I've successfully had to take a dump 23 times today and counting. Everytime I have a bowel movement it looks like I drained my oil in the toilet.
Except for the last three times.....All I've eaten today because of my messed up stomach is half a box of mint girl scout cookies (stolen), and they've made their way through my GI tract already. I have been xxxxting crumbled cookies that are maintaining their same consistency as when I swallowed them. This leads me to believe that I am not getting any nourishment today.
I ordered pizza earlier, and I'll let you know what that looks like when it comes out too. Maybe I'll take pictures and document the end of my record breaking day of xxxxting, you know, just to be scientific.
Oh yeah, and I was suppoed to be drinking green beer today, but when I went to leave, I crumbled in pain while trying to put on my pants and I squirted in my Curious George boxers. I now have a big blackish brown splotch on them. Likewise, the Hawaiian style boxers I'm wearing right now have taken some damage, but I'm out of options so I have to wear them.
Not what I'd call a "good day", but at least I have you guys, my only friends.
Except for the last three times.....All I've eaten today because of my messed up stomach is half a box of mint girl scout cookies (stolen), and they've made their way through my GI tract already. I have been xxxxting crumbled cookies that are maintaining their same consistency as when I swallowed them. This leads me to believe that I am not getting any nourishment today.
I ordered pizza earlier, and I'll let you know what that looks like when it comes out too. Maybe I'll take pictures and document the end of my record breaking day of xxxxting, you know, just to be scientific.
Oh yeah, and I was suppoed to be drinking green beer today, but when I went to leave, I crumbled in pain while trying to put on my pants and I squirted in my Curious George boxers. I now have a big blackish brown splotch on them. Likewise, the Hawaiian style boxers I'm wearing right now have taken some damage, but I'm out of options so I have to wear them.
Not what I'd call a "good day", but at least I have you guys, my only friends.