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notes / comments

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  • Re: notes / comments

    Originally posted by skhara View Post
    A picture speaks a thousand words?
    to the moderator:
    what kind of club are you running here?
    a club of garbage-mouth hooligans whose favorite mode of expressing themselves is to either shxx or puke?
    i suggest you do some serious work on your image, whoever you are. / ara


    • Re: notes / comments

      “Mutual intolerance, divisiveness, envy, betrayal, and a thousand other vices have built permanent nests in our hearts.”

      Couldn't agree more.

      Portrait of the Armenian race
      Mutual agreement towards a common goal. Like any other race we Armenians are doomed. As Hobbes states: The condition of man...
      is a condition of war of everyone against everyone.

      You mentioned in one of your posts; those who are given power will use it for their own sake. I believe so, that is how we are conceived.
      Being Armenian isn't any different; we would've done the same.
      Yes we had betrayers in the past and we will have in the future. That's their choice, made either by "free will" or constraint.
      I wouldn't judge them, who am I to judge anyway?!
      Where our interests converge, we make a hell of unison. Even wolves hunt in packs.

      Interesting thoughts you have, I may not be able to read them all though.
      Keep up the good work

      And for those damn braggers out there stop poking your noses in this thread if you're not cool with it.
      Or just present counter arguments and discuss.


      • Re: notes / comments

        Monday, August 13, 2007
        Khorenatsi (5t century), Naregatsi (10th century) and Raffi (19th century), three of our greatest writers, agree on one important point, namely: our failures are extensions of our own failings. But if we are to believe our self-appointed pundits and ghazetajis, there is nothing wrong with us and we have nothing to worry about because we are good hands.
        If you want to understand the past, begin with the present. If you want to understand others, begin with yourself.
        Mediocrities achieve excellence only in their merciless persecution of anyone who dares to surpass them.
        The worst thing that can happen to a speechifier is to believe in his own rhetoric.
        A nation that trusts its dividers signs its own death warrant.
        If Khorenatsi, Naregatsi, and Raffi were alive today, they would be ruthlessly and promptly silenced. And why? Because to defend the lies of our charlatans is more important than the truths of our great writers.


        • Re: notes / comments

          Tuesday, August 14, 2007
          A Turk who dares to mention the Armenian Genocide in Turkey is accused of insulting Turkishness; and an Armenian who says anything remotely critical about our collective existence is accused of insulting Armenishness. How can anyone insult an abstraction that is not even defined but used as an umbrella under which prosecutors and self-appointed commissars of culture feel authorized to assert their superior patriotism or morality and to hurl insults at their fellow countrymen?
          It never ceases to amaze me – the unbelievable arrogance, ease and speed with which an Armenian hooligan or skinhead assumes to be an infallible judge of Armenishness, point a finger at you, and hiss, “Admit it, you work for Ankara!”
          When they can’t stand on their own two feet, they invoke Armenishness, or even God and Country, in the hope these mighty abstractions will fill their darkness with light and their brand of paranoia and insanity with reason.
          Below four recent anonymous comments on my writings:
          “I spit on you,”
          “Everything you say is garbage,”
          “You make me puke,”
          “What you write is sh**!”
          In their defense of Armenishness, some of my gentle readers do not hesitate to expose their Turkishness as defined by Turkish prosecutors who, in their efforts to defend Turkish culture and identity, do not hesitate to adopt fascist means – that is to say, to behave like barbarians.


          • Re: notes / comments

            Wednesday, August 15, 2007
            At one time or another I have been accused of working for Ankara, the KGB, the CIA, the Mossad, the ARF, and the ADL. On several occasions I have also been accused of living in an ivory tower. Suspicious buggers, these Armenians. In the 20th century alone they were taken in by some of the worst crooks in the history of mankind – among them, Talaat, Hitler, and Stalin – but they are now suspicious of a harmless scribbler whose sole ambition in life is to be an honest and impartial witness. The truth is, I was born and raised in a Greek slum and I now live in a Canadian slum; and as far as I know, ivory towers don’t grow in slums; and even a retard wouldn’t consider risking his life working for less than minimum wage for half-a-dozen international spy agencies.
            Now I know why the children of famous Armenian writers share a common preference for living as far away from Armenian community centers as possible.
            The trouble with having a sharp tongue is that sooner or later you end up by stabbing yourself.


            • Re: notes / comments

              Thursday, August 16, 2007
              If you think you are a better Armenian, think of it only as a possibility rather than a certainty. Most of our problems would be solved if we were to adopt a less dogmatic stance.
              The very best way to prove your superiority as an Armenian is by being more tolerant of your fellow men, including Armenians.
              Whenever you disagree with a fellow Armenian, remind yourself that Armenians have disagreed with one another since time immemorial and the chances are they will continue to do so as long as they exist.
              If you think those who disagree with you are lesser men, perhaps even Turks in disguise, consider the possibility that what you think of them, they think of you.
              Above all, never use the Genocide as a license with which to verbally assault and abuse others, be they Armenians or Turks. In this connection, Saroyan may indeed be right: we should speak of Turks and massacres not with self-righteous outrage but with sorrow, and sorrow for both the victims as well as their victimizers. Why victimizers? Because they are either human beings like us (in which case they must bear a heavy burden on their conscience) or animals (in which case, they have shed all traces of that most valuable of all human attributes: their humanity).


              • Re: notes / comments

                Originally posted by zourna View Post
                “Mutual intolerance, divisiveness, envy, betrayal, and a thousand other vices have built permanent nests in our hearts.”

                Couldn't agree more.

                Portrait of the Armenian race
                Mutual agreement towards a common goal. Like any other race we Armenians are doomed. As Hobbes states: The condition of man...
                is a condition of war of everyone against everyone.

                You mentioned in one of your posts; those who are given power will use it for their own sake. I believe so, that is how we are conceived.
                Being Armenian isn't any different; we would've done the same.
                Yes we had betrayers in the past and we will have in the future. That's their choice, made either by "free will" or constraint.
                I wouldn't judge them, who am I to judge anyway?!
                Where our interests converge, we make a hell of unison. Even wolves hunt in packs.

                Interesting thoughts you have, I may not be able to read them all though.
                Keep up the good work

                And for those damn braggers out there stop poking your noses in this thread if you're not cool with it.
                Or just present counter arguments and discuss.
                ************************************************** ***

                AMEN to that! / ara


                • Re: notes / comments

                  Friday, August 17, 2007
                  ************************************************** ***
                  The simple-minded simplify, and when they speak of patriotism or the homeland, they ignore the fact that they are not speaking of a single entity but of several and sometimes mutually exclusive concepts. Consider the word homeland, as a case in point: does it refer to (a) the real estate (mountains, lakes, rivers, valleys), (b) the regime, (c) the people, (d) the culture? If the regime is corrupt, do we support it or oppose it? If the people have adopted a passive stance (as a result of centuries of subservience to ruthless alien tyrants) do we accept their subservience as an inevitable fact of life or do we expose it as a symptom of Pavlovian conditioning? If such alien excrescences as American materialism, Ottoman authoritarianism, and Soviet contempt for fundamental human rights have contaminated our culture and traditional values, do we pretend our identity and values have not been perverted? I remember one of our patriotic dupes saying: “Even if 1% of the money we send there finds its way to those who need it, we have done some good.” But what if the 99% that goes into the wrong pockets reinforces and prolongs a regime of kleptocrats and bloodsuckers? What if by helping 1% of the population we prolong the misery of the 99%?


                  • Re: notes / comments

                    Societies are made to protect the individuals within that are seeking refuge and protection...and in return individuals contrive, in the name of honor, patriotism, to preserve that ideal. To the extent of personnel sacrifices...
                    Aforesaid, it's not really a matter of ignorance nor submissiveness. And I personally wouldn't go on in the details of different entities and concepts. Besides, Isolating "entities" as per (regime) to either support and oppose would seem absurd in the bigger picture. It's like a chain; brake a link, you'll end up loosing it all.
                    I'd say patriotism is a good business provided that the two concerned parties remain "faithful" to each
                    other. Citizens and societies, neither can persist without the other.

                    As for "Armenian patriotism" regarding the Diaspora. It's more of a puzzle.
                    A Citizen as in is a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection
                    What are we? where lies our allegiance?
                    The exclusiveness of these "entities", would make sense here. (True only amongst Armenians that's what they say!
                    But is it healthy to choose different "entities" from different "Homelands" to end up with a mix that sets our eccentricity?!


                    • Re: notes / comments

                      Saturday, August 18, 2007
                      ON BEING A PROUD ARMENIAN
                      What’s wrong with being a humble Armenian? To each his own, of course. Speaking for myself, I prefer humility to pride.
                      If you had a choice between dealing with a proud Frenchman or Russian or Greek, and a humble one, which would you choose?
                      When does pride end and arrogance begin? I don’t know. I hope you do, because arrogance or hubris is universally acknowledged not as an asset but as a liability.
                      Is god proud of the fact that he created the universe? As a matter of fact, he is so humble that even the Pope of Rome doubts his existence seven times every day, or so Italians are fond of saying.
                      When an Armenian identifies himself as a proud Armenian, how much of it is reality speaking and how much illusion? We all have illusions, of course – most of them about ourselves. But the older we grow, the more illusions we shed. Perhaps absence of illusions would be another definition of wisdom.
                      Speaking of god and the universe, I read the following quotation by Christopher Morley in today’s paper: “My theology, briefly, is that the universe was dictated but not signed.”

