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  • Re: notes / comments

    Originally posted by Anoush View Post
    Thanks Ara, I will try them.

    here is the e-mail address:
    write to Harut Yeretsian
    abril bookstore <[email protected]>,


    • Re: notes / comments

      Originally posted by Armenian View Post
      Who the hell cares what someone like you says. Get with it, girl...

      Wow, I'm impressed, you should publish that statement...

      One has nothing to do with the other, your point is senseless, and Mars is far better than your stupid "Venus"
      Wow how good/smart/sensible and logical you are. NOT

      FYI I would respect intellectuals regardless if mostly I agree with their views or not. Because usually they possess insights, a great deal of knowlege and a gifted imagination.

      I would speak with them with more respect and with dignity.
      Last edited by Anoush; 07-18-2007, 09:34 AM.


      • Re: notes / comments

        Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
        here is the e-mail address:
        write to Harut Yeretsian
        abril bookstore <[email protected]>,
        Thank you very much Ara for the info.

        I just found the site and your book. I will order it now. Thanks again.

        Last edited by Anoush; 07-18-2007, 09:03 AM.


        • Re: notes / comments

          Thursday, July 19, 2007
          THEM AND US
          Puzant Granian: “There is a Turk in all of us.”
          Whenever I read one of my critics, especially those who belong to the Ottoman school of criticism, I am reminded of Zarian’s dictum: “An Armenian’s tongue can be sharper than a Turk’s yataghan.”
          It seems to me we worry too much about Turks and not enough about the Turk within us.
          Since we can’t engage in real massacres, we engage in verbal ones.
          I once received an e-mail that said: “I am proud to be an Armenian!” Signed “Anonymous.”
          Someday if the Turks forget what it means to be a Turk, I have every reason to suspect the consultant they will hire will be an Armenian.


          • Re: notes / comments

            Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
            Thursday, July 19, 2007
            THEM AND US
            Puzant Granian: “There is a Turk in all of us.”
            Whenever I read one of my critics, especially those who belong to the Ottoman school of criticism, I am reminded of Zarian’s dictum: “An Armenian’s tongue can be sharper than a Turk’s yataghan.”
            It seems to me we worry too much about Turks and not enough about the Turk within us.
            Since we can’t engage in real massacres, we engage in verbal ones.
            I once received an e-mail that said: “I am proud to be an Armenian!” Signed “Anonymous.”
            Someday if the Turks forget what it means to be a Turk, I have every reason to suspect the consultant they will hire will be an Armenian.

            It is with sadness; but some of the things you said here unfortunately holds water as some of Armenians' tongues can be extremely sharp, mean and arrogant. And when one doesn't have a great deal of money, power or if they are jealous then they jump at the person ten folds more; because they feel that they can and they're not afraid of.

            One day my Greek girlfriend and I were talking and she said that Greeks tend to be much more jealous from their compatriots than Armenians; but I wonder if they also exercise very sharp tongues among themselves like a good many Armenians do.

            Last edited by Anoush; 07-19-2007, 07:22 PM.


            • Re: notes / comments

              Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
              Thursday, July 19, 2007
              THEM AND US
              Puzant Granian: “There is a Turk in all of us.”
              Whenever I read one of my critics, especially those who belong to the Ottoman school of criticism, I am reminded of Zarian’s dictum: “An Armenian’s tongue can be sharper than a Turk’s yataghan.”
              It seems to me we worry too much about Turks and not enough about the Turk within us.
              Since we can’t engage in real massacres, we engage in verbal ones.
              I once received an e-mail that said: “I am proud to be an Armenian!” Signed “Anonymous.”
              Someday if the Turks forget what it means to be a Turk, I have every reason to suspect the consultant they will hire will be an Armenian.
              Do you seriously consider the above (and the rest) an intellectual piece of writing??? Do you consider it a criticism??? If so, then define criticism and intellectual please.

              I, as many, have noticed that the two main themes in his writings (other than quotations) are Himself and Turds. Yet, quite interestingly, he accuses all of us of being "turcocentric".

              Also, Interestingly, but not surprisingly Ara (and the other self-absorbed new brand "critic") is constantly being quoted by Turds. Cute, isn't it??
              (Sometimes, I get to think that we should search for our biggest enemies within ourselves, neither Turks, nor Jews.)

              Moreover, he pretends to be "concerned" about Armenian issues, Armenians or Armenia, fine... but then, why spew his supposed "concern" within non-Armenian forums (namely Jewish forums)??? What has all this got to do with Jews?? I 'fail' to see any correlation between the two.

              Now, can you draw some conclusions??
              Last edited by Lucin; 07-20-2007, 03:25 AM.


              • Re: notes / comments

                Originally posted by Lucin View Post
                Do you seriously consider the above (and the rest) an intellectual piece of writing??? Do you consider it a criticism??? If so, then define criticism and intellectual please.

                I, as many, have noticed that the two main themes in his writings (other than quotations) are Himself and Turds. Yet, quite interestingly, he accuses all of us of being "turcocentric".

                Also, Interestingly, but not surprisingly Ara (and the other self-absorbed new brand "critic") is constantly being quoted by Turds. Cute, isn't it??
                (Sometimes, I get to think that we should search for our biggest enemies within ourselves, neither Turks, nor Jews.)

                Moreover, he pretends to be "concerned" about Armenian issues, Armenians or Armenia, fine... but then, why spew his supposed "concern" within non-Armenian forums (namely Jewish forums)??? What has all this got to do with Jews?? I 'fail' to see any correlation between the two.

                Now, can you draw some conclusions??

                This is the first I hear that Ara talks about Armenians and/or Armenian issues in a Jewish Forum. I am flabbergasted and very disappointed. If that's the case then obviously I would agree with you that it doesn't and it should never concern them and he should not go to Jewish Forums and criticize about us Armenians; it must never be their business nor is it good for us or our cause. We surely do not find any Jewish writers coming into our Forums and criticizing about Jews - I bet Jews wouldn't allow him and they would ostrycize him silly if not harm him eternally. I am very surprised if this is true and quite dissappointed to hear about it.

                But until now as I try to be open minded individual, I thought that even if I do not agree with most of Ara's views; I have seen some of his writings and he comes out with some intelligent insights and knowledge; and since that he is a writer for a great number of years I felt that we should continue to speak with him respectfully and not insultingly. Though I never knew that he has gone to Jewish Forums criticizing about us Armenians, that is terrible and I certainly do not agree with that!!!!!

                Actually there are many things that I don't agree with Ara's views, Btw; the fact that we are mostly turkocentric and that most of us has demons within us and can kill like them. This kind of talks obviously are outrageous and not true; because especially Armenians before 1915 and 1923 were the most peaceful, the most civilized, intelligent, inventors, builders, and the best specimen of citizens in any given country. However with one and the biggest fault that they do possess; a good number of Armenians get very envious and jealous from their compatriots and they could and would sometimes hurt each other for power and to rule over and simply out of outrageous jealousy. I have seen this happen to my own self numerous times; because I have had qualities and because at the same time I was also a kind and a peaceful person. Personally, of course I still love my people and I love my country with a great passion. I want my people and my country to flourish and become as great as it used to be once during Tigran the Great's time (Armenia from sea to sea). Though I sincerely wish that a good number of us start to ameliorate ourselves to become much more patriotic and start recognizing and valuing the valuable and the worthy people amongst ourselves, rather than hurting their compatriots to the point of pushing them out by harming them and further harming their communities and their cause.

                I also do not agree with Ara that he beleives like the turks that Henchagians and Tashnagtsagans before 1915 shouldn't have fought for 30 years on the mountains of the Western part of Armenia to better brace themselves and the Armenian people as they were being raped, vandalyzed, unjustly and highly taxed, killed and massacred by the RED Sultan Hamid, or the barbaric Mongolian bashebozook backward killer baboons before the murderous Ittihadists, the Zionist Jews from Selonika who practically killed my whole nation with the help of the turks; because they were sickeningly envious and jealous of Armenians and because that land was ours for 4 thousand years and we were inventors, builders, geniuses in commerce and otherwise and we were majority in numbers in Turkey. Mind you at the time our people were practically saints and very good people indeed. The bloody Ittihadist demons put the end of that.

                To sum it up my views; regardless that I have been hurt sometimes by my compatriots; I never give up in them, and being the positive and the very patriotic Armenian that I am; I also think from time to time the very good, the very patriotic and the kind but the loving Armenians that I have also met in my path and through our history books; and so you see I never lose my faith in us as I tend to look at the bright side of things and of our people.

                Last edited by Anoush; 07-20-2007, 09:39 AM.


                • Re: notes / comments

                  Friday, July 20, 2007
                  Good Turks who risked their own lives to save Armenians during the Genocide: we have all heard about them. Revolutionaries who saved Armenian lives: that’s different. I have heard of revolutionaries who published voluminous memoirs much admired by fellow revolutionaries and hamagirs (fellow travelers). I am also personally acquainted with a good number of partisans who excel in delivering fiery speeches and publishing even more fiery commentaries and editorials. All that on the positive sides. On the negative side: I have heard of revolutionaries who killed (or is it executed?) or attempted to kill or threatened to kill fellow Armenians on the grounds that they were not patriotic enough – according to standards of patriotism established by them. Were they always rights on grounds of infallibility or fair on grounds that fairness is their middle name? (Imagine if you can a justice system based on standards and criteria established by the prosecution without benefit of judge and jury). I also remember to have read somewhere in Gourgen Mahari’s memoirs what General Antranik said about them (revolutionaries) – something to the effect that they deserve not medals but the hangman’s rope.
                  Who are our revolutionaries and what has been their role in our history? Their partisans will say one thing, their detractors another. If you ask me, I will say I am better at asking questions than at answering them because, unlike some of my fellow Armenians, I don’t know everything. My only tentative answer is that I trust neither partisans nor their detractors because they both suffer from an advanced case of selective memory. They may think or believe they speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, but they speak only a fraction of it, which is how propaganda is defined: a fraction of the truth.


                  • Re: notes / comments

                    Originally posted by Anoush View Post
                    But until now as I try to be open minded individual, I thought that even if I do not agree with most of Ara's views; I have seen some of his writings and he comes out with some intelligent insights and knowledge; and since that he is a writer for a great number of years I felt that we should continue to speak with him respectfully and not insultingly.
                    Why??? He is insulting a whole nation. How's that???
                    Not everbody deserves respect. Furthermore, being a writer for a great number of years doesn't make one neither patriotic nor respectable or intellectual .

                    Though I never knew that he has gone to Jewish Forums criticizing about us Armenians, that is terrible and I certainly do not agree with that!!!!!

                    He simply seeks attention. And the 'only' way, he'd get that attention is such place, for some clear reason.
                    Last edited by Lucin; 07-20-2007, 11:59 AM.


                    • Re: notes / comments

                      Originally posted by Lucin View Post
                      Why??? He is insulting a whole nation. How's that???
                      Not everbody deserves respect. Furthermore, being a writer for a great number of years doesn't make one neither patriotic nor respectable or intellectual .
                      Although it's true that being a writer for great many years doesn't mean that he qualifies that "intellectual or intellegentsia" title; but personally I didn't read all his writings yet nor his books. He claimed that he is a critique for our good, and although he is usually pointing us our faults and blunders, etc. and since I haven't read all his books or writings yet to be more aware of him and his thoughts, then I am giving him the benefit of the doubt until such time that I would be more aware of his complete writings and his thoughts.

                      However read my post again above. I just told you that I am very disappointed in him that he has gone to the Jewish Forums criticizing us Armenians. Haven't I told you above that I wasn't aware of this before???

                      In light of what I have learned of this from you, and I trust you know the source of your knowledge that it is true; I wouldn't think the same way anymore nor would I want to pursue to know his further writings.
                      Last edited by Anoush; 07-20-2007, 02:05 PM.

