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Who among you...

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  • #11
    Re: Who among you...

    Originally posted by Anonymouse
    I do. I'd like to. I don't know.

    How fitting.

    So you don't know everything!

    I found your weakness!


    Okay now you can post the pic of the nerdy me with the outfit.

    Feel free.


    • #12
      Re: Who among you...

      Originally posted by Anonymouse
      What then is truth? A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms -- in short, a sum of human relations, which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins. We still do not know where the urge for truth comes from; for as yet we have heard only of the obligation imposed by society that it should exist: to be truthful means using the customary metaphors - in moral terms, the obligation to lie according to fixed convention, to lie herd-like in a style obligatory for all... -- Nietzsche
      Not only did that answer the question better than a song lyric, but, it was easier to understand & to the point.

      The worst movie ever has a line close to, "Truth is what the majority of people believe". ...I don't know if I accept that...


      • #13
        Re: Who among you...

        Originally posted by Quarteria
        Not only did that answer the question better than a song lyric, but, it was easier to understand & to the point.

        The worst movie ever has a line close to, "Truth is what the majority of people believe". ...I don't know if I accept that...
        You will find Nietzsche has a way with words that makes us feel giddy inside.
        Achkerov kute.


        • #14
          Re: Who among you...

          Originally posted by parthiapride

          How fitting.

          So you don't know everything!

          I found your weakness!


          Okay now you can post the pic of the nerdy me with the outfit.

          Feel free.

          I'm glad I can make you happy.
          Achkerov kute.


          • #15
            Re: Who among you...

            Too bad he died mad with syphilis.

            Or the story goes...

            Is that the truth?


            • #16
              Re: Who among you...

              Originally posted by parthiapride
              Too bad he died mad with syphilis.

              Or the story goes...

              Is that the truth?
              Are you going to make any worthwhile contribution to this thread that you started?
              Achkerov kute.


              • #17
                Re: Who among you...

                Originally posted by Anonymouse
                You will find Nietzsche has a way with words that makes us feel giddy inside.


                • #18
                  Re: Who among you...

                  Originally posted by Anonymouse
                  Are you going to make any worthwhile contribution to this thread that you started?

                  Have I ever?

                  The word evolution has been used to refer both to a fact and a theory. The existence of these two distinct meanings, and confusion over the relationship between and definitions of fact and theory in science, have often caused misunderstandings among laypeople about the scientific status of evolution.

                  When evolution is used to describe a fact, it refers to the observations that populations of one species of organism do, over time, change into new species. In this sense, evolution occurs whenever a new species of bacterium evolves that is resistant to antibiotics which had been lethal to prior strains.

                  When evolution is used to describe a theory, it refers to an explanation for why and how the process of evolution (in the sense, for example, of "speciation") occurs. An example of evolution as theory is the modern synthesis of Darwin and Wallace's theory of natural selection and Mendel's principles of genetics. This theory has three major aspects:

                  1. Common descent of all organisms from a single ancestor or ancestral gene pool.
                  2. Manifestation of novel traits in a lineage.
                  3. Mechanisms that cause some traits to persist while others perish.

                  When people provide evidence for the process (or "fact") of evolution, they are supporting the idea that evolution occurs at all; when they provide evidence for a certain theory of evolution, however, they are supporting a given theory as the best explanation yet as to why and how the process of evolution occurs.

                  There you go Der Metzger Meister.

                  Evolution IS fact.

                  Just many theories like Darwinism to help explain it...
                  Last edited by parthiapride; 04-25-2006, 05:38 PM.


                  • #19
                    Re: Who among you...

                    Well, here we go. Time to offer a rebuttal.

                    Originally posted by parthiapride
                    Have I ever?

                    The word evolution has been used to refer both to a fact and a theory. The existence of these two distinct meanings, and confusion over the relationship between and definitions of fact and theory in science, have often caused misunderstandings among laypeople about the scientific status of evolution.

                    When evolution is used to describe a fact, it refers to the observations that populations of one species of organism do, over time, change into new species. In this sense, evolution occurs whenever a new species of bacterium evolves that is resistant to antibiotics which had been lethal to prior strains.
                    This is misleading as it has previously been pointed out on this forum. The above example of bacteria are nothing more and nothing less than adaptational changes. It is similar with moths which change color, or fruit flies. Evolutionists like to advance these as somehow 'evidence' of evolution being 'observable', but that is a twisting of semantics.

                    For starters, no one has ever denied within species variation. These microevolutionary changes are observed. The question is, what is the point of these and what do they mean? Do they mean something bigger? The changes that have led simple celled orgnaisms to form into complex ones, those are the ones that have never been observed and alleged to have occured over millions of years, in a past not observable. As such, it is entirely taken on faith that the alleged actions occurred. If it is asserted that overtime, these minor adaptational changes would and do lead to those big changes we have not seen, then again this begs question, where is the evidnece? Has this been observed? Can these processes be repeated?

                    Originally posted by parthiapride
                    When evolution is used to describe a theory, it refers to an explanation for why and how the process of evolution (in the sense, for example, of "speciation") occurs. An example of evolution as theory is the modern synthesis of Darwin and Wallace's theory of natural selection and Mendel's principles of genetics. This theory has three major aspects:

                    1. Common descent of all organisms from a single ancestor or ancestral gene pool.
                    2. Manifestation of novel traits in a lineage.
                    3. Mechanisms that cause some traits to persist while others perish.

                    When people provide evidence for the process (or "fact") of evolution, they are supporting the idea that evolution occurs at all; when they provide evidence for a certain theory of evolution, however, they are supporting a given theory as the best explanation yet as to why and how the process of evolution occurs.

                    There you go Der Metzger Meister.

                    Evolution IS fact.
                    You are piling too many assumptions into one word: evolution. If by 'evolution' we are talking about microevolutionary or adaptational changes, then yes, we agree 'evolution' occurs. But if by 'evolution' you are asserting that simple celled organisms have evolved into complex ones, that is unclear and purely a matter of faith.
                    Achkerov kute.


                    • #20
                      Re: Who among you...

                      Well, its the best we got.

                      You got anything better?

