them. But if you ask the wrong questions, don’t expect to get the right answers.
    The most effective way to expose a liar is by speaking the truth, not by speaking bigger lies.
    To my critics I say, even literary giants like Thomas Mann and Solzhenitsyn were powerless against the likes of Hitler and Stalin. If you are a competent judge and I am what you say I am – a minor scribbler – what’s the harm in what I have been doing? Unless you assess your fellow Armenians to be such gullible dupes that they will be taken in even by a mental masturbator.
    I read somewhere that you are in your sixties and have had an extensive career as a writer. I understand that you are considered an Armenian critic. Do you criticize in the hopes of enlightening? Has this been your approach throughout life? How much success have you had? I am asking you these questions because I find your form of criticism to be unconstructive, you do not offer anything to build on, you simply break down everything Armenian. It does not appear to be from a desire to bring Armenians together or to bring about any positive change from understanding. I have read post after post where you criticize Armenian history, beliefs, and traditions. Do you not see anything positive within Armenians to build upon? Or are we in your opinion just a tribe, past its time, that should surrender to assimilation.


    • Re: notes / comments

      i never had much like with hoodlums.
      i am not complaining.
      they have been
      and continue to be
      endless sources of inspiration to me,
      for which
      many thanks. / ara


      • Re: notes / comments

        Originally posted by arabaliozian
        i never had much like with hoodlums.
        i am not complaining.
        they have been
        and continue to be
        endless sources of inspiration to me,
        for which
        many thanks. / ara
        Is this your response to me? Come on! At least put some effort into it. You have some kind of wall up and you just can't bring it down for a minute and offer a civil or coherent reply. How sad for you. Should I reach your ripe old age I hope I can do so with some love of life still left in me. If being destitue is such a weight on your soul then allow me to help you out. Do you need money for food or booze? Let me know how you want it transfered and I will send as much as I can spare.


        • Re: notes / comments

          Hahaha... The pseudo-intellectual is resorting to insults
          Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


          Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


          • Re: notes / comments

            Originally posted by gmd
            I read somewhere that you are in your sixties and have had an extensive career as a writer. I understand that you are considered an Armenian critic. Do you criticize in the hopes of enlightening?
            Career? Don't make me laugh. If he had a "career" he would not be here force feeding us his crap. Our pseudo-intellectual wouldnt even be able to get a job writing Chinese fortune cookie messages.

            Well... On second thought, perhaps that is the 'only' job he is worthy of

            Your observation about his counterproductive, destructive, self-hating, dark and hopless rhetoric has been expressed by many. The only folk who have paid some attention to his rantings have been the "liberal" garbage that is found within our North American communities, no one else.

            Had he not been so self-hating of his Armenian identity one one hand and condesending on the other, I would not be so harsh on him due to his old age. But he has disdain for us Armenians, he has always had it.

            Not to mention the obvious fact that he has no talent as an 'intellectual/thinker' what-so-ever.
            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: notes / comments

              Arpa on the other forum calls him 'arabullsh*tian'.

              Actually, I get pretty bored reading his stuff. ***biiiig yawn***


              • Re: notes / comments

                Originally posted by Armenian
                Career? Don't make me laugh. If he had a "career" he would not be here force feeding us his crap. Our pseudo-intellectual wouldnt even be able to get a job writing Chinese fortune cookie messages.

                Well... On second thought, perhaps that is the 'only' job he is worthy of

                Your observation about his counterproductive, destructive, self-hating, dark and hopless rhetoric has been expressed by many. The only folk who have paid some attention to his rantings have been the "liberal" garbage that is found within our North American communities, no one else.

                Had he not been so self-hating of his Armenian identity one one hand and condesending on the other, I would not be so harsh on him due to his old age. But he has disdain for us Armenians, he has always had it.

                Not to mention the obvious fact that he has no talent as an 'intellectual/thinker' what-so-ever.
                I am from California. I think many would consider me more red-neck then liberal (Ara feel free to call me red-neck, hoodlum is getting old). I am actually trying to communicate with Ara(although it has been largely one sided so far). Just want to understand what he thinks he is doing. My understanding of a critict is someone who points out problems with the goal of bringing about positive change.


                • Re: notes / comments

                  Thursday, November 16, 2006
                  Yeghishe (410-470): “If a nation is ruled by two kings, both the kings and the nation will perish.”
                  A divided nation condemns itself to slow-motion genocide.
                  Raffi (1835-1888): “An Armenian’s worst enemies are not odars but Armenians.”
                  In an anti-intellectual environment even an inbred moron will think he is smarter than a “mental masturbator.”
                  Raffi: “Armenians have no future in Turkey.”
                  To be a prophet, all you need is to use your common sense and to read the writing on the wall.
                  Raffi: “A people that does not like to read cannot be educated.”
                  Even the mightiest empire can be victimized by the weakest of nations if the empire is divided and the nation united.
                  Raffi: “Sad is our past, and what is our present if not an extension of that past?”
                  Better to repeat an old truth than to invent new lies.
                  Raffi: “We are like sheep without a shepherd.”
                  A nation whose victims outnumber its survivors should not brag about its genius for survival.


                  • Re: notes / comments

                    i never had much luck with inbred morons! / ara


                    • Re: notes / comments

                      Originally posted by arabaliozian
                      correction: i never had much luck with inbred morons! / ara
                      I love this. Your 'hate' and 'disdain' is burning you up.

                      I have not checked, but about a year ago I think I was the first one here to call your bluff. I did so with the hope that other readers here might realize what a fraud and an egomaniac you are. I see that more-and-more posters here have begun to see your absurdities.

                      I think the following is the first post I made in this worthless thread:

                      There are Armenians who assimilate and disappear without a trace. And then there are assimilated ones like you... The problemn with your kind is that once they 'assimilate' they continue sticking around to give us "advise."

                      My advise to you: Take your self-hating, destructive and condescending rhetoric elsewhere, its obviously not appreciated here.
                      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:

