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notes / comments

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  • Re: notes / comments

    Լուսին ջան, ես քեզ շատ շատ շատ սիրում եմ

    Քո այստեղ լինելը իմ համար մի մեծ պատիվ է նաև հպարտություն, hավատա ինձ քույր ջան: Ախ, ինչ ասեմ որ քո նման Հայորդիներ շատ չկան մեր ազգի մեջ...

    Վարձկդ կատար
    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


    • Re: notes / comments

      It's so unusual to see anybody besides arabaliozian post in this thread - or open this thread? In any case, I did not pay any attention to his writings since 2002 and, though I have no desire to participate to the discussion, I wanted to share the following two quoted old posts that, more or less, summarize my opinion of him and his writings.

      (2002, Panarmenian forum)
      First of all, welcome to the forum.

      Who is Ara Baliozian? How I see Ara Baliozian?
      Ara Baliozian is a megalomaniac who blames the Armenian Community for his failures instead of reconsidering the mediocre quality of his writings and thoughts. The negative and vicious dynamism that he has created for himself made him bitter and full of venom. Unfortunately, the venom is harming himself more than his targets. Like a drug, the venom has become his lifeline: beyond the negative dynamics he has nothing to offer, he would be nobody.

      Ara Baliozian is an amateur , wannabe thinker who, suffering from isolation and loneliness, is in desperate search for disciples who can keep him company and comfort him is his intellectual misery. He seduces the "young" and inexperienced because more alerted minds would see nothing but platitudes and banalities in his writings. He reminds me of a 30 year old who takes pride in seducing a 12 year old.

      Ara Baliozian is a charlatan who preaches self-criticism, yet he seems to be incapable of the most fundamental critical self-introspection. He is a clown, yet nobody laughs at his jokes. Is he a joke? Sadly, yes because he continues to believe in the relevance of his writings and the reality of his intellectual life!

      I apologize for the negatively tainted words, but I like to call a cat a cat!


      (2004, Armenian Cafe)
      ara baliozian> i find this thread offensive.
      i am embarrassed as an armenian and outraged as a human being. this kind of racism has no place in a civilized environment. i ask the forum master, please delete it before others have a chance to see it.

      Siamanto> Its is a fact that most people find your writings offensive. It does not matter whether they are fair or unfair, right or wrong; the fact is that they are as Armenians embarrassed and outraged by your venomous writings - that you fancy to label "criticism." Do they whine and ask the forum master to delete them? No! Maybe they are more tolerant and somehow more civilized than you are!!!

      You may be "embarrassed as an armenian and outraged as a human being" by a couple of harmless words - and maybe not very "tasteful" by some standards. You have the right to feel as you feel. Personally, I am embarrassed as an Armenian to see that a mediocre writer such as you is presented as an Armenian writer. Anybody who is familiar with European Literature and Philosophy knows that you're a fraud. In fact, your work can only be compared to the low quality counterfeit money that thousands of teenagers print everyday with an inexpensive scanner and a printer. Yes, as an Armenian, I am ashamed by your cheap imitations of respectable thinkers and writers. Embarrassment is a relative feeling, so learn to be more tolerant.
      Also, many feel that the racism you constantly express is far more hateful and offensive than the title of this thread.

      Last edited by Siamanto; 07-20-2007, 02:11 PM.
      What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


      • Re: notes / comments

        Originally posted by Armenian View Post
        Լուսին ջան, ես քեզ շատ շատ շատ սիրում եմ

        Քո այստեղ լինելը իմ համար մի մեծ պատիվ է նաև հպարտություն, hավատա ինձ քույր ջան: Ախ, ինչ ասեմ որ քո նման Հայորդիներ շատ չկան մեր ազգի մեջ...

        Վարձկդ կատար
        Lucine kez neman anmichabes veras chi hartsagetsav ayl aveli hantardoren modetsoum ounetsav zis patsadrelou teh Aran nayev gerta ou critique gene mer azkin hagarag Heryanerou Forume. Yete toun al chanayir hantard ou xohem varvil nor yegoghi me hed (vorbisin eyi yes) patsadrelou aynbes inchbes Lucine patsadrets zis; menk anhimn ou barab deghe havanapar xosk chounenayink irar hed.

        Toun inch sorvetsar Lucinen? Chana hachortin Lucinen tas arnelou teh megou me vera anmichabes hartsagelout deghe zinke hamperoutyamp yev xohemoutyamp patsadres yev lousapanes yerort antsi me erads sexalnere yev aytbesov kou tadet ge shahis gyanki mech.



        • Re: notes / comments

          Originally posted by Anoush View Post
          However read my post again above. I just told you that I am very disappointed in him that he has gone to the Jewish Forums criticizing us Armenians. Haven't I told you above that I wasn't aware of this before???

          In light of what I have learned of this from you, and I trust you know the source of your knowledge that it is true; I wouldn't think the same way anymore nor would I want to pursue to know his further writings.
          Dear Anoush,
          I hear you, I don't blame you but now, you know his true colours.


          • Re: notes / comments

            Originally posted by Siamanto View Post
            It's so unusual to see anybody besides arabaliozian post in this thread - or open this thread? In any case, I did not pay any attention to his writings since 2002 and, though I have no desire to participate to the discussion, I wanted to share the following two quoted old posts that, more or less, summarize my opinion of him and his writings.

            Siamanto, I'm sincere when I say; I usually cannot read a post of yours and not laugh for ten minutes or so. LOL, I can't sleep now and it's about 1.50 AM.

            ara baliozian> i find this thread offensive.
            i am embarrassed as an armenian and outraged as a human being. this kind of racism has no place in a civilized environment. i ask the forum master, please delete it before others have a chance to see it.
            Last edited by Lucin; 07-20-2007, 02:24 PM.


            • Re: notes / comments

              Originally posted by Lucin View Post
              Dear Anoush,
              I hear you, I don't blame you but now, you know his true colours.
              It's sad but I hear you Lucin.

              I also read Siamanto's posts about him and about his psyche. It is sad.


              • Re: notes / comments

                Originally posted by Armenian View Post
                Լուսին ջան, ես քեզ շատ շատ շատ սիրում եմ
                Ես ավելի շատ:


                • Re: notes / comments

                  This is my first post in this disgusting thread:

                  This thread is chuck full of Ara B-o-z-oian's regurgitated crap. More you push him the worst he will get. And his utter hypocrisy and contradictions are breath taking. Word of caution: In his twisted mind B-o-z-oian is trying to engage us in a 'debate.' He is bored, he is alone, he simply want's company to talk to. So, he is trying to be in your face, he is trying to be eccentric, etc. Most probably this is the most excitement he has had in decades. The "notes and comments" found here are nothing but 'brain-farts' of an egomaniac.

                  There are Armenians who assimilate and disappear without a trace. And then there are assimilated ones like Ara... The problem with his kind is that once they 'assimilate' they continue sticking around to give us "advise."

                  The following quote is one of the many self-hating crap found within his rantings:

                  Originally posted by Ara the Intellectual
                  Սիրելի ընթերցողիս

                  Ընթերցողիս, որն ինձ մեղադրում է գաղափարներս տարածելու համար ինթերնետը չարաշահելու մեջ. - Հարգելի ընթերցող, Ենթադրում եմ, որ ձեզ վիրավորում է ոչ թե ինթերնետի իմ չարաշահումը, այլ խոսքի ազատությունն ընդհանրապես։ Դուք բոլոր հիմքերն ունեք կարոտելու սովետական հին, լավ տարիները (գուցե Այաթոլլահի Իրա՞նը) երբ իմ նմանին լռեցնելու համար կբավարարեր մեկ հեռախոսազանգ մոտակա կոմիսարին (կամ մոլլային):
                  Սիրելի օտարամոլ շուրտված անտաղանդ Արա,

                  Մենք մեղադրումենք կեզ որովհետեվ քո նմանները միշտ լինել են մեր ազգի դավաճաններ:

                  Մենք մեղադրումենք քեզ որովհետեվ դու մեր ազգի «սպիտակ ցեղասպանության» հպարտ և անամոթ մասնակիցներից ես:

                  Նաև մենք կեզ մեղադրումենք որովհետեվ դու իբր գրող մի անորակ, անմակարդակ և անտաղանդ մեկն ես:

                  Եւ շատ ուրախ եմ որ դուք վերչապես ձեռ իսկական գաղափարախոսական համոզումները և ձեռ բարոյական ցածր մակարդակը ցուցաբերեցիկ մեր բոլորին:

                  Եթե քո խոսկերդ վտանգավոր, քանդիչ կամ վիրավորական չ'լիներ մեր ժողովուրդի նկատմամբ մենք թքած կ'ունենայինք քո խոսկերի վրա:

                  Սակայն, այնգան ատեն որ հայրենասերներ կան մեր համայնքի մեչ դու հանգիստ պիտի չ'կարողանաս գտնել, և քո անտեղյակ և միամիդ «ունկնդիրներդ» պիտի չ'կարողանաս խաբել:

                  Ախ, դեր ին՞չ ասեմ...

                  Կ'ցավիմ իմ ազգիս Հայոց որովհետեվ քո նման եսասեր, ինքնահավան, կորոզներին ծնունդ է տալիս:
                  Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                  Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                  • Re: notes / comments

                    Saturday, July 21, 2007
                    ON OUR COLLECTIVE NEUROSIS
                    ************************************************** **
                    Have we been so severely traumatized that we cannot see the obvious? Are we so arrogant as to think there is absolutely nothing wrong with us? We have been traumatized, no doubt about that. And I don’t just mean by massacres, deportations, exile, and slum life in alien countries, but above all by six centuries of subservience. To pretend there is nothing wrong with us and that we have emerged from the long nightmare without sustaining an injury to our psyche is to live in a realm of illusions that is totally divorced from reality.
                    Consider the manner in which we conduct controversies as a case in point. In a civilized context the aim of a controversy is not verbal massacre but compromise and consensus. And the aim of writing is not to spew venom and hatred (no matter how justified) but to share understanding. Hatred, like greed, selfishness, and baseless assumptions of moral superiority are not things that need to be promoted, encouraged, justified, and legitimized. On the contrary! Even more to the point, the aim of writing is not to blame our problems on others but to expose our own failings and contradictions. Finally, the function of a writer is to be an honest witness and not a cover-up artist.
                    Last edited by arabaliozian; 07-21-2007, 04:27 AM.


                    • Re: notes / comments

                      To my gentle readers:
                      your views will enjoy more authority if you stop hiding behind false names.
                      no one respects the words of a coward! / ara

